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Henry Makow
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Below- "Men -- Design Your Perfect 10" (below)
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Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice
September 2, 2018
Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980's.
Today she is confined to a mental hospital,
a classically Communist form of punishment for dissidents.
Her crime is revealing Illuminati depravity in a new book,
Nathalie-The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control,
Slavery and Sexual Abuse reviewed below.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another "alter." She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite.
The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's revelations. The super-rich belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie's case, Amsterdam's Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital, left.
In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by "Dutch counterintelligence." They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about "codes" which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated.
Her book was midwived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modeling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case.
Nathalie says that most 1980's top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. "Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life." (205)
Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his "orgy island" where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. "Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump...the ultimate purpose: blackmail." (63)
Nathalie was present at events attended by David Rockefeller and members of the Rothschild family. "All of a sudden there was a bit of a commotion...A very old lady...came in and everybody made way for her. She looked like she was hundreds of years old. ...Bodyguards helped her to walk straight. She was covered with jewels...She came up to me and stroked my arm. "I am honored to meet you. You have beautful skin." (126)
Apparently, people who have everything seek the one thing they cannot have.
She retired from modeling in the 1990's and became an anti-pedophile researcher and activist. " I discovered that incest was gigantic and rapists of children were hardly ever punished in the Netherlands....the Dutch system was protecting these monsters...I was looking at the makings of a pedophile society." (152)
"In 2018 the European Union prepared far-reaching plans to legalize and normalize pedophilia and the decriminalize sex with children across Europe. The principle of a minimum age has been abandoned already by several European countries. In these countries, adults are allowed to have sex with children of any age. They will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove " threat, violence, duress or surprise." (204)
As you can see, humanity is partly ruled by its most depraved elements who are inducting us into their satanic cult, the better to exploit us.
Nathalie Augustina is a courageous woman. We must demand her immediate release.
Related - European Ages of Consent
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Illuminati 3 book
Below - We live in a Shadowbanned Society (scroll down) (scroll down)
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Men - Design Your Perfect "10"
September 1, 2018
left, Victoria's Secret model, the perfect 10?
Reflections on my
cult brainwashing and
what it cost me.
(Revised from Nov. 11, 2009)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Lately I have been thinking about a really great woman I knew when I was 24. I ignored Liz because I wasn't sexually attracted to her. She was pleasant-looking but there was no "chemistry."
She had many of the qualities in the left-hand column below, and she liked me. But my tastes and even my ideas had been formed by PLAYBOY. Average looking women were literally invisible.
I had been brainwashed by my cult-ure to believe that "sexual attraction" is 90% of what male-female relationships are all about.
Marriages were based on sexual attraction. You had to live together before marriage to make sure you were "sexually compatible." Sex was the Holy Grail.
I was thinking about Liz lately, wondering what her life has been like. Wondering what my life would have been like had I responded to her overture.
It must be hard for really great women to be ignored just because they aren't "hot." I have discovered that all women are beautiful in the act of love.
I was thinking about Liz because at age 68, I realize that great sex is only part of a good marriage, say a third. I don't want to underestimate its importance. Men and women need it and marriage is the very best way to get it.
But good sex isn't dependent on sex appeal. It's about showing affection and celebrating a marriage. We are looking for intimacy, not physical thrills.
Jeez, it wasn't until recently that I understood there is often a great disconnect between a woman's appearance and character.
What if I knew this back then? I wouldn't have had three failed marriages by the age of 50, two largely based on sexual attraction.
I am happily married now but how different my life might have been. I might have had a family.
Men, Design your perfect "10"
You can choose 10 of the 20 qualities listed below. If you choose only from the right-hand column, you will get the woman in the picture above, but she will have none of the qualities in the left-hand column. Put another way, what are you willing to give up for sex appeal? Write and tell me your answer. Give your age.
Character (Honest, Fair) Sex Appeal
Personality (Cheerful & fun) Sex Appeal
Great Sense of Humor Sex Appeal
Intelligent and reasonable Sex Appeal
Skills & Talents Sex Appeal
Warm and loving Sex Appeal
Devoted & Loyal Sex Appeal
Common Beliefs & Interests Sex Appeal
Great conversation.
Incredible Cook & Homemaker
Good mother to your children. Sex Appeal
Unselfish, Interested in Others Sex Appeal
Related- Men! Seek Help Mates, Not Soul Mates
First Comment by Ken Adachi
Women already possess all the sex appeal they need by virtue of being born a woman. It's what they do with the equipment after its issued that makes the difference in what sort of man they wind up with (and I'm not talking about plastic surgery or any primitive alterations to the body; e.g. tattoos, ..ugh).
The Universal Law of Cause & Effect is always in play, 24/7, in every dimension of reality, whether it's the 3rd or the 5th; the same spiritual rules apply. You reap what you sow.
Decent men are attracted to a decent woman because of their decent behavior and attitudes. Women who throw away their self-respect by talking, acting, dressing, or behaving coarsely, wind up with the sort of guy who's turned on by vulgarity and cheapness. Is that who they want for a husband (or unmarried "partner") and father of their kids?
If she shows off her body in public at every opportunity, then she's TRYING to attract a lot of basic, Neanderthals types. Is that who YOU want for your wife and the mother of your kids?
It's how feminine a woman acts, feels and behaves that motivates normal, decent guys. Normal men are as excited by a small breasted woman as they are by large breasted women if the woman looks, acts, and thinks like the soft, loving and vulnerable gift to mankind that they were meant to be by Divine Plan ~ then it's "Bingo": every single time.
It's that gentility, sweetness, and devotion to that one special man that makes life a gift from one end to the other. Look at Audrey Hepburn. A small body in every department, yet how feminine and desirable she was for millions of men BECAUSE of her innate feminine qualities in both appearance and behavior. Sex is God's way to show us the Light about the more important roles of love, honor - and above all - the heart, in our lives.
