Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

flyboysg1 and The Webe Team would like to wish each and everyone of you a Happy New Year

The Webe Team would like to wish each and everyone of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, may 2009 be the start of a brighter future for all mankind. Together we all could make 2009 go down in history as the year when the world started to set aside its differences, and forgot conflict in favour of peace and understanding, and begun to build a world that celebrated the wide and colourful cultural traditions that make up our heritage.

The world we all live in is full of beauty if only we could stop for a moment to see it. We would probably realise just how much we stand to lose by continuing with our current system that is full of hatred, greed and conflict. We all owe it to our children and all the children yet to be born, to find a way through the darkness that engulfs us all, and create a civilisation that is based on tolerance and understanding so the world could at last be a place where we all live in peace and harmony.

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Comment by flyboysg1 on January 5, 2009 at 8:23pm
Hi Simome the Webe team is a group of people that run The Webeufobelievers blog which is made up of myself Flyboysg2 , Kirkster , UFOManiac , Jamie. Thay all send their best wishies for the new year to you.

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