Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Forward from Rainbow Masters By Sananda Through Anne Bellinger

Forward from Rainbow Masters
By Sananda
Through Anne Bellinger

Oh yes, man of Earth, heed well the gracious words of wisdom from these Teachers of the Seven Rays of Life for they have come to see this journey through. They shall be known to the faithful as wonderful; they shall be known to thine enemies as death. They come forth in this volume to make known their energies unto this scribe and unto you ones who will receive. Each has a realm of truth that you might have instructions and light of function for you will need rebuild and become in wholeness once again.

For each thing that you have brought to pass upon this wondrous orb you shall be given reminding for the vessels shall be emptied and the rewards appropriate unto each and everyone; none shall escape–not through murder, suicide, hiding nor running away-­ail shall be meted forth his justice before the heavenly councils....+@

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