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Illuminati 3 book
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Below- Universities are Masonic Brainwashing Machines (scroll down)
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We Live in a Shadowbanned Society
August 31, 2018
The ultimate goal of the Illuminati central bankers
is a monopoly on thought.
People who diverge are thought criminals.
They are suppressing resistance by silencing truth-tellers.
Who knows what measures they will resort to in the future
if they get away with it now?
"Of course, Google etc. will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim."
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Lately, internet giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google have been criticized for banning conservative voices. President Trump has complained that Google suppresses positive news about him and he has vowed to take action. We need to put this into perspective.
This isn't a Left-Right dispute. All corporations are controlled by banks, which are franchises of the central banking cartel. The central bankers are Freemasons (i.e. Satanists) who wish to extend their monopoly over government credit into a monopoly over everything. They need to create a world police state because they create the medium of exchange in the form of a debt to them, when free governments could create this medium of exchange debt-and-interest-free.
Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting and making them sick. This is satanic possession.
To make us sick, they need to control information and suppress the truth by calling it "fake news." Satanists invert everything so evil is good, lies are true and sick is healthy. They are suppressing all resistance to this process of satanic possession. For example, Facebook recently purged a woman who said gender confusion is sick. This is how Communists operate. They normalize sickness. They liquidate opposition because they know they're in the wrong. (Communism is masonic.) You cannot oppose their shibboleths: Diversity, Gender Dysphoria, Migration, Multiculturalism, Sexual "liberation" -- all supported by the banks and corporations, all designed to undermine society.
Google shadowbans all views that resist society degradation. This became clear to me when I googled "In Praise of Marriage" (in quotations)
256 results. "Gay marriage" 13.1 million results.
"Heterosexuality." 3.1 million results with suggested searches all pointing to "heterosexuality is a social construct."
"Homosexuality" 39.1 million results. Again, this for a group that represents 3% of society.
Monogamy 6.2 million results. Open marriage gets 62.2 million links.
"Free Sex" 16.1 million. BTW, have you clicked on Google images for "free sex"? Hardcore porn. Thousands of images.
Take the quotation marks off of "In Praise of Marriage" and you get 31.8 million results. But that includes gay marriage
Let's put that into perspective. Hemorrhoids get almost 6 million results. Same with ringworm.
Gay marriage gets 50.7 million results.
On the other hand, stopping and welcoming migrants both got about 2.9 million results.
"White genocide" got 33.8 million results. The top five entries all debunk the notion.
White Genocide conspiracy theory- Wikipedia
Trump Tweets Echoing White Nationalist Propaganda
Snopes - Is there Killing of farmers in South Africa?
White Genocide- Defining Extremism - ADL
Deradicalizing Whites ( another putdown)
Of course, they will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim.
To be fair, there is still a plethora of invaluable information available on Google's YouTube, like this amazing video on race mixing in advertising, another example of their subtle brainwashing. Or this UNFAVORABLE speech by the young Obama. Or the great videos by E. Michael Jones and Black Pigeon Speaks.
But how long will this last?
I could go on but you get the point. Google was probably set up by the CIA to suppress the truth, control our minds and monitor our thoughts. The same applies to the other social media giants.
We need to support alternatives that do not advance the nefarious Illuminati agenda. Ultimately we will be forced to rely on them, so we might as well build them up now.
First Comment from LC
Excellent article and analysis. Control of thought is The Illuminati's ultimate aim, for once they achieve that, then control of the "cattle", their actions and their lives inevitably will follow. Your article may help warn those most vulnerable to their editing of Reality.
Thanks LC! I love your term "editing of reality.!" Editing out God.
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Illuminati 3 book
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South Africa a Communist-Jewish Creation
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August 25, 2018
SOUTH AFRICAB (15).jpgiq
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Sordid Stats on South African Legislators
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August 14, 2018
(Brawls threaten governance. That's not all)
Sordid Stats on South African Legislators
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
373 in total or approximately 70%
Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet?
It's the 535 members of the SOUTH AFRICAN PARLIAMENT -
(The same group of morons that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line!)
You gotta pass this one on! Far and wide!
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This is where the hate is coming from
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August 11, 2018
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Illuminati 3 - Satanic Posession book cover
Below- "Men -- Design Your Perfect 10" (below)
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Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice
September 2, 2018
Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980's.
Today she is confined to a mental hospital,
a classically Communist form of punishment for dissidents.
Her crime is revealing Illuminati depravity in a new book,
Nathalie-The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control,
Slavery and Sexual Abuse reviewed below.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another "alter." She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite.
The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's revelations. The super-rich belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie's case, Amsterdam's Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital, left.
In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by "Dutch counterintelligence." They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about "codes" which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated.
Her book was midwived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modeling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case.
Nathalie says that most 1980's top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. "Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life." (205)
Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his "orgy island" where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. "Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump...the ultimate purpose: blackmail." (63)
Nathalie was present at events attended by David Rockefeller and members of the Rothschild family. "All of a sudden there was a bit of a commotion...A very old lady...came in and everybody made way for her. She looked like she was hundreds of years old. ...Bodyguards helped her to walk straight. She was covered with jewels...She came up to me and stroked my arm. "I am honored to meet you. You have beautful skin." (126)
Apparently, people who have everything seek the one thing they cannot have.
