Greetings to you dear beautiful soul of love and of purest light.
We come to you on the very auspicious ‘date’ in your calendar – The Solstice – the ‘Summer’ Solstice in your neck of the woods and of course the Winter Solstice in the Northern aspect of the planetary alignment.
This day/night marks the longest and shortest day of the so-called calendar. We say ‘so called’ as the very calendar that you currently utilize will be updated in the very near future as the true alignment with the Sun and Stars will become more apparent once the layers of deception from the Dark Overlord structure are fully removed and the positive organic ‘timeline’ is fully instigated upon the planetary Being once again. The axis and pathways will be rotating to such a degree with the new alignment and shifting of frequency that the current calendar will no longer apply.
The current day as we have been so eager to say is indeed a time for rejoicing at this time/space reality as the takedown of the DARK ORDER has come to a full head and the balance has been reached where all dark entities are now removed from their so called....+
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