Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Global Plan Called Codex Alimentarius. -An Open Letter to The Police - Posted by Brigid of Gaia at 1:12 AM -

An Open Letter to the Police

This evening, December 13, 2010, a piece of draconian legislation was passed into law by the Canadian senate.
I refer to Bill C36, which is just one piece in the wider global plan called Codex Alimentarius.

The bill controls consumer products and is widely understood to be the precursor
for another bill that will give Health Canada the power to take some
75% of natural health products off the shelves.

At least as important as this is the part of the bill that removes the law of trespass.
Until tonight, a police officer needed a warrant to enter private property in Canada.

No longer. Under the new law, police can enter and seize private property at any time,
for any reason, even if the person in question is not suspected of any crime.

We have to look at this with a wide lens.
The same policies regarding consumer products, natural health products,
and organic farming are coming in at dizzying speed around the world.

At the same time, legislation is passing that gives police unprecedented powers
to oppress the people in total disregard to human rights and the constitution of any nation.

Things are only going to get worse for a few years yet.
As the economy continues its downward trend – and it will, because it is planned that way –
millions of people will take to the streets in protest, as we are already seeing all over Europe.

Millions more will peacefully start refusing to cooperate with governments that,
more obviously every day, do not represent the people.

In conversation with one of the senators who voted the bill into law,
I warned him that Canadians will not cooperate with it.

His answer: “The police will have to deal with that.”
In other words, big business and the government that represents
it is counting on the police to do their dirty work.

It is time for the police to make a decision.
When the order comes to use guns, tasers, water cannons and so on against innocent people,
what are you going to do?

When you are told to enter and search the homes of political dissidents, will you obey,
or will you remember the oath you swore which says “I will, to the best of my power,
cause the peace to be kept and prevent all offences against the persons
and properties of Her Majesty's subjects”?

Make no mistake, these orders will come.
We are in a situation similar to Nazi Germany in the 1930s,
only this time it is on a worldwide level and there are more people awakening and refusing to cooperate.

The excuse “I was just following orders” was not enough in the Nuremberg trials,
and it will not be enough this time either.

This is the time to have enough courage to follow your conscience, not your orders.

Do you want your children to live in a police state, knowing they have no privacy even in their own homes?
It is time to put the truncheons and the tasers down
and refuse to follow orders to harm your neighbours.

This is the line drawn in the sand.
Starseed Claude

James said...
The only way to resist this new world order and beginnings of the Orwellian state
that the governments of the world are trying to establish is>>>>>
for the common good citizens of this earth to unite in peaceful disobedience.

This I feel will happen automatically as we are all interconnected at a higher level of awareness . . .
i.e. we are all one. This fact they can never take from us.

It is happening more and more everyday, that people are uniting to stand against the evil plans of the ruling elite.

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Comment by Lee on December 19, 2010 at 7:41am

The NWO, the Orwellian State has been here and functioning for quite a long time now.  The only difference from before is the fact they are doing it out in the open more and more. 


Bustin in and taking your stuff is nothing new.  Using the police to do it?  Again nothing new.  Those that believe eveything the government says or just don't care far outnumber those that see whats going on today.


Until the scale is tipped the other way things aren't going to change on a global scale.  That doesn't mean you can't tip the scales locally where you are or within your own life and those you know.  Sure peaceful disobediance is a good idea as long as there is no clear defined 'leader'. 


Martin Luther King was hammered down and since then the whole thrust and intent of what he was doing has been fractured and divided.


This is how they operate.  Infiltrate the group.  Gather information. Threat assesments.  After that its the same as its always been.  The nail that sticks up gets hammered down.  That tactic fails only when there are too many nails sticking up.  One day soon that point will be reached.  

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