She retired from modeling in the 1990's and became an anti-pedophile researcher and activist. " I discovered that incest was gigantic and rapists of children were hardly ever punished in the Netherlands....the Dutch system was protecting these monsters...I was looking at the makings of a pedophile society." (152)
"In 2018 the European Union prepared far-reaching plans to legalize and normalize pedophilia and the decriminalize sex with children across Europe. The principle of a minimum age has been abandoned already by several European countries. In these countries, adults are allowed to have sex with children of any age. They will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove " threat, violence, duress or surprise." (204)
As you can see, humanity is partly ruled by its most depraved elements who are inducting us into their satanic cult, the better to exploit us.
Nathalie Augustina is a courageous woman. We must demand her immediate release.
Related - European Ages of Consent
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Illuminati 3 book
Below - We live in a Shadowbanned Society (scroll down) (scroll down)
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Men - Design Your Perfect "10"
September 1, 2018
left, Victoria's Secret model, the perfect 10?
Reflections on my
cult brainwashing and
what it cost me.
(Revised from Nov. 11, 2009)
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Lately I have been thinking about a really great woman I knew when I was 24. I ignored Liz because I wasn't sexually attracted to her. She was pleasant-looking but there was no "chemistry."
She had many of the qualities in the left-hand column below, and she liked me. But my tastes and even my ideas had been formed by PLAYBOY. Average looking women were literally invisible.
I had been brainwashed by my cult-ure to believe that "sexual attraction" is 90% of what male-female relationships are all about.
Marriages were based on sexual attraction. You had to live together before marriage to make sure you were "sexually compatible." Sex was the Holy Grail.
I was thinking about Liz lately, wondering what her life has been like. Wondering what my life would have been like had I responded to her overture.
It must be hard for really great women to be ignored just because they aren't "hot." I have discovered that all women are beautiful in the act of love.
I was thinking about Liz because at age 68, I realize that great sex is only part of a good marriage, say a third. I don't want to underestimate its importance. Men and women need it and marriage is the very best way to get it.
But good sex isn't dependent on sex appeal. It's about showing affection and celebrating a marriage. We are looking for intimacy, not physical thrills.
Jeez, it wasn't until recently that I understood there is often a great disconnect between a woman's appearance and character.
What if I knew this back then? I wouldn't have had three failed marriages by the age of 50, two largely based on sexual attraction.
I am happily married now but how different my life might have been. I might have had a family.
Men, Design your perfect "10"
You can choose 10 of the 20 qualities listed below. If you choose only from the right-hand column, you will get the woman in the picture above, but she will have none of the qualities in the left-hand column. Put another way, what are you willing to give up for sex appeal? Write and tell me your answer. Give your age.
Character (Honest, Fair) Sex Appeal
Personality (Cheerful & fun) Sex Appeal
Great Sense of Humor Sex Appeal
Intelligent and reasonable Sex Appeal
Skills & Talents Sex Appeal
Warm and loving Sex Appeal
Devoted & Loyal Sex Appeal
Common Beliefs & Interests Sex Appeal
Great conversation.
Incredible Cook & Homemaker
Good mother to your children. Sex Appeal
Unselfish, Interested in Others Sex Appeal
Related- Men! Seek Help Mates, Not Soul Mates
First Comment by Ken Adachi
Women already possess all the sex appeal they need by virtue of being born a woman. It's what they do with the equipment after its issued that makes the difference in what sort of man they wind up with (and I'm not talking about plastic surgery or any primitive alterations to the body; e.g. tattoos, ..ugh).
The Universal Law of Cause & Effect is always in play, 24/7, in every dimension of reality, whether it's the 3rd or the 5th; the same spiritual rules apply. You reap what you sow.
Decent men are attracted to a decent woman because of their decent behavior and attitudes. Women who throw away their self-respect by talking, acting, dressing, or behaving coarsely, wind up with the sort of guy who's turned on by vulgarity and cheapness. Is that who they want for a husband (or unmarried "partner") and father of their kids?
If she shows off her body in public at every opportunity, then she's TRYING to attract a lot of basic, Neanderthals types. Is that who YOU want for your wife and the mother of your kids?
It's how feminine a woman acts, feels and behaves that motivates normal, decent guys. Normal men are as excited by a small breasted woman as they are by large breasted women if the woman looks, acts, and thinks like the soft, loving and vulnerable gift to mankind that they were meant to be by Divine Plan ~ then it's "Bingo": every single time.
It's that gentility, sweetness, and devotion to that one special man that makes life a gift from one end to the other. Look at Audrey Hepburn. A small body in every department, yet how feminine and desirable she was for millions of men BECAUSE of her innate feminine qualities in both appearance and behavior. Sex is God's way to show us the Light about the more important roles of love, honor - and above all - the heart, in our lives.
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Illuminati 3 book
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Below- Universities are Masonic Brainwashing Machines (scroll down)
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We Live in a Shadowbanned Society
August 31, 2018
The ultimate goal of the Illuminati central bankers
is a monopoly on thought.
People who diverge are thought criminals.
They are suppressing resistance by silencing truth-tellers.
Who knows what measures they will resort to in the future
if they get away with it now?
"Of course, Google etc. will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim."
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
Lately, internet giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google have been criticized for banning conservative voices. President Trump has complained that Google suppresses positive news about him and he has vowed to take action. We need to put this into perspective.
This isn't a Left-Right dispute. All corporations are controlled by banks, which are franchises of the central banking cartel. The central bankers are Freemasons (i.e. Satanists) who wish to extend their monopoly over government credit into a monopoly over everything. They need to create a world police state because they create the medium of exchange in the form of a debt to them, when free governments could create this medium of exchange debt-and-interest-free.
Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting and making them sick. This is satanic possession.
