The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
By: Bradley Loves
This article is going to be based on many excerpts from this article below with the same name. It is going to be interspersed with my own PERSONAL experiences which fully support and verify the experiences that were had by Greg Calise.
This article also ends with information that could be called: BASICS OF THE WORSHIP ENERGY MATRIX….
Located here:
Just as it was with the author of this piece…, it was MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE that you can NOT trust beings on the inner realms! He starts out his article this way.
I first realized that there was something seriously wrong in the later 1980s when I found the doorways into the inner realms. Fortunately I was blessed with two guides that took me to specific places to observe. One time I was taken to just outside the hellish worlds.
It was completely dark and there was a huge sprawling fortified metropolis. It was glowing red. It looked like burning coals of a fire in a pitch dark night. The combination of red and black are the colors of the demons. I began feeling a lusty pull connected to my second chakra. I told my guide that I wanted to leave. I understood the energy. That is one example of many.
Each place I was taken I would observe deceptions. You really cannot trust anyone in those realms. There is so much impersonation. A young pretty girl could turn into an ogre. A light being could be a serpent. These are the things I observed. As above, so below. Once free from the earthly matrix, one lands into the cosmic matrix.
I don’t know how many times…, I have been “approached” while in deep meditations or during “prayers” on the inner realms by what looked like an innocent child…, or a pretty woman…, ONLY to get me to lower my defenses.
At the very moment that the entity got close enough to touch me…, it would change forms to some sort of ugly troll or demon like creature, and use some sort of “energy disruption” technique to seriously screw up my chakra system!
I would come out of my meditation feeling ill and with my Chakra’s wobbling seriously. This could take hours to recover from…, and I would not feel right for days.
This “tactic” was of course TOTAL DECEPTION! I would be moving around on the inner realms and would see what looked like or appeared to be very “innocent” beings that might seem to be “in trouble” and calling for help, which would draw me to that spot.
The “FORM” the entity would take was usually one that they KNEW for a fact that I would have sympathy for and come to help.
Since I can not stand to see young children in trouble…, and am a real sap for pretty girls…, it is a guarantee that the rouse would usually work!
Now…, for those of you who HAVE NO CLUE about the inner realms, and how WE as multi-dimensional beings can travel there…, and there are a real beings there…, I’m sorry but I just can’t help you!
The proof of just how real it is of course comes from the very PHYSICAL AFFECTS that one can get through out the bodies entire ENERGETIC SYSTEM when one of these “trickster” beings uses some sort of “ethereal magic” to shock you…., and mess with your system.
After this had happened many times over the course of a few years…, I came to sad realization that I COULD NOT TRUST ANY BEING on the inner realms…, because I did not know if they were actually what or who they appeared to be.
Next Greg goes on to “talk” about normal people who can not actually travel to the inner realms but instead “channel beings from there without knowing who they are”.
Therefore, I stay away from anyone who works with other dimensional entities, such as channelers, psychics, and anyone who claims to be a shaman (A real shaman never claims he is), light workers, energy workers, psychic healers, reiki, etc.
Anyone who works with inner realm entities is not only being duped, but they are caught within the clutches of those entities and become their minions!
Yes, that pretty much includes all of the new age circus. People have no idea how trapped we are in this mess.
“I do not concern myself with gods and spirits either good or evil nor do I serve any.” – Lao Tzu
Now…, the next thing Greg talks about is his experience of finally “waking up” from the MATRIX…, and how he found that waking up…, was only the beginning of his struggle…, because the “FALSE LIGHT” construct wanted him back desperately.
Then in 1991, while living in San Diego, I was meditating. Within moments I was pulled out of my body, as I watched the atoms spinning and then dissolving. Eventually my mind dissolved. My last thought was a prayer of protection to Narasingha, the lion god. Then my perception and very existence dissolved. I no longer existed. I was gone……………
Eventually(?) I awoke in a golden light. My Beingness was spread out throughout what seemed like infinity. I was homogenized. I immediately thought (it was beyond thought. It was awareness) I AM. At that moment, all of my Beingness contracted out of the light and into an infinitesimal point of consciousness. I had awakened from the stasis; I existed again. I AM. The fact that I was conscious of my I Am presence created the gravity needed to fall out of the light.
