Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

FOR ALL YOU SOCCER FANS...this is a scary reason to cheer

This is some serious decoding of the world cup with all of its ritualistic rhetoric,,,, a must read

I always wondered why i hated this sports nonsense

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Comment by CHRISTINA on July 14, 2010 at 7:01am
Nothing new here, the dark ones have been doing this all the time, if you're familiar with Jordan Maxwell's and David Icke's material.

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Comment by nonya on July 11, 2010 at 8:17pm
PT, players being fair was never in question....enjoy your celebration!
Comment by Trudy on July 11, 2010 at 1:20pm
How a man's mind can dwell ... anyhow I love soccor and tonight plays THE NETHERLANDS VERSUS SPAIN ... ... ... YIHAAAAA :)))
And if something is gonna happen, well it happens... but I think that this will happen ...The Netherlands wins the World Championship Soccer ...
Comment by nonya on July 11, 2010 at 1:18am
TETRA, its not a problem to me if the sports thing was about team work or even on another level of having variants according to individual. For example, in school there is not much to chose from (sports), therefore you are hearded into the generic sport that you neither like or interested in. The guy next to you has no physical abilities at all and he gets herded into the group sport. Then you pick teams....guess who gets left out, guess how is mind processes that info...its sad, Taken to the adult level, this is about the flag of your country and we are better than you mentality....when in essence we are all one team and nobody is running with that flag and nobody seems to root for that team, cuz it has yet to exist. When that team becomes available, I will have fron row tickets, believe me.
Comment by Tetragrammaton on July 11, 2010 at 1:08am
I agree with you too though NONYA there is that downside sadly too... if only we could be competitive while having fun with the goal of all becoming better as one instead of envious, jealous, hurt, etc... and yeah the winner loser thing... can be kinda harsh... labeling people as losers... its what the world has come down to.
Comment by Tetragrammaton on July 11, 2010 at 1:00am
Good point patricia i think you're right on many points with that post! great sportsmanship is a good thing to have also.. and teamwork is a great building block for humanity. sports is a good thing to have especially when being competitive doesn't get taken to far.. and with the wrong intentions.. which sadly happens a lot but thats life i suppose. On a good note though it pushes people to try harder, better themselves and progress in life... and its a wonderful thing for kids to get them out and active especially these days when they all want to sit around on the couch with tv or video games lol.

And yeah there is corruption everywhere these days... and that's whats sad.. sports is a big target of course like you said. they get to corrupt so many people at one time like that...

Personally though i think i just don't have the time so much anymore to watch the big sports on a normal basis although i will watch with people that enjoy it and enjoy it myself. but somewhere around my teen years i just kinda slipped out of the whole Big sport thing and got into skateboarding and snowboarding it seemed more my style... and i still watch those competitive sports a lot.

But i agree with you patricia :)
Comment by nonya on July 11, 2010 at 12:50am
I would like to live in a world that doesnt have competitions. I think that games run on large egos and divisive planning. They pit us against each other from a small child, in sports, in class, in grades. It makes all of us divided into qualities that make us winners or losers, and unfortunately, that has also made the world the way it is.
Comment by nonya on July 10, 2010 at 11:49pm
Glad you liked it TETRA, i found it really interesting and confirming.
Comment by Tetragrammaton on July 10, 2010 at 11:45pm
Wow... thanks nonya for posting this. i found this part to be both interesting and true...

Remember that Crowley wrote the following description of the regime under Horus in 1904. He said:

"Everywhere his government is taking root. Observe for yourselves the decay of the sense of sin, the growth of innocence and irresponsibility, the strange modifications of the reproductive instinct with a tendency to become bi-sexual or epicene, the childlike confidence in progress combined with a nightmare fear of catastrophe, against which we are yet half unwilling to take precautions. Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its earliest stages, and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism, health crazes, occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalized to a point of practical extinction. Consider the populatiry of the cinema, the wireless, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them. Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys. Consider war, the atrocities which occur daily and leave us unmoved and hardly worried. We are children."

pretty crazy huh? but the whole article is interesting and i think its worth a read for sure.

Thanks again nonya :) and yeah i can't really follow big sports anymore.. playing them for fun is one thing but thats about as far as i go these days...

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