Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Globalist Agenda Watch 2018: War / “Mass Arrests” Watch, Part 2 [Special Note – 14 April 2018] – The NWO Historical Account of This Week’s Attack on Syria (enhanced ++)

~ Section 3 ~
While we’re on the subject of the old UN being blown up by a nuke, it’s important to note that the destruction of the existing UN by fire is depicted by the mural in the Security Council Chamber. Here’s what I wrote about it in a previous alert on the Nuclear 9/11 scenario…
The globalist “elite” are obsessed with the symbolism of the phoenix, the bird which explodes into flames and is then reborn from its own ashes. Now look again at the mural located in the UN’s Security Council Chamber…

The mural actually depicts the Security Council Chamber itself. Look at the color of the wall depicted in the mural, then look at the color of the Security Council Chamber wall surrounding the mural. (It’s the same.) Also look at the shape and color of the object on which the phoenix is standing in the mural, then look at the semi-circular desk at which the Security Council members sit. You’ll see that the phoenix is actually standing on its ashes which lie on the desk of the Security Council. But in the mural, the desk has a disfigured appearance, as if it’s been melted, and the ashes of the old phoenix lie on the burnt table.
So the mural depicts the New World Order phoenix standing in the ashes of the old UN on the burnt Security Council desk. It portrays the destruction of the Security Council Chamber by fire. Blowing up the UN complex thus becomes the fulfillment of the mural.
(Note – 11 April 2018) – If the “Mass Arrests” option is in play, we may see military units heading for DC once Trump makes a decision on a strike plan for Syria. According to the script, the “Deep State” will believe the forces are being positioned to protect the capital from foreign commando / saboteur / terrorist cells that may be activated after the US conducts its strike. But the units will be commanded by “military officers loyal to the Constitution,” and their actual mission will be to help arrest the “Deep State coup conspirators.”
~ Section 4 ~
Now if we look at Option 2 (“mass arresting them”) in terms of what has been happening this week, we see that…
1) Pro-Trump alt-media propaganda agents Alex Jones and Roger Stone were in Washington this week ostensibly to do speeches and a Q&A session at the National Press Club…

…from Infowars
But in one of his videos yesterday, Jones let slip something notable at the 4:56 mark…
“I was in DC today with former CIA contractors and a bunch of folks – patriots…
…I was in a room of former Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon and Army Special Operations…”
So Jones wasn’t in Washington just to give a speech. He attended a globalist minion meeting as well, where he was likely briefed on what’s coming and given the propaganda package he is supposed to release during his “Stop the Collapse of America” broadcast marathon, which started today and lasts through the 13th…

…from Infowars
As for the “former CIA contractors” he met with, I strongly suspect they are connected to Blackwater’s Erik Prince…

…from The Economist
If you’ll recall, Prince made the news about an offer to set up a private spy network for Trump – one that would supposedly bypass the “Trump-hostile, Deep State-compromised” government intelligence agencies…

…from The Intercept
And he also made the news with this…

…from The Washington Post
Are you beginning to see how all this is fitting together – and how it would impact both Washington and Syria? If not, don’t fret; I have more to add after lunch. By the time I’m done, it will be crystal-clear.
~ more ~
Getting back to the “former Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon and Army Special Operations” folks Jones met with in Washington, those are precisely the type of people Erik Prince hires, aren’t they? And wouldn’t you know it, such people have been on Alex Jones’ media outlets as part of the “elite pedophilia” propaganda campaign…

…from YouTube
Here is another Infowars video featuring the same former Navy Seal, Craig “Sawman” Sawyer. Take note that he is being interviewed by Quentin Carter…

…from YouTube
And besides Infowars, can you guess for whom Quentin Carter has worked / is working? ERIK PRINCE…

…from YouTube. Note the date of the post: it was on a 322.
So one of Erik Prince’s operatives is now working as “Alex Jones’ personal bodyguard”…

…from YouTube
In that last video, LISTEN TO THE INTRODUCTION. He is introduced as “Quentin Carter, A.K.A. Q.” Q as in “Q-Anon”? It may be one of Alex Jones and Erik Prince’s own men who has been jerking around all those suckers on the message boards.
~ more 2~
Now if we start looking at some articles on Infowars, we see where all this is headed.
This is one of note…

