Fixing their global financial messes drives Illuminati frenetic. Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and Prince Charles of England travel to Ontario, Canada, for secret financial deals. Queen Beatrix’s eldest son and Prince Philip (Consort of Queen of England) go to Tokyo to verify a $2.13 trillion dollar bond issued by the Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi. And Queen Elizabeth II of England secretly goes to Washington DC to confront her subject and agent, Barack Obama, with his lies, embezzlements and double dealings.
All the people left holding fraudulent derivatives money do not want to admit that their trillions of dollars are about to become zeroes of dollars. Guess what: 30 zeroes = zero. Try the experiment yourself: take a piece of ordinary paper, write $1 trillion on it and see if your friend will trade his watch for that piece of paper. More here (08.10.09). And more about the antics of the Illuminati Satanists here
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