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Comment by simpleman on August 18, 2010 at 11:24pm
MMS works if used properly. Im sure there are other alternative medicine that cures also and like Jim said, research all of the FDA"s recalls. Not all of them are cures of course, but safe effective medicines are in there. Jim Humble's book does have a recipe for making it at home in the second edition of his book, I have a copy. I also have a recipe for making sodium chlorite, the salt that MMS is made with. It is an electrolysis process usin salt/water. link In this link pencil lead are used for electrodes, that doesnt sound cool, I would think pure metals would be used instead, like silver. I do think this should be researched more, because you need sodium chlorite to make mms.

William, I hope that link will be helpful,.
Good idea, Jim. I know there are other cures that they blocked. Thanks Jim.
Patricia, this stuff purifies water too. Thanks.

Pat, great new, I have been treating my athletes foot with mms that I have been fighting for years and now it is nearly gone.

Thank you all for input and support. I think mms could save our ass one day, so I feel its important to have a stash on hand at any time. This stuff could help a person live through a disease epidemic or it may be the only way one can purify water with little resources. Think about it.

Many Many Thanks, you have been great friends and very supportive, I dont know what I would do with out you all, My Heart Goes Out To All You Guys, Much Love Here :)))

Love You Free Spirit <3 <3 <3
Comment by Free Spirit on August 18, 2010 at 9:53pm
William if you can not find your recipe could you let us know where to get the recipe I want to learn to make it my self any way simpleman and me can work on this together as with everything Thank You
Comment by patrick on August 17, 2010 at 3:44pm
I'm into my fourth day of 15 drops of this stuff a day. It's torture. Lots of 'cleansing' sitting on the toilet, I've had to take two days off work. But with four days to go of the high solution (before returning to a maintenace dose of five drops a day) I already notice an incredible change. I have stopped snoring, much to my partners delight, and my asthma has disappeared. Is that not incredible ?
Comment by Free Spirit on August 17, 2010 at 11:33am
This MMS has helped cure problems I have had for years and doctors could do nothing about As soon as i can I am going to get some more to keep on hand. It has cure ear problems, teeth problems, foot problems and staff infection. so the FDA knows what they can o with there report. If you can read and follow directions then you will know how to take MMS in a safe way. Love You Simpleman Love To All
Comment by JIM4HOPE on August 17, 2010 at 9:07am
You know it might be a pretty good idea for someone to research all of the FDA"s recalls or anything that the deemed to be harmful to the publics health .There is no doubt in my mind that they are working hand in hand with the corporations that manufacture and distrbute drugs that treat ailments .I do believe the products that they have banned from being sold or used or grown are more than likea threat to there drugs and would devastate there profits .People need to wake up to the these corporations and realize in order for them to make a profit they need sick people the more sick people to them the more money they make so if you come up with a simple cure or especialy a cure-all remedy then these drug cartels whill see to it \see that there propaganda teams (Main stream media) start spreading bogus reports of dastardly things will be the rsults.There are still a lot of people who believe everything that comes from there television and anybody who says anything to the contray to this MSM The FDA ,EPA and a few others have the interest of the corporationstons protect The truth about these organized criminals is it is all about profits and they dont care about human life or people suffering .Thanks Simpeman for sharing this info.
Comment by nonya on August 16, 2010 at 10:44pm
You know Simpleman, I dont trust what the FDA has to say either. I agree precaution with everything. I have only had to use natural medicine once and it took 90% my auto immune disease (dishydropic exzema) of it away. I would probably try a lot of things before I listen to the FDA. Thanks for taking a look at that.
Comment by simpleman on August 16, 2010 at 10:22pm
I haven't heard of MMS2 but it does look like precaution is needed as goes with anything.
The thing is there have been no clinical trials doen with MMS. The FDA has no real data on treating people with clorine dioxide. I think they have some lab test with rats and extreamly high doses of MMS. These people who used MMS and with claims were probably taking too much in my opinion Wether its used for medicine or not, its still the best and fastest way to treat water.
Comment by nonya on August 16, 2010 at 9:41pm
SIMPLEMAN, I have seen these and MMS does seem to have a potential to be a fantastic product, although I have never tried it, so its hard for me to judge. Did you by chance see this article about it
If so, whats your take.

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