Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

This is an absolutely fascinating lecture as to what is happening to us based on sound science. Its 2 and a half hours but worth the watch. Pole shift, cloud anomolies, sun changes among other subjects discussed. Personally, I prefer a more intellectual approach to what is happening versus charlatan channelers.

 Release date on this was January 31, 2011

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Comment by Simmy on February 18, 2011 at 4:18am
I do understand what you're saying and I feel the same! I'm "easy" on the metaphysical stuff, but for me personally (because I do love science) it is very reassuring when someone combines the two together.
I also feel this is one presentation I could forward to my sceptic friends and family (I wish there was a translation in portuguese) and they might "get" the stuff I talk about.
Like SIMONE said, it is a great compilation of things we've been learning and talking about here in SoE.
Absolutely great find!!!! :))))))))))
Comment by nonya on February 17, 2011 at 11:51pm
PATRICK, I have been seeing reports about this phenomena from down your way, australia and new zealand seem to be experiencing this a lot.
Comment by patrick on February 17, 2011 at 11:48pm
the pillars of light are mystifying the scientists she says, that's good.
Comment by nonya on February 17, 2011 at 9:46pm

SIMONE, did those websites help at all?

PT, let me know if you think it sucks ;-)

Comment by nonya on February 17, 2011 at 9:15pm

SIMONE, heres another one

Comment by nonya on February 17, 2011 at 8:50pm

SIMONE, omigoodness my friend, whats goin on with you lately :(   You're not able to see anything :(  That is the only link I have at the moment. I just found this today. Her name is susan joy rennison, its a 2.5 hours long

I think you might have to load (if you can) Microsoft silverlight (like trudy said below) I didnt have to do it to watch this, but thats all i can help you with to my knowledge. Let me know if that works.

Comment by nonya on February 17, 2011 at 8:39pm

SIMMY, yeah she is a bit laid back (silly) in her speaking manner. However, this info,  allowed me to understand that for the FIRST time ever, I can come to grips with the phrase "we are the ones we've been waiting for". That is a HUGE hurdle for me since I am based in facts. 

There is not much history on her. Thats the beauty of it. All she has essentially done is tie in all "KNOWN", science based "facts". They are backed by articles in various publications (i've run across many of them). Then the underwriter is metaphysics. She has balanced all "known facts" with "intangible" and made it sound simple. 

Her focus leans towards a tougher crowd that needs to be "proven". Its not information that I have not already known, but that lecture I can forward to others without it leaning toward the metaphysical side. Hoe you understand what im saying. She didnt move me by her manner of speech or what her background is, its "factual" evidence that she presented tying two opposed worlds (science/metaphysics) together.

Comment by Simmy on February 17, 2011 at 5:27pm

BTW...Nonya, can you still access GLP?

My IP has been banned for some reason. I told them I only read the articles and never post anything let alone being abusive to anyone.

It said "If you have been inadvertently caught up in one of these bans please accept our apologies.
Please fill out the form below and we will look into it as soon as possible."

I did this and they still denied to lift the ban...

Comment by Simmy on February 17, 2011 at 5:15pm
I've tried to find out a bit more about her, with no success.
It says she has a degree in physics in a "british university", but I couldn't find out what university and what else she has done in life.
Just curious...
Comment by Simmy on February 17, 2011 at 5:13pm
Packed with great info!!!
I never heard of Carl Jung having written a book on UFOs!!
What about this British astronomer (forgot his name) (in 1971) talking about our world being manipulated by aliens?
I like her scientific approach. She is a bit silly sometimes ( she said something very amateurish about a photo plus other minor stuff ...nevermind, I'm a bit too critical sometimes!) but she's genuine and a very good researcher!
THANK YOU for this NONYA! Big time!!

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