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Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 91 – Selling dialectic conflict and nuclear Armageddon the Paul Craig Roberts way (+ Addendum 1

Globalist Agenda Watch 2015: Update 91 – Selling dialectic conflict...

Have a look at what our favorite globalist shill, Paul Craig Roberts, published yesterday…
…From Sputnik

It is a classic piece of Evil West vs. Good East dialectic propaganda, featuring the evil Neocons and the spectre of nuclear war. And it’s just in time for the holidays!

It also mentions something I was too busy to cover this week…

>>> Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF), allegedly a neutral, non-political world organization, has been suborned into the fight against Russia. Under Washington’s pressure, the IMF has abandoned its policy of refusing to lend to debtors who are in arrears in their loan payments to creditors.  In the case of Ukraine’s debt to Russia, this decision removes the enforcement mechanism that prevents countries (such as Greece) from defaulting on their debts. The IMF has announced that it will lend to Ukraine in order to pay the Ukraine’s Western creditors despite the fact that Ukraine has renounced repayment of loans from Russia.

In other words, the IMF is presenting itself, although the financial media will not notice, as a tool of US foreign policy.  

What this shows, and what should concern us, is that the institutions of Western civilization are in fact tools of American dominance. The institutions are not there for the noble reasons stated in their founding documents. /strong>

Roberts is, of course, misrepresenting the way things are. In truth, the UN/IMF/World Bank, America, and the Neoconservatives are all tools of the GLOBALISTS. The globalists are the ones driving all this, not the captive American nation-state or the designated “bad guys / scapegoats” in this little drama, the Neocons. And far from being a tool of US national interests, the IMF just added the Chinese renminbi to their SDR basket of currencies because the globalists plan to give the Chinese “ownership” of the institution after the transition. Here is an excerpt from George Soros and the China-fronted NWO >>>


Starting at the 9:26 mark of this video and continuing on into the second part, George Soros tells us why the globalists used China to bring in the NWO…

I think this would be the time, because you really need to bring China into the creation of a new world order — financial world order. They are kind of reluctant members of the IMF. They play along, but they don’t make much of a contribution because it’s not their institution. Their share is not commeasurate — their voting rights are not commeasurate — to their weight. So I think you need a New World Order that China has to be part of the process of creating it, and they have to buy in. They have to own it the same way as I said the United States owns… the Washington consensus… the current order, and I think this would be a more stable one where you would have a coordinated policies.


To put it plainly, the IMF cafeteria will soon be removing foie gras from the menu and adding shark fin…

This being the case, why the row over Ukrainian loans? Because it’s an insignificant issue that can be used to animate the dialectic conflict. It was a move the IMF made to support the globalist propaganda effort. And in Update 24, I wrote about where they’re going with this…


The seeming insanity of recent US government policies is not the result of stupidity or incompetence; it is all very deliberate, and it’s intended to make the West look bad and the East look good. So when the “wise” BRICS leaders sweep in to wrest control of the UN/IMF/World Bank from the “insane” Western leaders, people are expected to accept that the “new management” will finally make these institutions work like the textbooks say they should. Unfortunately, though, the globalists built the BRICS and wrote the textbooks, so the whole setup is an increasingly transparent scam.

Once UN/IMF/World Bank“governance reforms” are enacted by the “heroic” BRICS, watch for controlled opposition agents like Paul Craig Roberts and Ron Paul to temper their criticism of those institutions. “We supported shutting down the UN/IMF/World Bank because they were instruments of the American Empire used to bully the world,” they will say, “but now that they’ve been reformed to be truly balanced and democratic, perhaps these organizations can finally live up to the high ideals they were supposedly built to uphold.”

As the upcoming East versus West climax approaches, remember that the main purpose behind the whole drama is to rejuvenate the UN brand. In the course of building the New World Order, the UN/IMF/World Bank name has become tarnished, so an “Under New Ownership/Management” sign is needed to lure people back to their brand. The BRICS-induced “governance reforms” will provide the fresh coat of paint the UN will need to gain public acceptance.


With the final paragraph of this excerpt in mind, have a look at what the Pope talked about during his US visit…

“…Pope Francis makes three important proposals for the reform and renewal of the UN system

…the pope lends his support to the hotly debated proposals to reform the UN Security Council and international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund.” – From

Now that the globalists have locked-in both the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, we’ll see the sh*t hitting the fan, and that right soon. Stock up on popcorn; it’s gonna be a helluva show.

