It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, streaming through Pure Divine White Light and the Golden White Frequencies of the Unity Star.
It Is Time in Humanity’s Ascension Process for New, Prana Filled, Source Filled, and Light Filled Frequencies to fill this Grand Rebirth. It Is Time in Humanity’s Ascension Process for the Filters of Distortions and Serpentine Deceptions to be removed, and for the Truth to Stand and Shine Eternally in the Hearts of All on this planet. It IS Time for the Christ Consciousness through All Time to reach the Hearts, the Energy Fields, the Soul Sight, and the Higher Light of every human being and every sentient being on this planet. Simply put, we can say today in this December 2022 Energy Update and Transmission that IT IS TIME. And many of ....+
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