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Exodus Debunked: Slave trade was not common in Ancient Egypt (Video)

Exodus Debunked: Slave trade was not common in Ancient Egypt (Video)

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat on June 2, 2017

“Slavery in Egypt is actually one of the biblical archeologists’ biggest disappointments. It is almost common knowledge now amongst Egyptologists that the Pyramids, long thought to have been built by the crack of the whip, were actually built by paid labor

Indeed, one of the most prominent themes we find in the Israelite stories is the theme of “slavery”. The stories of the Jewish Patriarchs of Abraham, Joseph, and Moses are all stories of slaves being bought and sold.

Throughout most of its three-thousand-year kingdom, slave-trade was not practiced in ancient Egypt. Slavery, as a public and widespread culture, was introduced in Egypt at the very late period of its Ancient kingdom (during the 4th-3th century BC and after the Greek conquest).

But why didn’t Slave trade prosper in Ancient Egypt? In the short film we put that question to Professor. Mustafa El-Abbadi, the renowned historian of Greco-Roman Egypt.

So, If ancient Egypt had no public markets for the trade of slaves where they were bought and sold, then we have to wonder how on earth Joseph ‘The Israelite Patriarch’ was ever introduced and sold in Ancient Egypt as the story goes.

Watch the video (in HD) and discover the true story of slavery in Ancient Egypt that absolutely debunks the biblical narrative about that Ancient land.

P.S. I expect many who will watch this video (and may be will get a little bit irritated) to go and dig for the key words “Egyptian slave” at Google, for (fast and furious) vindication. They will get loads of (misinterpreted) results, where “servant” in the ancient Egyptian language is often translated as “slave”.

To put it in a nutshell, Ancient Egypt knew servants and cheap laborers. As for slaves (prisoners of war), they would have also turned into household servants of the royal and uppermost class. But they were few, and definitely not as many as an overwhelming 2 million slaves, in a land as Ancient Egypt that had a population of nearly 3-4 million people at the time of the alleged biblical Exodus.

For more posts and videos on the (true) biblical history and that of Ancient Egypt visit Dr. Ashraf Ezzat’s website and YouTube channel



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