Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Focusing upon the positive really does make a difference! P'taah e-News Through Jani King.

Focusing upon the positive really does make a difference!
P'taah e-News
Through Jani King.

Q: It is such an affront to, and degradation of our earth, of all growth and health, to wantonly litter weaponry and armaments everywhere. Could we neutralise and render useless all weaponry?

P’taah: It is up to you, you are the ones who create the reality. Now, we understand that individually most of you feel rather powerless in the face of the negativity upon your plane of reality.

However we remind you that as more and more of you focus upon what is wondrous, what is beneficial – not only for the planet but for all of humankind – as you focus on love, honour, compassion and kindness in your day to day reality, then indeed this is your way of transforming things.

We understand, for most of you, you can dismiss this, to say well it doesn’t do anything really. However, you know, it really does.

And when you look at your history, even over the last two hundred of your years, and see how things have transformed in terms of your laws, in terms of social consciousness, in terms of, what we can say, the more expanded ideas of how society may be, then you can see that, in truth, you have come a long way.

Now, you have come this far because of this broadening of consciousness. So what we say to you is hold firm, hold fast, and focus upon what you desire. And in your day to days be that which you desire – in your being-ness you create the reality. ...+

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