Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

he Old Dissolves, Paradise is to Follow By Kejraj, EraofLight

he Old Dissolves, Paradise is to Follow
By Kejraj, EraofLight

Greetings friends, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.

The information expressed here is to that of my perspective, my point of view for all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune in to the light within you.

There are major aspects of the old ways which are to be put to rest during this coming season of winter 2022, 2023.

This, understandably, will not be easy for many, as detachment is found very difficult for most humans. However, detachment is one of the main lessons you must learn while in the lower frequency realities.

The soul will bring itself into situations where detachment is practiced. This is done through simply losing little materialistic things, to losing your job, and to parting ways with loved ones. As this process unfolds, with the fifth dimensional energies being activated more and more in this realm, what is of the old construct is to dissolve, and soon be but a memory in the consciousness of the collective.

This is what the majority of the informed have failed to understand. What has been considered normal by the masses, one of the main aspects being “work” in order to provide for the family, it is to...+

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