To make us sick, they need to control information and suppress the truth by calling it "fake news." Satanists invert everything so evil is good, lies are true and sick is healthy. They are suppressing all resistance to this process of satanic possession. For example, Facebook recently purged a woman who said gender confusion is sick. This is how Communists operate. They normalize sickness. They liquidate opposition because they know they're in the wrong. (Communism is masonic.) You cannot oppose their shibboleths: Diversity, Gender Dysphoria, Migration, Multiculturalism, Sexual "liberation" -- all supported by the banks and corporations, all designed to undermine society.
Google shadowbans all views that resist society degradation. This became clear to me when I googled "In Praise of Marriage" (in quotations)
256 results. "Gay marriage" 13.1 million results.
"Heterosexuality." 3.1 million results with suggested searches all pointing to "heterosexuality is a social construct."
"Homosexuality" 39.1 million results. Again, this for a group that represents 3% of society.
Monogamy 6.2 million results. Open marriage gets 62.2 million links.
"Free Sex" 16.1 million. BTW, have you clicked on Google images for "free sex"? Hardcore porn. Thousands of images.
Take the quotation marks off of "In Praise of Marriage" and you get 31.8 million results. But that includes gay marriage
Let's put that into perspective. Hemorrhoids get almost 6 million results. Same with ringworm.
Gay marriage gets 50.7 million results.
On the other hand, stopping and welcoming migrants both got about 2.9 million results.
"White genocide" got 33.8 million results. The top five entries all debunk the notion.
White Genocide conspiracy theory- Wikipedia
Trump Tweets Echoing White Nationalist Propaganda
Snopes - Is there Killing of farmers in South Africa?
White Genocide- Defining Extremism - ADL
Deradicalizing Whites ( another putdown)
Of course, they will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim.
To be fair, there is still a plethora of invaluable information available on Google's YouTube, like this amazing video on race mixing in advertising, another example of their subtle brainwashing. Or this UNFAVORABLE speech by the young Obama. Or the great videos by E. Michael Jones and Black Pigeon Speaks.
But how long will this last?
I could go on but you get the point. Google was probably set up by the CIA to suppress the truth, control our minds and monitor our thoughts. The same applies to the other social media giants.
We need to support alternatives that do not advance the nefarious Illuminati agenda. Ultimately we will be forced to rely on them, so we might as well build them up now.
First Comment from LC
Excellent article and analysis. Control of thought is The Illuminati's ultimate aim, for once they achieve that, then control of the "cattle", their actions and their lives inevitably will follow. Your article may help warn those most vulnerable to their editing of Reality.
Thanks LC! I love your term "editing of reality.!" Editing out God.
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Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Illuminati 3 book
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South Africa a Communist-Jewish Creation
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August 25, 2018
SOUTH AFRICAB (15).jpgiq
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Sordid Stats on South African Legislators
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August 14, 2018
(Brawls threaten governance. That's not all)
Sordid Stats on South African Legislators
Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics:
29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad cheques
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are currently defendants in lawsuits
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year
373 in total or approximately 70%
Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet?
It's the 535 members of the SOUTH AFRICAN PARLIAMENT -
(The same group of morons that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line!)
You gotta pass this one on! Far and wide!
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This is where the hate is coming from
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August 11, 2018
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Search Henry Makow Home | UW | Archives | Reference | Contact | An Oasis for the Awake Direct Link to Latest News Illuminati 3 - Satanic Posession book cover Below- "Men -- Design Your Perfect 10" (below) Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice September 2, 2018 natalie.jpg Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980's. Today she is confined to a mental hospital, a classically Communist form of punishment for dissidents. Her crime is revealing Illuminati depravity in a new book, Nathalie-The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control, Slavery and Sexual Abuse reviewed below. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another "alter." She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite. mentrum.jpeg The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's revelations. The super-rich belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie's case, Amsterdam's Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital, left. In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by "Dutch counterintelligence." They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about "codes" which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated. Her book was midwived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modeling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case. Nathalie says that most 1980's top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. "Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life." (205) Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his "orgy island" where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. "Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump...the ultimate purpose: blackmail." (63) cover-NAT.jpg Nathalie was present at events attended by David Rockefeller and members of the Rothschild family. "All of a sudden there was a bit of a commotion...A very old lady...came in and everybody made way for her. She looked like she was hundreds of years old. ...Bodyguards helped her to walk straight. She was covered with jewels...She came up to me and stroked my arm. "I am honored to meet you. You have beautful skin." (126) Apparently, people who have everything seek the one thing they cannot have. She retired from modeling in the 1990's and became an anti-pedophile researcher and activist. " I discovered that incest was gigantic and rapists of children were hardly ever punished in the Netherlands....the Dutch system was protecting these monsters...I was looking at the makings of a pedophile society." (152) "In 2018 the European Union prepared far-reaching plans to legalize and normalize pedophilia and the decriminalize sex with children across Europe. The principle of a minimum age has been abandoned already by several European countries. In these countries, adults are allowed to have sex with children of any age. They