Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

He Picks You for a Roomie

Thought Adjuster

Is The Teacher

Message received by Anyas

Posted April 18, 2022

Oregon, USA, May 12, 2021.
“Zaccheus: “I may be a sinner, but the great Teacher has come to abide in my house; [. . .] I am going to seek salvation with all my heart and learn to do righteousness in the sight of God.” [UB, 171:6.2]
Jesus: “And marvel not at what I say nor take offense at what we do, for I have all along declared that the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which is lost.” [UB, 171:6.3]
Thought Adjuster: “This exchange took place when Jesus chose to spend the night in the home of Zaccheus, a wealthy tax collector, held in poor esteem by local Pharisees.
Borrow Zaccheus' words, and speak them with heartfelt conviction. How does that make you feel?
Another great Teacher — a divine Fragment — selected to cohabit with you without limiting his stay to the passing of a single night. How do you acknowledge such an honor? Such a show of divine trust should fill you with boundless gratitude, as it tells you in no uncertain terms that the Father values you more than you value yourself. Reflect on it for a moment....>>>

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