God Exists in All CircumstancesArchangel GabrielThrough Shanta Gabrielhttps://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/08/god-exists-in-all-circumstances.htmlBe aware of the simple truth that God exists in all circumstances
The idea that God exists in all circumstances can be a very challenging concept. This is especially true when faced with some of the more horrendous experiences people are having around the world.
It is difficult to see how there could be a benevolent Universal Presence working in these situations and yet, another name for God is All That Is.
God is a word that is probably the most volatile and misunderstood word in any language. More wars have been fought in the name of God than for any other reason. For me, when I use the word God, coupled with my understanding from Archangel Gabriel, it means an infinite, All Pervasive Presence of Divine Love and Intelligence.
My challenge in every situation of my life is to remember this Divine Truth as quickly as I can re-focus my attention and begin to pray — not only for the situation and the people involved but also for myself, so I can see from a more expanded perspective and stay in balance emotionally.
I have found the most difficult times for...+
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