…from Infowars. Here is an excerpt…
>>> When Donald Trump gets hit, he always hits back even harder.
So when the deep state decided to conduct a legal witch hunt against President Trump and his family, they should have expected that Trump would return the favor. In recent days, there have been all sorts of rumblings about sealed indictments, pending arrests and a “deep state takedown”. Many believe that we are on the verge of seeing some of the most prominent Democrats in the entire nation being arrested and thrown in prison. < And here is another Infowars article of note… If you take the time to listen to the interview, they talk about going after the Clinton machine – and possibly Obama too – by summer, just in time to influence the midterm Congressional elections. So if they go ahead and start arresting / indicting the Clinton/Obama network on Friday the 13th, they will say they’re doing it “to save the world from the Deep State’s effort to start nuclear war with Russia.” On another note, there is historical / mythological reason the globalists are/were aiming to start the arrests tomorrow. You can find it in the Wikipedia article on Friday the 13th… “A suggested origin of the superstition—Friday, 13 October 1307, the date Philip IV of France arrested hundreds of the Knights Templar—may not have been formulated until the 20th century. It is mentioned in the 1955 Maurice Druon historical novel The Iron King (Le Roi de fer), John J. Robinson’s 1989 work Born in Blood: The Lost Secrets of Freemasonry, Dan Brown’s 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code and Steve Berry’s The Templar Legacy (2006).” And if we look at King Philip IV of France’s Wikipedia entry, we see this… “In 1306, Philip the Fair expelled the Jews from France and, in 1307, he annihilated the order of the Knights Templar. Philip was in debt to both groups and saw them as a ‘state within the state’.” So just as King Philip IV arrested the “Deep State” of his day on Friday the 13th, President Trump will do so with the “Deep State” of his day, or so the Freemasons would like to play it. With their plans now openly exposed, we’ll see if the globalists have the huevos to follow through. If they don’t, they’ll make an excuse about delaying the Syria strike for an international investigation of the chemical attack or for the arrival of the Truman strike group off Syria, and they’ll reschedule for the 22nd. But by the 22nd, their plans will be ripped to shreds. ~ more 3~ It is at this point that we should take a common sense break and do a reality check. So let me ask you… Do your really believe Erik Prince – a man who ran a mercenary company that helped the globalists subdue Iraq and Afghanistan – has turned against his former masters (without being killed for his betrayal)? Or has he simply been contracted to play a new role for them? Before you answer, let me remind you of something I wrote in one of my entries on globalist minion Paul Craig Roberts… One of the great things about regular folks like you and me is that we are generally trusting and ready to take a person at his/her word. Unfortunately, this great quality is also a great weakness when dealing with people with forked tongues and impure aims, like the globalists. To help us get past this self-destructive habit of extending unearned trust, allow me to offer… Ken’s First Rule for Not Being a Sucker: When a “former” insider comes forth to offer you information and interpretation, don’t discount the likelihood that the former insider is a current insider tasked with misleading you. This would seem to be a rather commonsense rule, but for some reason it is ignored when “insiders” bend our ears to tell us supposed secrets and give us a heads-up on “what’s really going on” and what it means. The alternative media is chock full of talking heads who are purported “former” insiders at the FBI, CIA, NSA, World Bank, Treasury, Wall Street, and so on. There are even some purported current insiders who go through the rube-impressing pretense of disguising their voices and using code names. And what are virtually all of these guys telling us? They tell us how bad are the US and the West while either ignoring or promoting China and the East. In other words, they are establishing the Bad Cop and the Good Cop so the globalists can run their governance reform scam. Take Paul Craig Roberts for example: > He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy.
> He is a former editor at the Wall Street Journal.
> He was the “first occupant of the William E. Simon Chair for Economic Policy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies [CSIS], then part of Georgetown University.” It’s worth noting that Georgetown is a Jesuit institution, and the Board of Trustees of CSIS includes Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and representatives of Exxon Mobil, Boeing, Coca Cola, AIG, GlaxoSmithKline, and Morgan Stanley (to name a few).
Looking at the high positions this guy has held in the Washington/Wall Street Establishment, ask yourself this: “Is PCR really going against all of his lifelong associates or is he simply carrying water for them like he always has?”
So take a moment to set aside WHAT YOU REALLY, REALLY WANT TO BE TRUE and see the situation for what it is…
The whole “white hat” rebellion against the “Deep State” is a load of bullsh*t being sold to the awakening public BY A BUNCH OF SPOOKS, MERCENARIES, GLOBALIST MINIONS, AND PROPAGANDISTS. And TRUMP IS NOTHING MORE THAN A FLAMBOYANT REALITY TV STAR WHO HAS BEEN CAST TO PLAY A ROLE ON THE PUBLIC STAGE.
If you want to see positive change in this world, stop looking to the saviors the globalists are selling you and start looking to yourself.

Real Solutions [1.3]


[Mod 1.3 – 7 October 2017: A link to a new solutions entry — “Part 4” — has been added at the bottom]

The challenge before our race is to stop looking to our abusive “elite” parents for guidance and sustenance…

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Comment by CHRISTINA on April 15, 2018 at 2:02pm

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