Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Envisioning a Future we may Know Nothing about

Envisioning a Future we may Know Nothing about

By Steve Beckow

Posted Abril 9, 2022

Lynn just wrote in and shared how she liked an article on future envisioning.
That got me to thinking.
How does one envision the future?
It’s usually by extending what we already know into the future. Otherwise how would anyone reading it know what we’re talking about?
This 3D approach simply extends trends of the present. Things would be faster, smoother, bigger, better, etc. But always there’s the “er,” which means “of the same kind but greater than at present.”
The graphic at the top of the page demonstrates this kind of thinking: Buildings, instead of being rectangular, bulge in the middle; subway trains are elevated; building tops are shaped like spacecraft; etc.
But what we’ll find in the future, in important respects, is not “of the same kind but greater than at present.” It just isn’t. It’s literally a world apart, a world beyond.
Without factoring in the way life actually is on the higher dimensions, any description would be so far short of the mark as to be meaningless.
It’d help immensely if the description comes from one who’s seen the future, even better from one who lives in it.
I’ve had toned-down experiences of the future – visits to higher dimensions. It’s merely the knowledge of the scout rather than that of the inhabitant....>>>

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