What I had not written before was that I not only escaped, but was on the run. Whoever owned that light wanted me back. I went through lifetimes hiding in various ways, always to eventually be found. And again on the run, battling with this golden light. Eventually I returned to my present body. I had been gone for only a few hours, yet it seemed like lifetimes.
That light, the very thing that so many spiritual aspirants are striving to reach, I found to be the very thing I never wanted to experience again. It is spiritual death. I really don’t think people think about what it means to reach what they consider as their spiritual goal. It is death to the Self. Once captured by the light, one is lost in stasis for a very long time.
It seems to me that our EXPERIENCE OF GOD…, is supposed to happen right HERE…, and wherever we find ourselves! We are to become the loving “extension” of the TRUE SUPREME BEING in each moment. We are NOT supposed to be trying to escape from where we are! In this…, the NEW AGE has it totally wrong.
ALL RELIGIONS…, even those who teach us to “run” toward the light…, are “selling” something…, and is probably not what we are meant to be doing.
Greg continues:
I could not fully understand what had happened until early 2010, when I heard George Kavassilas describe his many travels through the cosmos over the duration of his entire life. He spoke of the false light constructs. Those three words were like a cosmic key that unlocked a huge memory bank of these realms and what they are. I feel that it is very important for this information to be known, because it explains all of the pseudo spirituality and religions on this planet. We are immersed in it.
It is not something that can be easily explained in linear thought forms. It is a huge network of various false light structures stretching through all of the dimensions of the cosmos. There are many of them, each constructed by a god or goddess to trap souls. They seem to be concentrated in this small part of the galaxy, especially in the Milky Way. If you read my article, The Great Compression, you will understand why.
What had captured me in 1991 was the upper dimension of one such false light construct. But they expand through all of the dimensions and manifest according to the dimension it exists in. I will be discussing the various manifestations and how they capture souls.
Greg Continues with even MORE profound information:
The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, by Drunvalo Melchizedek, he describes how organic structures are created according to sacred geometry, called the flower of life. Various devious gods and goddesses found that by changing the sacred geometry in the early stages, they could create these false light structures. They are like a net that overlays the natural world. They are nets of illusions that not only create false light constructs, but also condition the mind to perceive a very different world from the organic reality they cover. These gods and goddesses then throw out their nets, capture souls and feed off of them.
The earthly matrix is part of one such false light construct. It is an illusion that is placed over the true organic natural world. It works by conditioning the mind from many generations. The distorted mind then created agriculture, animal husbandry and civilization. Of course the gods personally came to begin these things. The evidence is in the archeology and legends. In this way the external manifestation of the matrix is produced. They enter the minds of humanity and distort them with negativity. Ever since the beginning of civilization in our recorded history, there has been war, slavery, the subjugation of the people and corruption and deceit.
What they also brought was flesh and blood sacrifices to feed the gods. The gods feed off of mankind through such sacrifices, worship, and pain and suffering, especially war, torture and violence. They also feed off of our negative emotions. David Icke speaks of this. So yes, we are deeply entrapped within the matrix.
But beyond the earthly matrix is the cosmic matrix. George Kavassilas has explained these various gods and their false light structures in detail. Each religion has its own pantheon with the various gods and goddesses. We have Judea and Christian pantheon, the Hindus have many, then of course there were the ancient Greeks, Egyptian, Roman, Norse, Mayan, Aztec, etc. Each of them is a false light construct. Depending on your belief system, as you look up into the heavens, you will see that particular false light structure. Each structure includes several, if not all, of the dimensions.
We see that these gods and goddesses have their abodes in the heavens. When you leave your mortal coil, if you are “qualified,” you may attain entrance to the god’s abode, where you will worship him and become his slave. Of course it is also “heavenly” in the sense that you get a larger playing field of enjoyment as well. But instead of iron chains, you are now bound in golden chains, but you are still a slave to a passive aggressive god. Now many people are hoping to arrive in one of these abodes and, under the illusion of the matrix, will be quite happy there. But they are temporary illusions, and the soul could never truly be happy in such illusions. They become food for the gods.
Above these realms are the realms of light, such as the one I entered. In these realms there is no longer perception. You are in complete stasis. The god then feeds off of your entire life force. What people consider the uppermost heaven is actually a hell. And we see so many spiritual aspirants yearning to reach these. I wonder if any of them actually considered what fate awaits them?
More will be coming…
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