Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Global Peace Vigil Feb 1: Timing for the “Great Abrahamic Pulse”

Global Peace Vigil Feb 1: Timing for the “Great Abrahamic Pulse”

earth in hands

This is an update sent out from James Twyman today for the mass meditation on Monday, February 1, for those who choose to participate. Goodness knows we desperately need Peace on Starship Earth.

I question the benefit of inviting Pope Francis to participate, but there it is.

The times for various geographical locations are below. 

And the weekly ‘Event’ meditation is always Sundays at the same time. Visit Cobra’s portal for more information on that one.  ~ BP

Monday is the Day

Millions of people will join in a Synchronized Meditation to end the violence in Syria.

Why did you say YES? Because you believe in the power of focused, positive energy projected through meditation and prayer.
Why did you say YES? Because you have the courage to say “Only Love is Real.”
Why did you say YES? Because you want to be part of a world movement unlike anything that has ever occurred before, and in doing so, heal the world.

Join us on Monday, February 1st for 

The Great Abrahamic Pulse

Here’s what you need to do: Stop at the designated time and hold the energy of love and peace as you imagine the children of Syria being fed, and the people of Syria living in peace. All you need is 10-15 minutes. James Twyman will be with leaders from the three Abrahamic religions ~ Jewish, Christian and Muslim ~ in a Syrian village on the Israeli side of the Golan Heights within eyesight of several villages held be either ISIL or Hezbollah. They will anchor the energy from the meditation and pulse it through the entire region. James will sing the peace prayers from the three religions, and the leaders will share prayers of peace from each tradition.


Time of the Synchronized Meditation:
7AM Pacific US Time
10AM Eastern US Time
3PM London Time


It will be sundown in The Middle East, and as the sun dips beneath the horizon we will imagine the end of the violence and the beginning of an era of peace. This is likely the largest synchronized vigil in history, so please join us.
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for!
Most of the media has ridiculed this effort (Last night Bill Maher had some very interesting things to say). We are not here to defend, but to prove the enduring power of love. We are not here to convince anyone of anything, but to demonstrate the reality of peace, especially when harnessed by millions of people at the same moment. If you attend a church, ask them to be involved. If you still have people who want to join us, tell them everything you know. This is the moment of TRUTH. Let’s say YES to a New World!


 James Twyman


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