Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers


Message from Aya

Channel: Judith

Posted on March 17, 2023



Friends Of Light!
As You Have Become Accustomed To Ranges Of Height And Size On Earth, You Also Have Had Many Excavations Of Skeletons Of Beings That Stood Over 20 Feet (6 m) Tall.
In These Brief Moments, Open Your Mind To Truths You Have Not Considered. For You Have Never Been Told The Truth Of These Beings Known As Giants.
First, We Will Let It Be Known That Not All Of Them Caused Destruction. Many Of Them Chose Darkness As Their Knowledge Of Power And Dominance Grew.
Their Influence On The...


Tags: aya, excavations of skeletons, galactic federation, giants, judith, open mind, pleiadian collective, truth

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