Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Heart Opening and Gratitude
By Judith Kusel

These last few days have been so heart-opening for me, that my soul is filled with gratitude.

Since 2008, when my new life began, I was capitulated into a totally new way of life and living, as I now saw and experienced life differently, working with energy and energy fields, the spine of the earth, opening ancient crystal pyramids, crystalline energy grids, etc. and with it all the ability to do my Soul Readings and to download cosmic information.

Yet, it has been a lonely road, as family did not understand, lost friends, no home, nothing but what I knew I was being called to do and be, and following that call and inner guidance, even if I did not always understand, where this was leading me.

I could not readily share with anyone, as few were open to

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