Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Guideposts of Inner Growth The Beloved Is the Teacher Received by Lytske

Guideposts of Inner Growth
The Beloved
Is the Teacher
Received by Lytske

The Beloved: “A pure and trusting heart that comes in joy to the Creator of all is always sure of a loving response. It is the way of gladness that despite outer circumstances, the soul still has a song to sing. As well, the Creator always and likewise, enjoys the elevated state of the soul.

You have begun more clearly to recognize the Spark of God within. You also have begun to realize that the Beloved within is known to each individual soul by Its own name. Although the name does not matter, the reality of Its existence does.

Therefore, the more often a mortal turns inward into the Silence, the more he or she partakes of that immortal Gift from God. In time such a life will exude that indefinable fragrance as it learns to discern the still Voice and to follow Its leadings.

The saturation of divine love of the Creator is always reciprocal to the love of the human creature, although this may not always be perceived as such by others. The self is very ignorant of its growth. He or she can only discern this on looking back over their lives’ paths.+++

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