will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove " threat, violence, duress or surprise." (204) As you can see, humanity is partly ruled by its most depraved elements who are inducting us into their satanic cult, the better to exploit us. Nathalie Augustina is a courageous woman. We must demand her immediate release. ------ Related - European Ages of Consent ShareThis Tweet Google + Email You can find this article permanently at Articles >> Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Illuminati 3 book Below - We live in a Shadowbanned Society (scroll down) (scroll down) Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Men - Design Your Perfect "10" September 1, 2018 vs2.jpeg left, Victoria's Secret model, the perfect 10? Reflections on my cult brainwashing and what it cost me. (Revised from Nov. 11, 2009) by Henry Makow Ph.D. Lately I have been thinking about a really great woman I knew when I was 24. I ignored Liz because I wasn't sexually attracted to her. She was pleasant-looking but there was no "chemistry." She had many of the qualities in the left-hand column below, and she liked me. But my tastes and even my ideas had been formed by PLAYBOY. Average looking women were literally invisible. I had been brainwashed by my cult-ure to believe that "sexual attraction" is 90% of what male-female relationships are all about. Marriages were based on sexual attraction. You had to live together before marriage to make sure you were "sexually compatible." Sex was the Holy Grail. I was thinking about Liz lately, wondering what her life has been like. Wondering what my life would have been like had I responded to her overture. It must be hard for really great women to be ignored just because they aren't "hot." I have discovered that all women are beautiful in the act of love. I was thinking about Liz because at age 68, I realize that great sex is only part of a good marriage, say a third. I don't want to underestimate its importance. Men and women need it and marriage is the very best way to get it. But good sex isn't dependent on sex appeal. It's about showing affection and celebrating a marriage. We are looking for intimacy, not physical thrills. Jeez, it wasn't until recently that I understood there is often a great disconnect between a woman's appearance and character. What if I knew this back then? I wouldn't have had three failed marriages by the age of 50, two largely based on sexual attraction. I am happily married now but how different my life might have been. I might have had a family. Men, Design your perfect "10" You can choose 10 of the 20 qualities listed below. If you choose only from the right-hand column, you will get the woman in the picture above, but she will have none of the qualities in the left-hand column. Put another way, what are you willing to give up for sex appeal? Write and tell me your answer. Give your age. Character (Honest, Fair) Sex Appeal Personality (Cheerful & fun) Sex Appeal Great Sense of Humor Sex Appeal Intelligent and reasonable Sex Appeal Skills & Talents Sex Appeal Warm and loving Sex Appeal Devoted & Loyal Sex Appeal Common Beliefs & Interests Sex Appeal Great conversation. Incredible Cook & Homemaker Good mother to your children. Sex Appeal Unselfish, Interested in Others Sex Appeal ----- Related- Men! Seek Help Mates, Not Soul Mates First Comment by Ken Adachi Women already possess all the sex appeal they need by virtue of being born a woman. It's what they do with the equipment after its issued that makes the difference in what sort of man they wind up with (and I'm not talking about plastic surgery or any primitive alterations to the body; e.g. tattoos, ..ugh). The Universal Law of Cause & Effect is always in play, 24/7, in every dimension of reality, whether it's the 3rd or the 5th; the same spiritual rules apply. You reap what you sow. Decent men are attracted to a decent woman because of their decent behavior and attitudes. Women who throw away their self-respect by talking, acting, dressing, or behaving coarsely, wind up with the sort of guy who's turned on by vulgarity and cheapness. Is that who they want for a husband (or unmarried "partner") and father of their kids? If she shows off her body in public at every opportunity, then she's TRYING to attract a lot of basic, Neanderthals types. Is that who YOU want for your wife and the mother of your kids? It's how feminine a woman acts, feels and behaves that motivates normal, decent guys. Normal men are as excited by a small breasted woman as they are by large breasted women if the woman looks, acts, and thinks like the soft, loving and vulnerable gift to mankind that they were meant to be by Divine Plan ~ then it's "Bingo": every single time. It's that gentility, sweetness, and devotion to that one special man that makes life a gift from one end to the other. Look at Audrey Hepburn. A small body in every department, yet how feminine and desirable she was for millions of men BECAUSE of her innate feminine qualities in both appearance and behavior. Sex is God's way to show us the Light about the more important roles of love, honor - and above all - the heart, in our lives. ShareThis Tweet Google + Email You can find this article permanently at Articles >> Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Illuminati 3 book [+] Show Comments for "Men - Design Your Perfect "10" " Below- Universities are Masonic Brainwashing Machines (scroll down) Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email We Live in a Shadowbanned Society August 31, 2018 s-ban-def.jpeg The ultimate goal of the Illuminati central bankers is a monopoly on thought. People who diverge are thought criminals. They are suppressing resistance by silencing truth-tellers. Who knows what measures they will resort to in the future if they get away with it now? "Of course, Google etc. will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim." By Henry Makow Ph.D. Lately, internet giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google have been criticized for banning conservative voices. President Trump has complained that Google suppresses positive news about him and he has vowed to take action. We need to put this into perspective. This isn't a Left-Right dispute. All corporations are controlled by banks, which are franchises of the central banking cartel. The central bankers are Freemasons (i.e. Satanists) who wish to extend their monopoly over government credit into a monopoly over everything. They need to create a world police state because they create the medium of exchange in the form of a debt to them, when free governments could create this medium of exchange debt-and-interest-free. Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting and making them sick. This is satanic possession. To make us sick, they need to control information and suppress the truth by calling it "fake news." Satanists invert everything so evil is good, lies are true and sick is healthy. They are suppressing all resistance to this process of satanic possession. For example, Facebook recently purged a woman who said gender confusion is sick. This is how Communists operate. They normalize sickness. They liquidate opposition because they know they're in the wrong. (Communism is masonic.) You cannot oppose their shibboleths: Diversity, Gender Dysphoria, Migration, Multiculturalism, Sexual "liberation" -- all supported by the banks and corporations, all designed to undermine society. LUMI.jpg Google shadowbans all views that resist society degradation. This became clear to me when I googled "In Praise of Marriage" (in quotations) 256 results. "Gay marriage" 13.1 million results. "Heterosexuality." 