Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Extraterrestrial-assisted planetary evacuation

Hello Patrick, I am responding to the article written by Hatonn and Sananda, and found it to be very informative and I do appreciate the work that you and Anne are doing keeping us informed to the ongoing changes around the world. I do have further questions in regards to the "Evacuation" that is imminent. As Hatonn says that all lighted souls, children, and pets of all sorts will be given priority to liftoff. However, in the span of 15 minutes, there is still of lot of problems for the rest of the masses. For the people whom have recent knowledge of the "Liftoff beam", what about the remaining 99 percent of the masses that will be.....

1) Asleep during the time of day/night that one may need to be awake. (Including people on sleeping pills)

2) When there are many private/commercial jets are in the middle of flight destinations. Is the beam going to be available right on the planes even for the pilots that are busy flying?

3) When people are in active duty in hospital, policing, firemen, and many other jobs that require life or death situation. Do they stop what they are doing and step into the beam?

4) When people are mentally or physically ill and are into an unconscious/conscious state.

5) When people in around the world are in jails, prisons, refugee camps.

6) When people whom are very religious from around the world would not be receptive of the beam and would consider this to be "evil" therefore be in fear mode.

7) When people read this and "Believes" this is going to happen, but their loved ones and friends do not.

8) When there are many mentally/physically handicapped beings that do no understand the full scope of the event to take place they would also be into fear mode.

9) When there are addicts/non addicts like those who are drinking and do drugs. ( I do not succumb to these habits myself). Even if they were knowledgeable of the beam and they chose to step into it, would that make their energy more difficult to transport?

This is just a very short list of people that would not be able to initially be able to have the time nor understanding of what is about to happen in the next 15 minutes let alone not to get distressed into fear when stepping into the beam. I am guessing that there would not be very many people would be given much of a chance to act this through, and the ones that would, would be about 1 percent of the total population. Another thought that I had as I am sure that this is against the rules of Universal Law of free choice, is that we could evacuation anytime now and not just limit ourselves to the last 15 minutes of life on Earth and since the world is going into a transitional shift and we could all be removed from Earth without the fear and the pressure of not having any time to step onto the beam.
Patrick, if you are able to answer these questions for me as best as you can, this would help better understand my situation as well as your readers on Fourwinds.

Regards, DG


FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: March 11, 2009

Dear DG:

Thank you for your letter. I have already answered your questions in prior "Hello, Centrals" and other writings. Thus, I shall be brief.

By telepathy everyone will know in advance what is happening and be given instructions of what to do for evacuation to the Starships. At a soul level people have already decided what they intend to do, so there will be no last minute delays.

Creator God and the Star People do not make mistakes in a planetary evacuation. They have done this many times before and are very experienced. They are not handicapped by our 3D laws, as are we. This process is not against freewill, as everyone must decide what they will do, to leave or to stay. There will be no fear for those prepared to evacuate to safety. They will know that all is well.

Those not following The Laws of God and Creation will have low frequencies and will be unable to safely pass through the evacuation beam. By their freewill actions they have chosen not to board the ships, and yes, the evacuation beam of Light will come to wherever you are, whether aboard an airplane or in the bathtub. Tell me, if the pilot leaves the airplane in flight, will it matter? You will be fully clothed when you arrive aboard the ships!

For those of the Light, evacuation is a time of joy, not of fear! How many will go? Sananda has said, "I come to take my little flock home!"

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

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Comment by R.L on March 12, 2009 at 5:46am
wtf sounds gay
Comment by Andy (UK) on March 12, 2009 at 3:00am
Where's the original article. Can you send a link please.

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