Getting Past your MindBy Jessica Woods an active participant in your experience can go one of two ways. Either your putting in the work in all areas of your life or your half-assing it, expecting something for doing nothing.
The energy and effort you put into healing inside correlates to the amount of energy and effort you put into whatever it is you are doing outside, meaning; in your job, your craft, your home, your overall creativity.
Life in general.
There has to be a balance in all areas of your life. You get out of life what you put into it. Period.
I definitely feel that motivation is a pro to the lazy minds con to any given situation. I have noticed how the mind always wants to talk you out of doing things that would motivate you to be more productive with your day, or keep you in your usual comfort zone of your same repetitive routine.
You can do all the spiritual work you want, but if you are not utilizing that work to break down your programs and patterns, then what you are doing inside is not going to show up outside in your reality.
Being productive in all areas of your life feels good.
When you’re truly digging deep inside what you do externally mirrors that. Everything you do becomes less of a chore and more of a form of meditation. ...+
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