Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Embodying is Physically Manifesting New Earth By Denise Le Fay

Embodying is Physically Manifesting New Earth
By Denise Le Fay

I’m in no physical condition to write about anything at the moment, however, we’ve just gone through another big and important energy step towards the physical manifestation of ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans these past few days. Because of this I’m pushing myself to get this written as quickly as I can.

Many of you felt this INTENSELY in your physical bodies recently — May 26th, May 31st, June 2 into June 3, 2022, just to list a few of these recent extra potent dates. And/or some of you may have felt, heard, seen or sensed another big chunk of old patriarchal Earth reality and Team Dark recently (the early AM hours of June 3, 2022) become more “dislodged” because of this latest embodying of the May into June 2022 energies, which is incrementally physically manifesting ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans now.

Some of you that embodied these latest Light energies and codes felt like your physical bodies just cannot do this anymore, not at this Phase 2 level for NEW Earth. Much of May and June 2nd I felt and thought the same about my body and how long it can do what it’s doing, at this higher and different level of the Ascension Process.

Have you ever felt the ascension symptom that feels like you’ve suddenly been stabbed somewhere in your body with something that feels like what you suspect an ice pick would feel like? This particular ascension caused pain goes directly into a bone or a joint, not into flesh or muscle. The physical pain from this is extreme and takes your breath away for a couple of seconds.+++

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