Free Once A Week
Master El Morya
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
+ you in the right movie?
No more wasting time on non-essentials, but dedicating yourself completely to your own transformation, that’s what matters today!
Beloved human being,
are you in the right movie, are you in the right life and are you yourself? Are you directing your thoughts toward the future or do you like to get lost in the past?
Whatever it is that keeps you from being present in the here and now, change that! Because the ascent into the light can only be achieved by entering into your life and into the themes of your life.
Therefore my advice: Avoid at least one day a week all digital and printed mass media of this earth!
This matrix is artificially kept alive by the spreading of opinions and wrong beliefs. The people are kept in the game with this information and are fed energetically with lies. This clouds the view and closes the perception of the own feeling and the intuition.+++
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