Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Hats off to Alex Jones for his Obama Joker Campaign

Whoever thought of making a downloadable pdf of the Obama Joker poster... and then having a contest to choose the best video of the Obama Joker poster is brilliant.

The way this is spreading around the world is amazing. It's making the mainstream media... The posters are showing up in local news reports and in local papers. Google owners supported Obama and gave him donations. They are quickly removing the youtube videos of Obama as the Joker.

Better watch these videos before they are pulled down.

There are links to the media articles on the front page of InfoWars

Videos are coming in to InfoWars from around the world. I haven't had a chance to listen to all of them... But I have my favorites.

I love the music that this one uses... Rage against the Machine. I also love the shots of Hollywood, the traffic and the people. I used to live there. Sometimes I actually miss it.

You won't believe that this one is actually my favorite. It's white rap... full of profanity. It is VERY well done and it gets the message across. The amazing thing about what Alex has done is appealed to the youth. IMO ONLY the awakened youth are going to put an end to our country's downhill slide into either communism, anarchy or anarchy followed by a totalitarian state.
It has to be stopped before it gets that far. These posters, with on some of them, will surely wake up tens of thousands of people. Watch this one. This man just woke up. Listen to what he says.

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Comment by Trudy on August 15, 2009 at 7:26am
When Obama was elected president I thought, perhaps he's really gonna change the world, not so! Quantanamo Bay is still full of so-called criminals, especially 600 men are being held without any form of court.
He remains just as Bush, call on defeating Al Qaeda. There is no Al Qaeda there is an Osama Bin Laden, a major arms dealer, who still does business with the Bush family, also an arms dealer . No, the governments of the U.S.A. is a large plot of inhuman leaders.

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