Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Eventually all souls will acquire an understanding of the truth Higher Self Channeled by Mike Quinsey

Eventually all souls will acquire an understanding of the truth
Higher Self
Channeled by Mike Quinsey

We continue to observe events upon Earth and are aware that a more serious situation could develop. The unnecessary mini-war in the Ukraine illustrates how World problems are created, when in reality there was no necessity for such an outcome. It remains to be seen whether good sense will prevail and a peaceful end is achieved. World peace will come when the leaders collectively agree to neutralise their weapons and be open to inspection to ensure compliance, and that day must come as the vibrations continue to rise.

In times of need often the best aspects of the Human Race come to the surface and the present time is no exception. There is what you may call a parting of the ways as those souls who are forward thinking take on the responsibility of bringing needed advancements into being. Choices have to be made as there is clearly a parting of the ways and you cannot serve both sides. We try our hardest to get souls to see the predicament they are in and the outcome if they do not see good sense. Your future is in the balance so which path will you choose, hopefully you “will see the Light” and focus upon one that lifts you above and beyond the lower vibrations. Once you do so, be assured that we are with you all of the way....+at

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