Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

GCR Unified Field Activation & Wealth Alignment Conference


....just to inform, should you wish to participate



Hello Beautiful Being of Light And Great Abundance!!

GCR Unified Field Activation &

Wealth Alignment Conference Call Details

U.S. Thursday, October 22, 2015 @ 4pm PST / 7pm EST

Australia Friday, October 23, 2015 @ 9am Sydney NSW


This is a live conference call I'm doing with Sean aka Awake-In3D regarding the GCR (Global Currency ReSet) process and funding.  (Sean was a guest in Show #1).

This call and Activation is to engage energetically in the process for the world and ourselves. We can transmute our passive, external role in the GCR (hoping, wishing, waiting, worrying, being stuck, ...add your own term) into an active, engaged role right here, right now.

The goal is to focus this energy, and our emotions, on engagement (rather than hoping, wishing, waiting, worrying, stress, ...add your own term).

We can visualize the GCR process, steps, funding stages, etc. and bring them home.

We are the Ones we've been waiting for!

I am going to be bringing through Activation energy for this call. It's unique, powerful coded Light Language that shifts energy and Activates Reality Energy ... her mouth moves very fast and the sounds are odd! If you haven't experienced this or know what this, is please visit her website and take responsibility for understanding what this is ...

There's a Free Gift to Humanity to download, which Sean edited. 

This is the Melchizedek Coded Message & Flower of Life Heart Chakra Activation.


Dial-in Numbers

U.S.  (605) 562-3140

Canada (605) 562-3162 

Australia +61 (0) 3 8672 0105 

France +33 (0) 1 80 14 00 06 

Germany +49 (0) 69 1200650760

Participant Access Code: 870310

Topics and Objectives of the Call

  • Outline and envision the GCR funding steps making a choice to consciously support the process rather than feeding into energy and emotion of frustration, helplessness, or hopelessness
  • Discuss the level of deception and lack of integrity that has continuously been circulating -- calling forth integrity and shining a light on the lack thereof
  • Assist people in coming into alignment with the vibration of wealth-Activation, Clearing and more... 
  • Activate a larger Unified Field of energy that will further and more powerfully anchor this GCR into this reality

Yes - this call will be recorded and will be made available.


May your heart be filled with the vibration of LOVE, JOY and WONDERMENT as we move through this SHIFT of the AGES!

I AM Love and So Are You!


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Comment by James on October 23, 2015 at 12:52pm

Here the GCR Reset Call replay in case you missed it and wish to listen. the activation starts around 80 minutes point (headphones)

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