3.1 million results with suggested searches all pointing to "heterosexuality is a social construct." "Homosexuality" 39.1 million results. Again, this for a group that represents 3% of society. Monogamy 6.2 million results. Open marriage gets 62.2 million links. "Free Sex" 16.1 million. BTW, have you clicked on Google images for "free sex"? Hardcore porn. Thousands of images. Take the quotation marks off of "In Praise of Marriage" and you get 31.8 million results. But that includes gay marriage Let's put that into perspective. Hemorrhoids get almost 6 million results. Same with ringworm. Gay marriage gets 50.7 million results. On the other hand, stopping and welcoming migrants both got about 2.9 million results. "White genocide" got 33.8 million results. The top five entries all debunk the notion. MEDIA GOOGLE(11).jpg White Genocide conspiracy theory- Wikipedia Trump Tweets Echoing White Nationalist Propaganda Snopes - Is there Killing of farmers in South Africa? White Genocide- Defining Extremism - ADL Deradicalizing Whites ( another putdown) Of course, they will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim. To be fair, there is still a plethora of invaluable information available on Google's YouTube, like this amazing video on race mixing in advertising, another example of their subtle brainwashing. Or this UNFAVORABLE speech by the young Obama. Or the great videos by E. Michael Jones and Black Pigeon Speaks. But how long will this last? I could go on but you get the point. Google was probably set up by the CIA to suppress the truth, control our minds and monitor our thoughts. The same applies to the other social media giants. We need to support alternatives that do not advance the nefarious Illuminati agenda. Ultimately we will be forced to rely on them, so we might as well build them up now. ------- First Comment from LC Excellent article and analysis. Control of thought is The Illuminati's ultimate aim, for once they achieve that, then control of the "cattle", their actions and their lives inevitably will follow. Your article may help warn those most vulnerable to their editing of Reality. Thanks LC! I love your term "editing of reality.!" Editing out God. ShareThis Tweet Google + Email You can find this article permanently at Articles >> Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Illuminati 3 book [+] Show Comments for "We Live in a Shadowbanned Society" South Africa a Communist-Jewish Creation Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email August 25, 2018 SOUTH AFRICAB (14).jpg SOUTH AFRICAB (15).jpgiq ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Sordid Stats on South African Legislators Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email August 14, 2018 EFF-Parliament.jpg (Brawls threaten governance. That's not all) Sordid Stats on South African Legislators Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics: 29 have been accused of spousal abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad cheques 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time for assault 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 have been arrested for shoplifting 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year 373 in total or approximately 70% Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet? It's the 535 members of the SOUTH AFRICAN PARLIAMENT - (The same group of morons that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line!) You gotta pass this one on! Far and wide! ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email This is where the hate is coming from Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email August 11, 2018 world-without-hate.jpg ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Search ShareThis rss feed RSS Feed @Henry Makow Join our Mailing List Ad Headline Ad Headline Ad Headline Powered by Plutus ads See Tweeter Feed Below Henry Makow in French Henry Makow in German Henry Makow in Polish Henry Makow in Spanish The Essential Henry Makow Illuminati Book advertising Hidden History, Zionism and Anti-Semitism The Jeff Rense Exposé Feminism & Heterosexuality: · How the Rockefellers Re-engineered Women · Betty Friedan-"Momey" was a Commie · Now Heterosexuals Are in the Closet · When Love is a One-Night Stand · Men Who Get Women · Possessiveness is Part of Marriage · Why All Porn is Gay New World Order: · An Illuminati Primer · Conspiracy Too Monstrous to Conceive · Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony · The Devil's Work: Feminism and the Elite Depopulation Agenda · Be Afraid: The New World 0rder's Fascist Pedigree · Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity's Woes · Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy · Does a Satanic Cult Rule the World? · Bush, Bin Laden Serve the Same Masters More Recent and Notable: · Humanity is Satanically Possessed · The "Jewish" Conspiracy is British Imperialism · Is the New World Order "Jewish"? · Politically Incorrect Advice for Young Men · Illuminati Sex Slaves Paint Horrifying Picture · Zionism: A Conspiracy Against Jews · How University Betrays Students Archives >> NWO Booklist in Reference Latest News Back to Top Tweets by HenryMakow Listen to Henry's broadcasts Build Yourself an Ark Build yourself an Ark Eight 45-minute talks by an Irish Priest. Deep understanding of the New World Order conspiracy. Talk 1 Talk 2 Talk 3 Talk 4 Talk 5 Talk 6 Talk 7 Talk 8 5 Must See Videos In the Shadow of Hermes (Jyri Lina) The Whole Story of Zionism (Rev. Ted Pike) Illuminati and the CFR - Myron Fagan (1967) Marching to Zion William Guy Carr- The Illuminati Henry Makow © 2018 Henry Makow Home | UW | Archives | Reference | Contact | An Oasis for the Awake Direct Link to Latest News Illuminati 3 - Satanic Posession book cover Below- "Men -- Design Your Perfect 10" (below) Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Ex-Model Incarcerated for Exposing Illuminati Child Sacrifice September 2, 2018 natalie.jpg Nathalie Augustina, left, was a Dutch-based supermodel in the 1980's. Today she is confined to a mental hospital, a classically Communist form of punishment for dissidents. Her crime is revealing Illuminati depravity in a new book, Nathalie-The Dark Side of the Fashion Industry: Monarch Mind Control, Slavery and Sexual Abuse reviewed below. by Henry Makow Ph.D. Nathalie Augustina was a MK-Ultra mind-controlled fashion model and sex slave who serviced politicians as a reward for their services to the super-rich Satanists that control the world. Her mind was compartmentalized by trauma as a young child and her sexual services were performed by another "alter." She had no recollection of them, yet it was obvious that she had been used. She became pregnant twice without recollecting intercourse. She was offered millions of dollars for a baby but chose to abort them