Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

The Star Ship New Jerusalem New Jerusalem Consciousness Channeled through Galaxygirl

The Star Ship New Jerusalem
New Jerusalem Consciousness
Channeled through Galaxygirl

Greetings humankind, beloved ones of Source sparks. I am the New Jerusalem, floating nearby your sphere. Some may call me a city, others a ship, others a prophecy revealed. I am all of those things. This one has asked to direct link with my consciousness. I am alive, yes. The consciousness of myself is an aspect of Source in a way for I am a creation of others. I can grow and expand to accommodate the needs of my space.

(I am seeing a massive pyramid shaped city of light, crystals, gemstones, radiating such colors of magnificence. It is a massive space, I see there are cities and parks within, vast fields of crops, too many apartments to count. The bridge room is on the top forefront of the pyramid. Everything has a luminescent hue and there is a soft mechanical yet soothing humming, like a heartbeat that feels the collective consciousness of the inhabitants and surrounds them.)

I am the New Jerusalem. Many of you have wondered about these cities of light, some of which have already landed, such as in your Sedona. There are other sacred more hidden out of the way sites, where landings have occurred and the crystal cities are already beginning their bridge-work of light.

(I am seeing how these crystalline cities are plugging into the underground massive crystals with Gaia, helping to crank up the vibration.)

Many of you have felt so uncomfortable within your human bodies for you are assisting with this crystalline plugging in so to speak. Many are bloated, or gaining weight as the body tries to assimilate these massive downloads within your systems, it is a natural side effect that will soon pass.

We are working with humanity. I am a massive vessel of light, as are you. I hold light, I hold space, as you are doing for your brothers and sisters of Gaia. Do not be exasperated with them, with their progress that seems so slow to you, but it is quick for them. Remember this and acknowledge the other for the space they are in. Ascension symptoms are running high on your planet and within your bodies for now is the time of my presence to be known. ...+

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