Today so far there we have more powerful Diamond Plasma light, Gramma and Cosmic Rays flooding us, along with KP5 geomagnetic storms for the earlier part of the day, now back to 3.67 LOL, as shown as some very interesting readings on the Spaceweather app! Along with Solar Winds and some minor C-Class flares. The perfect reality shifting type of Cosmic weather as I call it, as we continue to RE-BIRTH OURSELVES AS OUR ONE TRUE DIAMOND AVATAR SELF & NEW EDEN, all being ignited from within us in this timeless NOW!
Decimal numbers yesterday and earlier on today, never seen this before, and it was also showing the KP5 in yellow instead of its usual red colour. I’ve also noticed that the Radio Blackout graph seems stuck over America for the past two days and is not moving across the globe.
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