Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Faction Two has Already Placed Massive Tonnes of Gold in 20 Countries - G20?

Date: Tuesday, 7-Apr-2009 00:12:55
There is an alternative group that is in possession of astronomical quantities of gold and will pay off US and UK debt with gold but they will not accept payment in Fed fiat dollars. This group wants to use their gold to kick-start an entirely new financial system that is actually controlled by the people of the planet and not a secret, in-bred cabal.

Long time readers remember me saying this from the moment Rumor Mill News was created in 1996.

Faction Two is the name that this alternative group uses. It is made up from the countries and families that the New World Order... aka Federal Reserve... aka The City of London Bankers... raped, pillaged and murdered.

The main players in this group are Austrians.... or maybe I should say Austro-Hungarians. Hungary plays a major role in this because the Hungarian royalty are blood related to the Chinese royalty through Ghengis Khan.

The main players are Austria, Russia and China!

There are other countries who are also part of this alternative group, but the main players are the three countries named above. Members of the royals families of all of these countries are the powers behind this. They rightly believe that the people who make up what we call the new world order international bankers and corporations were the ones behind the destruction of their countries and the raping and pillaging of everything of value.

In 1994 I was part of a gold transfer. The largest that had ever taken place in the history of the world. Our group transferred 1500 metric tonnes of gold from the Philippines to Austria. There was an agreement that we could continue transferring up to 500,000 metric tonnes.

And this wasn't even a fraction of the gold that is stored in the Philippines.

You can read about our gold transfer in David Guyatt's book, The Secret Gold Treaty.

The gold transfer that Gunther and I were involved in in 1994 went into Germany in December of 1994.
At the time, it was the largest transfer of gold in history.

Gunther and I, and many others including Kurt Waldheim, were responsible for bringing the Austrian treasury back to Europe.

It was stolen by Hitler and then restolen by Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. (snip)

At the time we were working on this transfer, I was told that the gold would be used to put Europe on a gold backed standard.

From this 2001 article:
Two years ago I was told another huge transfer of gold out of the Philippines had taken place. The gold was moved to 20 countries and is in place for the gold backed currencies.


Here is an article that I wrote November 18, 1999, before the Reading Room had been created.

One part of this fifty year plan was set in motion by Admiral Canaris during World War II. In 1938 Hitler invaded Austria and stole the Austrian gold from the Austrian National Bank. Hitler personally escorted the gold to Switzerland. Hitler believed that this particular Austrian gold was not just ordinary gold. He believed that it contained magical power and whoever controlled it controlled the world. Adolph Hitler had received early training from some of the most knowledgeable occultists alive. It was probably from one of these occultists that the origins of the Austrian gold was imparted to Hitler.

The gold from the Austrian vaults had once lain far below the ruins of King Solomon’s temple. It was the gold from the fabled gold mines of Solomon. When the temple was destroyed, the location of the underground hermetically sealed chambers was not discovered. Even though the legends of the destruction of the Temple state that the gold was thrown into a well, there was other gold in underground chambers.

During the middle ages, the Knight’s Templars traveled to the Holy Lands. They built their stable over the ruins of Solomon’s Temple. As such, they were able to excavate the temple in secret. The wagons that routinely left the stable with manure, usually carried far more than manure. In addition to the gold, the chambers contained a library which was an equal to the Library at Alexandria, Egypt. Also in the temple were records of all descendants of the House of David.

After the destruction of King Solomon’s Temple, a price was put on the heads of all of King Solomon’s descendants. King Solomon was the son and successor of King David. Most members of the House of David were the many children of King Solomon. All people who were of the bloodline of the House of David had to flee or be killed. Many of these people fled to Europe, as far as the British Isles, Scandinavia, Russia, but the bulk of them settled in France, Switzerland and Austria.

The descendants of the House of David considered themselves to be the true royal family of the planet. Not only were they descended from the great King of the Old Testament, but Jesus was also descended from the House of David and Jesus was referred to as the King of Man. Because the descendants considered themselves to be Holy rulers, they kept to themselves and passed their traditions down through secret societies. One of these secret societies was the Knights Templars. The Order was formed for the purpose of going to the ruins of King Solomon’s Temple, and retrieving the gold, the books and the records.

Sources within the United States intelligence community and members of the Hapsburg royal family have all privately stated that Admiral Wilhelm Canaris was the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights Templar’s up until his death in 1973. It is my belief that the position of Grand Master passed to his son, Admiral Wilhelm Johann, United States Navy, also known as William Raeder. This son was illegitimate in the eyes of the church and the world, but in the eyes of the Knights Templars, he was born to be the Grand Master.

Because Admiral Canaris was the Grand Master of the Knight’s Templars, the Templar gold from King Solomon’s Temple was sacred to him. He was the protector of the gold and the power that it carried. During World War II, Admiral Canaris made two trips a month from Berlin to Spain, via Switzerland. In Switzerland he picked up the gold from the Austrian Treasury and carried it to submarine bases in the Catalon region of Spain. From there, his son Wilhelm Johann supervised the transport of the gold to Paraguay where it lay hidden until 1955 when its location was discovered. In 1955, the gold was moved to the Phillippines, where it lay for forty years before it was returned to Europe.

The gold was only one part of the many pieces of the plan that would hopefully destroy the Federal Reserve Bank and prevent its owners from implementing their New World Order.

When William Casey joined with the remnants of the Canaris Conspiracy, a new conspiracy was created. The new conspiracy was designed to destroy the families who make up the New World Order. The way in which the New World Order would be destroyed would not be by war or death, it would be by the destruction of the financial empire upon which the New World Order depended for power.

The part of the plan that William Casey played was set in motion during the Nixon years when Casey was the head of the SEC (Security Exchange Commission) At that time, Casey and others, created billions of dollars in counterfeit bearer bonds. The plan for destroying the Federal Reserve would take at least thirty more years.

The first part of the plan was to create the counterfeit bonds, have them sealed and stamped by the Federal Reserve so that they appear to be genuine, and then have them used as the 10% reserve in thousands of small savings and loans and banks. These S&L’s and banks were started by the CIA during the 70's. Casey new that the second part of his plan had to occur during the 80's, and for it to occur, the banking laws had to be changed.

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Comment by Kihanyaking on April 8, 2009 at 5:28am
Proof that we are one race...humans, but living in two worlds. Who would have known that this whole hula hula was about wealth, greed to have power over the rest of us. Cheap minded people these NWO.

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