instead. She also had other psychic powers and functions in the netherworld of the CIA and Satanist elite. mentrum.jpeg The Illuminati depravity she exposes is consistent with Dutch banker Ronald Bernard's revelations. The super-rich belong to a Satanist cult and engage in pedophilia, child and baby torture and murder, and cannibalism on a routine basis. Police and military intelligence enable these crimes and cover them up. Whistleblowers are murdered or confined to a mental hospital, in Nathalie's case, Amsterdam's Mentrum Psychiatric Hospital, left. In the past, she was confined for two months in an isolation cell by "Dutch counterintelligence." They tied her naked to a chair and quizzed her about "codes" which her normal personality cannot access. Then they took her to Mentrum where she was stripped naked and medicated. Her book was midwived by Robin de Ruiter, author of The 13 Satanic Bloodlines: Paving the Road to Hell. His Introduction provides an explanation of MK-Ultra brainwashing and how top modeling agencies are basically brothels. Bookers are pimps. Models who resist are disappeared. Here is a recent case. Nathalie says that most 1980's top models traded sex for fame and fortune. She claims she was drugged and raped by the actor Keanu Reeves. "Most movie stars are not only Monarch slaves, many are also slave-handlers; all live a double life." (205) Pedophile billionaire would fly world famous men to his "orgy island" where they would have sex with underage girls who were drugged. "Flight logs [include] Prince Albert, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump...the ultimate purpose: blackmail." (63) cover-NAT.jpg Nathalie was present at events attended by David Rockefeller and members of the Rothschild family. "All of a sudden there was a bit of a commotion...A very old lady...came in and everybody made way for her. She looked like she was hundreds of years old. ...Bodyguards helped her to walk straight. She was covered with jewels...She came up to me and stroked my arm. "I am honored to meet you. You have beautful skin." (126) Apparently, people who have everything seek the one thing they cannot have. She retired from modeling in the 1990's and became an anti-pedophile researcher and activist. " I discovered that incest was gigantic and rapists of children were hardly ever punished in the Netherlands....the Dutch system was protecting these monsters...I was looking at the makings of a pedophile society." (152) "In 2018 the European Union prepared far-reaching plans to legalize and normalize pedophilia and the decriminalize sex with children across Europe. The principle of a minimum age has been abandoned already by several European countries. In these countries, adults are allowed to have sex with children of any age. They will not be prosecuted for rape if the child victim is unable to prove " threat, violence, duress or surprise." (204) As you can see, humanity is partly ruled by its most depraved elements who are inducting us into their satanic cult, the better to exploit us. Nathalie Augustina is a courageous woman. We must demand her immediate release. ------ Related - European Ages of Consent ShareThis Tweet Google + Email You can find this article permanently at Articles >> Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Illuminati 3 book Below - We live in a Shadowbanned Society (scroll down) (scroll down) Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Men - Design Your Perfect "10" September 1, 2018 vs2.jpeg left, Victoria's Secret model, the perfect 10? Reflections on my cult brainwashing and what it cost me. (Revised from Nov. 11, 2009) by Henry Makow Ph.D. Lately I have been thinking about a really great woman I knew when I was 24. I ignored Liz because I wasn't sexually attracted to her. She was pleasant-looking but there was no "chemistry." She had many of the qualities in the left-hand column below, and she liked me. But my tastes and even my ideas had been formed by PLAYBOY. Average looking women were literally invisible. I had been brainwashed by my cult-ure to believe that "sexual attraction" is 90% of what male-female relationships are all about. Marriages were based on sexual attraction. You had to live together before marriage to make sure you were "sexually compatible." Sex was the Holy Grail. I was thinking about Liz lately, wondering what her life has been like. Wondering what my life would have been like had I responded to her overture. It must be hard for really great women to be ignored just because they aren't "hot." I have discovered that all women are beautiful in the act of love. I was thinking about Liz because at age 68, I realize that great sex is only part of a good marriage, say a third. I don't want to underestimate its importance. Men and women need it and marriage is the very best way to get it. But good sex isn't dependent on sex appeal. It's about showing affection and celebrating a marriage. We are looking for intimacy, not physical thrills. Jeez, it wasn't until recently that I understood there is often a great disconnect between a woman's appearance and character. What if I knew this back then? I wouldn't have had three failed marriages by the age of 50, two largely based on sexual attraction. I am happily married now but how different my life might have been. I might have had a family. Men, Design your perfect "10" You can choose 10 of the 20 qualities listed below. If you choose only from the right-hand column, you will get the woman in the picture above, but she will have none of the qualities in the left-hand column. Put another way, what are you willing to give up for sex appeal? Write and tell me your answer. Give your age. Character (Honest, Fair) Sex Appeal Personality (Cheerful & fun) Sex Appeal Great Sense of Humor Sex Appeal Intelligent and reasonable Sex Appeal Skills & Talents Sex Appeal Warm and loving Sex Appeal Devoted & Loyal Sex Appeal Common Beliefs & Interests Sex Appeal Great conversation. Incredible Cook & Homemaker Good mother to your children. Sex Appeal Unselfish, Interested in Others Sex Appeal ----- Related- Men! Seek Help Mates, Not Soul Mates First Comment by Ken Adachi Women already possess all the sex appeal they need by virtue of being born a woman. It's what they do with the equipment after its issued that makes the difference in what sort of man they wind up with (and I'm not talking about plastic surgery or any primitive alterations to the body; e.g. tattoos, ..ugh). The Universal Law of Cause & Effect is always in play, 24/7, in every dimension of reality, whether it's the 3rd or the 5th; the same spiritual rules apply. You reap what you sow. Decent men are attracted to a decent woman because of their decent behavior and attitudes. Women who throw away their self-respect by talking, acting, dressing, or behaving coarsely, wind up with the sort of guy who's turned on by vulgarity and cheapness. Is that who they want for a husband (or unmarried "partner") and father of their kids? If she shows off her body in public at every opportunity, then she's TRYING to attract a lot of basic, Neanderthals types. Is that who YOU want for your wife and the mother of your kids? It's how feminine a woman acts, feels and behaves that motivates normal, decent