Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

By Tunia through A. S.

Question: Hi, Tunia and Hakann,

I am glad I can ask you this question. My question is about money —— some suggest to obtain gold, silver and crypt currency. I understand we are moving up to 5D. Do we still value silver, gold, crypt currency in 5D? What do you think of the suggestions?

Nesara & Gesara — are they real and human should expect it? If yes, why do we need silver, gold and crypt currency? Some say Nesara & Gesara are complicated, and humans will receive more user-friendly money. Do you see this coming? If yes, could you elaborate on it?

Thank you so much!

Answer: Dear questioner,

This is Tunia speaking. Thank you so much for your question! This is a great topic to talk about.

Most of the time when we get a question, the channeler hears either me or Hakann tell him, “okay, I’ll answer this one.” This was the first time that both Hakann and I were very eager to answer a question, so that the channeler heard both of us say “I’ll take this one” simultaneously. Thankfully, Hakann was gracious enough to allow me to take this one. He’s sitting next to me and will offer input as needed.

First I will offer some general comments about money. As you may have heard before, we consider it to be a form of slavery.

If we’d ask you, “do you have enough bricks and enough unoccupied land and enough unemployed people so that you can build houses for everyone,” then clearly the answer is yes. But if we ask you “do you have enough money to build houses for everyone,” then suddenly the answer is no...+

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