Full Moon in Sagittarius, June 14, 2022; Hope
By Natalia Alba
https://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/06/full-moon-in-sagittarius-june-14-2022.htmlBeloved Ones,
After the intensity of the 6/6/6 harmonic portal, we now welcome another intense passage a Super Full Moon in Sagittarius together with the Solstice on June 21. Harmonic and very transformational energies that continue descending upon Earth and that will remain for us to co-create with them, when we are ready, for we are all on different paths of our ascension journey.
The Sagittarius Full moon brings us the opportunity to come back to a state of peace, joy, and excitement for all that is yet to be created and enjoyed, in our physical plane. It is a time to move from fear, delusion, and sadness into a more joyful space, restoring faith and hope in who we are as species, and as individuals who are evolving.
As I always say, the Moon has a vast history behind it, and we all need to listen to our guidance, as we all have our own time to understand that the moon is just an artificial inorganic satellite. It is the energies that surround it and the conglomeration of the many alignments that take place within it, that bring us the many benevolent energies for us to work with. We need to become aware of it and remember that, not to fall again into manipulative traps.+++
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