Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Everything About You is Divine Perfection By Divine Mother trough Jennifer Crokaert

Everything About You is Divine Perfection
By Divine Mother
trough Jennifer Crokaert

My beloved children, aspects of my Divine Essence, you are truly the offspring of the union of the Divine Mother and Divine Father. Without that seed, that essence, You could not exist. Your soul is the manifestation of Divine Love.

You are the fulfillment of the promise of the sacred Aum, I Am That I AM. Your voyage will take you as far from your divine essence as it is possible to go, without losing yourSelf, and then you begin the journey back to the sacred heart of Oneness, back into the Aum from where you came.

Perhaps my words do not make sense to you, that is alright. Allow the energy of them to pour through you, because the meaning of the words is not as important as the energy they carry. Words are simply there to convey energy, your soul understands that meaning even when the mind does not.

You are in your sacred return to the Aum. You who read these passages are flowing back into your truth and essence, into the expansion and out of the contraction of 3D descent.

Allow me to be your constant companion on this journey to Aum, back to me. Allow me to be your guide, your shelter, your comfort. Let me reassure you that you are utterly perfect, there is never and has never been a mistake. There is only the perfection of you, expanding into new experience, new understanding, new compassion, love and resonance...+

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