[Addendum 1 – 14 December 2015]

Someone did a halfway decent job trolling this article over on Zero Hedge, so I thought I’d address his points…

Comment part 1 >>> It’s interesting – I had to read it twice to understand its stance – but very short on facts and logic. It criticizes PCR for “selling dialectic conflict and nuclear armageddon” without really understanding what dialectic (Hegellian) is, so it doesn’t make sense. /strong>

So the commenter begins by using a straw man to try to make me look stupid. You can find the definition of the word “dialectic” here. He is pointing to definition 6 and saying it doesn’t apply, but I was using definition 9.

Comment part 2 >>> It almost seems as though the author has little or no idea of the UN’s security council veto process, of which the USA is a permanent member. There has not been a resolution in its history that got passed with an objection from the USA. Never. Nor will this change. /strong>

Just watch it change. Changing the composition and operation of the Security Council is one of the key objectives of the currently unfolding Big Economic/Military Crisis. I wrote about this in Update 16 – The BRICS and the UN governance reform scam, which contains this…

Take careful note of the passage which says, “Measure(s) should also be taken to improve the working method of the Security Council with a view to enhance the efficiency and transparency of the Council’s work.” This means they’ll be taking away the ability of any single permanent member to veto Security Council action.

Comment part 3 >>> There has also never been a policy implemented without the USA’s permission at the IMF and the World Bank. Both institutions were created by the USA and BOTH institutions, even right NOW, are controlled by the huge margin of voting power of the USA. It takes an 85% majority to implement a policy change at the IMF. Even at the current voting power of “only” 16.74%, you can see that nothing can be done without America’s permission. (By contrast, the UK has 4.29% voting power, China has 3.81%) /strong>

Correction: both institutions were created by the Rockefellers and their affiliated internationalist families and minions, not by the American nation-state. And they intend to dilute America’s voting power in the IMF in order to remove its effective veto power. They’ll do this by giving new SDR allocations to the BRICS in exchange for excess dollar reserves and gold. I covered this in Update 14 – The coming BRICS gold standard, Ron Paul, and the Rocke.... Here is an excerpt >>>

I just came across a Zerohedge article titled “Is Russia Planning A Gold-Based Currency?” To give a simple answer to the question posed by the title, “yes,” both Russia and China (and possibly other BRICS allies) are planning to go to a partial gold backing for their currencies. And once they do, the globalist propaganda organs will laud the move as “the masterstroke that peacefully defeated the Western banksters.”

The (globalist orchestrated) BRICS move towards a partial gold standard goes beyond their own national currencies, though. To “save the international financial system from cataclysm,” they will also offer a portion of their gold reserves to back the IMF’s SDR, and they will receive a large allotment of SDRs in return. This “gold for SDRs” strategy was hinted at in a (UK) Royal Institute of International Affairs paper titled Adding Gold into the Valuation of the SDR

According to the globalist script, in return for “saving the IMF and the international financial system” with their gold, the BRICS (particularly China) will demand sweeping governance reforms of the IMF and the rest of the UN Complex, as well as a Chinese IMF head. The Chinese would then “own” the New World Order system in the way ... (if you haven’t read the linked article, please do so; you’ll find it complements this one quite nicely).


Comment part 4 >>> The author believes it is all a deliberate ploy to make the “West” look bad and “East” (BRICS – Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) look good. I don’t get it. The ratio of IMF/World Bank funds to the BRICS is massive. The AIIB just got started a few months ago and looks puny in comparison. Paranoia needs some facts about its source of fear to back it up, but this lacks any figures, stats and rationale. The BRICS taking over the IMF is stupid. In other words, it’s pure shit. Sorry mate, but you deserve it for wasting my time and obsfucating the role of the zionists in fomenting a shooting war that is going on RIGHT NOW in Syria and elsewhere. /strong>

After the Big Crisis, the BRICS will become the glamorized “leaders” of the UN Complex, but they will not control it. It will be a multilateral/multipolar system in which no nation dominates. The only ones who will dominate the NWO will be the Occulted Powers (the royal families + Jewish financiers) who rule us from behind the Democratic Facade.

Love always…

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