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Gadhafi points finger at Israel over JFK assassination

Gadhafi made some comments at the UN today which made some of us choke on our Fruit Loops. Was Gadhafi just talking nonsense, like some commentators maintain, or is this some sort of limited hangout? Or is it designed to send a signal or set the stage for something else? Again, a lot of questions and few answers.

"Speaking Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly, Gadhafi implied that Israel may have plotted to kill Kennedy in 1963 because he allegedly wanted to launch a probe into its clandestine nuclear program."

Notice Newsweek's parenthetical statement by Michael Isikoff about Jack Ruby: "(Ruby was Jewish but had no known tie to Israel.)"

No "known" tie.


Gadhafi points finger at Israel over JFK assassination
September 23, 2009

NEW YORK (JTA) -- Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi insinuated that Israel was behind the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Speaking Wednesday at the United Nations General Assembly, Gadhafi implied that Israel may have plotted to kill Kennedy in 1963 because he allegedly wanted to launch a probe into its clandestine nuclear program.

“Jack Ruby, an Israeli, killed Lee Harvey Oswald,” the Libyan leader was quoted by the translator as saying. “Why did this Israeli kill Harvey? Ruby later died mysteriously. The whole world should know that Kennedy wanted to investigate the actions of the Israeli nuclear reactor in Dimona.”

Ruby, a local nightclub owner who was Jewish, shot Oswald, the only official suspect in the Kennedy slaying, just days after Oswald's arrest. Despite persistent conspiracy theories, numerous investigative committees have pointed at Oswald as plotting and carrying out the murder by himself.

During his speech, Gadhafi also blamed Israel for the 1982 Sabra and Shatila massacre in which Lebanese militants murdered hundreds of Palestinians in a refugee camp in an area under Israeli control, as well as for the 2008 conflict in Gaza.



Posted Wednesday, September 23, 2009 5:09 PM
Obama Avoiding Kaddafi
Michael Isikoff


In his talk, Kaddafi, wearing a long, flowing, brown robe and speaking in rapid-fire Arabic, denounced the Security Council ("It should not be called the Security Council. It should be called the Terror Council") and at one point seemed to suggest the Israelis were behind the 1963 Kennedy assassination. His apparent reasoning: Jack Ruby, the killer of Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, was an "Israeli" agent. (Ruby was Jewish but had no known tie to Israel.)

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Comment by patrick on September 24, 2009 at 2:12am
Thanks for this post Jose, and you are so right Tranceman, he is beholden to no one and is an important voice for the developing world, oppressed as it is by the NWO. Voices from the developing world (especially the middle east) are so often ignored by the Western media because they echo inconvenient truths, and if they can't be ignored, like when national leaders speak at the U.N, they are labeled and dismissed as lunatics (eg, Castro, Chevez, Ahmadinejad, Gadaffi). Col Gaddafi has probably done some 'bad' things, but so what, compared to Bush Snr, he is a Saint. I have tried to read the full transcript of Gadaffi's U.N speech on Google but it is being blocked by malware warnings, so we can't read the full thing, funny that.
Comment by tranceman on September 24, 2009 at 1:45am
Gadhafi is right on the money. The journalists think he is crazy because they have no idea of how crazy the truth really is.

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