Saviors Of Earth

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Ex-NASA Employee Saw Hi-Res UFO/Alien Craft Photos, Ready To Testify Before Congress. By Vicky Verma

Ex-NASA Employee Saw Hi-Res UFO/Alien Craft Photos, Ready To Testify Before Congress.
By Vicky Verma

After the Pentagon‘s great UFO declassification and congressional hearings, NASA decided to hunt down the aliens. The agency possesses advanced technology on Planet Earth, exploring the possibility of transforming satellites into alien seekers to probe unexplained sightings without launching new equipment. The Galileo Project is designing a space mission to rendezvous with the next anomalous (Oumuamua-like) interstellar object that zooms into our solar system. Is that the first time NASA became interested in alien civilizations? NASA whistleblowers, who claimed to have closely worked in some of the top missions, do not think so. Former NASA employee, Donna Hare reportedly saw a photo of a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. ...+

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