Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Four Important Dates For Disclosure and First Contact.

It is now time to put out the following critically-important information, which will have global implications.
The end of the UFO Cover-Up is in sight. And it will be this year.
I am writing this from the perspective of being within the United States, virtually the last Major Power country to still not have told its people
the truth about UFO reality.
France has. UK has. China passively allows UFO information to be broadcast freely without restraint. Fox News reported that last year the
Russian Navy declassified its records of UFO encounters, as reported
on the Web site of the English-language Russian news channel Russia Today.
Who is the one major-power hold-out? The United States. But soon, no more.
The rest of 2010 will be something to watch, either in the newspapers, on TV or radio news, or in the skies overhead!
Here are those Four Important Dates.
1) United Nations Day, October 24. Star Nations will begin a series of massive, dramatic, unmistakable set of displays-of-presence by large flotillas of starcraft presenting
themselves low enough in the sky overhead as to be quite visible to
people. These massive displays will be focused on the skies over the
United States because the U.S. is the major one hold-out country to have
not yet come clean with its people about UFO reality and Star Visitors
The purpose of these starcraft displays is a) to pressure the U.S. Administration to stop perpetuating its silence about UFO matters, and
b) to pressure the U.S. Government to begin without further
delay diplomatic dialogue with Star Nations' representative on Earth,
Councillor of Earth, so that Star Nations can collaboratively plan with
the U.S. Government how to unfold a series of Official Government
Acknowledgments/Announcements about Star Visitors reality, contacts,
communications, and gifts which have been shared.
2) November 9. [This date is approximate, it could be Nov. 8 or 10.] This is the date that Washington will finally stop stonewalling and instead begin
cooperating with the Councillor of/for Earth in jointly planning a
series of Official Government Acknowledgments of Star Visitor Contacts, starting this year!
While it is anticipated that Washington will want to keep these initial
diplomatic dialogues private, with only White House and National
Security Council officials meeting with the Star Nations delegation, you
will be able to tell that these diplomatic dialogues have indeed gotten
under way by the fact that the relentless massive sky displays since
October 24th until then will have stopped as soon as the diplomatic
dialogues have gotten started.
3) December 25-26 weekend. The first of a series of Official U.S. Government Acknowledgments of UFO Reality will be made over the Christmas weekend of Dec. 25-26! That will be your extra Christmas present under the tree
this year: The U.S. Government will finally stop lying about UFOs to its
people after 63 years!
But wait, you say, Christmas weekend is a terrible time to make such an important announcement. People are busy celebrating Christmas, going to
relatives for Christmas dinner, the National Football League Christmas
game will be on TV on Christmas Saturday, December 25 (the
Dallas Cowboys versus the Arizona Cardinals), etc. People will be BUSY
and distracted. How can the government expects its news release to get
much coverage at such a busy time?
Exactly! The U.S. Government has demonstrated for over 60 years that it earns no Profile in Courage in regard to UFO honesty. So it is foreseen that
the Administration will try to "bury" this news release by putting it
out on Christmas.
Ho, ho, ho! Your tax dollars at work.
However, come 2011, the government's stalling and delaying its facing up to UFO reality has a very short time window to get its citizens caught up on 63 years of contacts with Star Visitors, information, communications, and accepting Star Visitor
consultants to work here to help our scientists make the marvelous
advances we have been seeing.
The short time window to get all the government admissions done is Dec. 25-May 20. Why? Because as of May 21, the American public (and the world) will see in person or on television Star Visitors in the audience of a major
televised event in Philadelphia, at which Star Visitors will be some of
the Speakers!! That event is described below.
4) May 21-22 weekend. An Advanced Workshop for Star Seed adults, Star Kids and their families will take place the May 21-22, 2011 weekend in Philadelphia (the City of Brotherly Love). At this event scores of Star Visitors will be in the audience, and a number of Star Visitors will be featured as Speakers at this Advanced Workshop. This Workshop is being planned in collaboration with Star Nations.
One of the Speakers will be the leader of a planet in a star system 17 light years distant which has two inhabited planets. It is anticipated
that this Star Visitor will bring a family member with him who will also
make a presentation.
Another Speaker will be an Estican (Mantoid) Incarnate Human who is authorized to speak on behalf of her people since she is the niece of
the Estican People's Councillor representative to Star Nations.
Other Star Visitors will also address the gathering.
Two teenage Star Kids will be Speakers, and will speak on the challenges of growing up as a Star Kid in a culture which has not provided any recognition of Star Kids.
A Star Seed adult Speaker, who has been downloaded with unprecedented Star Visitors information for the public, will provide a Revised History of Planet Earth, including: who first discovered this planet,where the dinosaurs really
fit into Earth's time-line, who first bioengineered Homo Sapiens, did
Darwin overstate evolution?, the histories of precedent civilizations
Lemuria and Atlantis, who built the pyramids and why, other life forms
on Earth not now recognized as existing and highly-intelligent, who the
Great Religious Teachers/Avatars really were, which star races have
interacted with Humans over the course of our history, and the history
of Star Visitors' interactions with today's governments, the
technologies shared with those governments, and what the governments are
hiding from us.
And Dr. Richard Boylan, the Councillor of/for Earth, will be making presentations and explaining the advanced abilities of Star Seeds and Star Kids, and be leading demonstrations of some of those
psychic abilities.
Star Visitors have foreshown that this Workshop will be televised nationally, and thence rebroadcasted globally.
This Advanced Workshop will serve as a powerful trigger which will awake recognition in millions of Star Seeds and Star Kids around the
globe as to their true and full identity, why they are different, and
what their full potential of abilities is.
After this Advanced Workshop is over Sunday afternoon May 22, the U.S. Government will not be able to return to business as usual. The cultural beachhead of the Transition of human society into one which
must be seen as cosmic in scope will have been achieved.
Plan to be there and watch history being made!
Details of this Advanced Workshop's location and logistics are still being developed. We are not yet ready to take formal registrations but hope to
do so in the not-too-distant future. In the meantime, if you wish to
place your name on the list of persons interested in being notified when
registrations open up, please send your name and contact information (email) and mention "Advanced Workshop" to registrar Linda Solley, email: GraceAndHumility@...
in service to Source,
Richard Boylan, Ph.D.
Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC
President, Star Kids Project, Ltd
Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009 USA
To get on my DrRichBoylanReports news mailing list, send one subscribing email to:
To join my participative group (UFOFacts) of lightworkers, Star Seeds and others involved in discussing Star Kids, Star Seed adults, the Star Visitors,
UFOs, and the reformed world which lightworkers are building, send a
subscribing email to:
Star Kids (4-19) can join my StarKidsHangout by sending an email to:

