Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Everything and Nothing at all Heavenletters Via Gloria Wendroff

Everything and Nothing at all
Via Gloria Wendroff

God said:

The story of your life on earth is painted in scenes. One painted scene is made of vivid colors. Another is muted. Like paintings in a museum, you pause at each one, and then you go on past it to another. Some you spend more time on than others. But always you go from one painting to another, finish, and then move on into another room. There is always another room or another gallery somewhere for you to walk through. It is eternity you walk through with one gait or another.

So We can say that your present life on earth is a walk-through. An aisle you go down. An arcade. There is much to pull your attention as you walk through this life. Regardless, your walk through life is a passage. Even if you are bedridden, you still go down corridors. You are not idle. In any case, you never stand still.

Or We could say that you are a shopper and life is a store with many items. It is a super store. It has everything in it. Its shelves are stocked with everything imaginable and unimaginable. Sometimes goods come toppling down. Sometimes boxes are empty. Sometimes you find everything you want, and sometimes nothing satisfies...+

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