This page outlines what I have come to call the “Christ Conspiracy.” This is its definition…
Christ Conspiracy – The 3-step globalist deception aimed at taking humanity through two “Antichrists” and one New World Order in order to bring about a global theocratic dictatorship ruled by a figurehead named “Jesus Christ.” The 3-steps of the Christ Conspiracy are: 1) the introduction of a fake Antichrist (Barack Obama), 2) the introduction of a fake Christ / “real” Antichrist on or about September 2016, and 3) the introduction of “the real Christ” on or about September 2023 (all times are according to current globalist plans and are subject to change).
To see how I came to this definition, continue reading below. This page will continue to grow as new entries are added to the Globalist Prophecy Watch series.
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