Views: 28


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Comment by Simmy on October 24, 2010 at 10:55am
My feelings exactly PA!!! To a tee!!!!
Patrick, nice twist on "Oliver", hehehe!
Comment by MysticalEnigma on October 24, 2010 at 7:32am
I agree with PA here. It really doesn't matter who causes what, where, per se. the important thing is that it IS created, and does happen, and keep happening, so the media can't keep up, and can't have time to dissipate anything. :) earth cams are gonna get record high hits in the days to come ;) everyone is happy LOL
Comment by patrick on October 23, 2010 at 9:47pm
Human Boy : "Pleasr Sir, can I have some more?"
ET : "More ? Of course you can my lad".
Comment by nonya on October 23, 2010 at 6:48pm
Thank you PT for a good observation and post. Always good to know both sides of where we are getting our feed.
Comment by ian on October 23, 2010 at 4:55am
Very cool. Thanks for the info. Lets hope this guys is an honest person. The truth shall be known
Comment by nonya on October 22, 2010 at 7:46pm
GREG, Haa yeah he has been a busy man and thanks for responding back.
DOUG Thanks for all of that info.
Comment by Greg on October 22, 2010 at 1:47am
have i followed him long? no, i've just seen 2 posts on and saw that they weren't here so i posted them :) but from that "resume" he sure sounds like he's been a busy man.
Comment by Cyboriell on October 22, 2010 at 1:44am
lol they are already planning worshops to make money or what? don´t believe a word of it
Comment by Besimi on October 22, 2010 at 1:30am
Thnx Greg :)
...beautiful. I will share.
Namaste Dear friend. Love
Comment by nonya on October 21, 2010 at 11:18pm
GREG, what do you know about this guy? Have you followed him long?

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