Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Food Fascism is on the march and it WILL destroy your legal access to clean, unadulterated food (S. 510). Take Action!

The Gloves Are Off! Take Action!
S.3767, New Companion Bill to S. 510 Introduces Severe Criminal Penalties

For "Adulterating" Food, Which To FDA Means... Selling Supplements!

Food Fascism Battle is Far From Over

1. Must Take Revised Action Item Each Day; CLICK THE LINK RIGHT HERE:

2. Must send viral! Please forward this item, urging contacts to take th
Action Item and then send it to their contact with the same request.

3. Check to Find Your Senators' Phone Numbers.
Call Your Senators and Leave a Strongly Worded Message Like This One, Two, Three, Four:

1. S.510 is a CONTROVERSIAL BILL, adding criminal penalties to it through S.3767 is more controversial --
2. Please, Senator, put a HOLD on ALL "FOOD SAFETY" bills!
3. Senator, don't let it be pushed through the Senate immediately by parliamentary means as a non-controversial bill.
4. The bill can be reintroduced in January when hearings can held to allow groups which are opposed to the bill to tell how it will affect them and the American food supply.

Update on S.510 - S.3767

Food Fascism is on the march and it WILL destroy your legal access to clean, unadulterated food (S. 510). Food Fascism is on a stampede and it WILL destroy your legal right to learn or share information about what food (and food supplements) can do for your health (S. 3767).

If you are among the people responsible for more than 225,000 emails in the last few days, thank you. But if you are among the "Let George Do It" contingent, I have two questions for you:

1. What do you not understand about the concept of food fascism? Europe, which is much farther along the Code compliance Super Highway than the US, has lost the right to have, make, purchase or use Colloidal or Nano Silver. They have already lost the right to use most herbs for health purposes. In Germany, any patient who wants a nutrient IV must have his doctor travel to one of two special sites, spend the day making a SINGLE IV dose for them under the view of a camera with a date and time stamp and then may administer the drip. If another drip is needed, then the doctor must repeat the process. What do you think that costs? How many doctors are willing to do this for a single patient?

Of course, if the doctor wants to give the patient nutritional therapy at all, the Federal Republic of Germany must provide prior approval after the doctor submits the entire history of the patient, and the doctors own credentials, to receive PERMISSION TO USE NUTRIENTS.

GMO food must no longer be labled as such in Europe.

Growing GMOs is becoming legal in more and more states of EU countries as it is legal, without restrictions, in the US.

2. What are you waiting for? How much time and effort is require from you to go to LINK and enter your information and click "submit"?

More than you have? Well, just think how much time and effort it will take to deal with the cancer, cardiovascular disease, stoke, diabetes, obesity, MS, arthritis, environmental sensitivity, allergies, asthma, infertility, fetal loss, depression, hypertension, schizophrenia and other food borne illnesses and environmental diseases which bad food will cost you. Now consider the balance: a bit of time now to take the Action Item once for every member of your family and send it out to the people you can reach or what follows when S. 510 eliminates all clean food growing, including your backyard garden.

So here's the deal: take some time to take some actions and become part of the campaign to defend your health, your food and your freedom or don't and take the consequences.

Once again, here is the Action Item:

You are either in the parade or wondering if it will crush you. You pick. You act.

I cannot guarantee you that the globalist food fascism parade will not crush you. But I can guarantee that it will crush you and your family and everyone you love, all the useless eaters in your family and neighborhood.

But I can guarantee that it will crush you and your family and everyone you love, all the useless eaters in your family and neighborhood unless we put forth the effort necessary to halt this globalist juggernaught here, at this beach head.

Is that the end of the battle? Of course not. Will it be a seminal victory for us when we turn this tide of fascism and domination aside? You bet. And that's what we are after: enough protest to make sure that the US Senate does not dare to pass this bill for fear of us.

Fear? Yes, for fear of the recall petitions that aboug 75% of the States allow when a member of Congress violates their oath and their public trust.

Fear? Yes, for fear of what small groups of irate voters can do in the primary season when we, not the voting machines, own the tally.

Fear? Yes, for frear of what a suitably angered electorate can do to create new parties to take over the political process.

Fear, in short, of the power of We, the Power People. We have it, they know it, they fear it and we know how to use it peacefully, lawfully and effectively

For a sample letter to send to any group or person supporting S. 510 and S. 3767, click here: and make free use of the material there.

More information, including video and bullet points: ;

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Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on September 17, 2010 at 12:39am
Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on September 17, 2010 at 12:39am
Comment by Alex of New Human New Earth on September 17, 2010 at 12:38am

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