guys. Normal men are as excited by a small breasted woman as they are by large breasted women if the woman looks, acts, and thinks like the soft, loving and vulnerable gift to mankind that they were meant to be by Divine Plan ~ then it's "Bingo": every single time. It's that gentility, sweetness, and devotion to that one special man that makes life a gift from one end to the other. Look at Audrey Hepburn. A small body in every department, yet how feminine and desirable she was for millions of men BECAUSE of her innate feminine qualities in both appearance and behavior. Sex is God's way to show us the Light about the more important roles of love, honor - and above all - the heart, in our lives. ShareThis Tweet Google + Email You can find this article permanently at Articles >> Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Illuminati 3 book [+] Show Comments for "Men - Design Your Perfect "10" " Below- Universities are Masonic Brainwashing Machines (scroll down) Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email We Live in a Shadowbanned Society August 31, 2018 s-ban-def.jpeg The ultimate goal of the Illuminati central bankers is a monopoly on thought. People who diverge are thought criminals. They are suppressing resistance by silencing truth-tellers. Who knows what measures they will resort to in the future if they get away with it now? "Of course, Google etc. will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim." By Henry Makow Ph.D. Lately, internet giants Facebook, Twitter, and Google have been criticized for banning conservative voices. President Trump has complained that Google suppresses positive news about him and he has vowed to take action. We need to put this into perspective. This isn't a Left-Right dispute. All corporations are controlled by banks, which are franchises of the central banking cartel. The central bankers are Freemasons (i.e. Satanists) who wish to extend their monopoly over government credit into a monopoly over everything. They need to create a world police state because they create the medium of exchange in the form of a debt to them, when free governments could create this medium of exchange debt-and-interest-free. Satanic cults exploit and control their members by corrupting and making them sick. This is satanic possession. To make us sick, they need to control information and suppress the truth by calling it "fake news." Satanists invert everything so evil is good, lies are true and sick is healthy. They are suppressing all resistance to this process of satanic possession. For example, Facebook recently purged a woman who said gender confusion is sick. This is how Communists operate. They normalize sickness. They liquidate opposition because they know they're in the wrong. (Communism is masonic.) You cannot oppose their shibboleths: Diversity, Gender Dysphoria, Migration, Multiculturalism, Sexual "liberation" -- all supported by the banks and corporations, all designed to undermine society. LUMI.jpg Google shadowbans all views that resist society degradation. This became clear to me when I googled "In Praise of Marriage" (in quotations) 256 results. "Gay marriage" 13.1 million results. "Heterosexuality." 3.1 million results with suggested searches all pointing to "heterosexuality is a social construct." "Homosexuality" 39.1 million results. Again, this for a group that represents 3% of society. Monogamy 6.2 million results. Open marriage gets 62.2 million links. "Free Sex" 16.1 million. BTW, have you clicked on Google images for "free sex"? Hardcore porn. Thousands of images. Take the quotation marks off of "In Praise of Marriage" and you get 31.8 million results. But that includes gay marriage Let's put that into perspective. Hemorrhoids get almost 6 million results. Same with ringworm. Gay marriage gets 50.7 million results. On the other hand, stopping and welcoming migrants both got about 2.9 million results. "White genocide" got 33.8 million results. The top five entries all debunk the notion. MEDIA GOOGLE(11).jpg White Genocide conspiracy theory- Wikipedia Trump Tweets Echoing White Nationalist Propaganda Snopes - Is there Killing of farmers in South Africa? White Genocide- Defining Extremism - ADL Deradicalizing Whites ( another putdown) Of course, they will deny their bias. This is standard Communists/Luciferian practice. Deny with your lips what you do with your hands, causing a cognitive dissonance in your victim. To be fair, there is still a plethora of invaluable information available on Google's YouTube, like this amazing video on race mixing in advertising, another example of their subtle brainwashing. Or this UNFAVORABLE speech by the young Obama. Or the great videos by E. Michael Jones and Black Pigeon Speaks. But how long will this last? I could go on but you get the point. Google was probably set up by the CIA to suppress the truth, control our minds and monitor our thoughts. The same applies to the other social media giants. We need to support alternatives that do not advance the nefarious Illuminati agenda. Ultimately we will be forced to rely on them, so we might as well build them up now. ------- First Comment from LC Excellent article and analysis. Control of thought is The Illuminati's ultimate aim, for once they achieve that, then control of the "cattle", their actions and their lives inevitably will follow. Your article may help warn those most vulnerable to their editing of Reality. Thanks LC! I love your term "editing of reality.!" Editing out God. ShareThis Tweet Google + Email You can find this article permanently at Articles >> Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at Illuminati 3 book [+] Show Comments for "We Live in a Shadowbanned Society" South Africa a Communist-Jewish Creation Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email August 25, 2018 SOUTH AFRICAB (14).jpg SOUTH AFRICAB (15).jpgiq ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Sordid Stats on South African Legislators Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email August 14, 2018 EFF-Parliament.jpg (Brawls threaten governance. That's not all) Sordid Stats on South African Legislators Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics: 29 have been accused of spousal abuse 7 have been arrested for fraud 19 have been accused of writing bad cheques 117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses 3 have done time for assault 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit 14 have been arrested on drug-related charges 8 have been arrested for shoplifting 21 are currently defendants in lawsuits 84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year 373 in total or approximately 70% Can you guess which organization this is? Give up yet? It's the 535 members of the SOUTH AFRICAN PARLIAMENT - (The same group of morons that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line!) You gotta pass this one on! Far and wide! ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email This is where the hate is coming from Bigger Text | Default Text | Smaller Text | ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email August 11, 2018 world-without-hate.jpg ShareThis Facebook Tweet Google + Email Search
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