The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers
Dear Hobie,
As a follow up article to my previous article of the 4th March, please allow me to post same which, if possible, should reference to my previous article as it is all connected.
E-mail from WHISTLEBLOWER: Response to Benjamin Fulford's Feb 28 Ar...
hobie -- Friday, 4-Mar-2011 14:50:26
Many people, in fact the majority of people, do not yet realize or comprehend the importance surrounding the World’s Wealth under the control of the OITC. Those very people are also unaware that this wealth has been the cause, and sometimes partial cause, of virtually all the wars in the world and certainly many problems of the world over centuries.
For centuries, many countries, religions, Kings, Queens, Governments, and secret societies have tried to gain control, in one form or another, over this wealth for themselves as the basis of their power base and eventual total control over the world. Those battles are very much still ongoing, this time it is those who others refer to as the NWO, the Illumini, the Khazars, the Bilderberg Group, The Committee of 300, and various other names.
This is a battle that very few will see or hear about, but it is the battle, a continuous battle, for the possession and control over the World’s Wealth, and one that could change the world dependent upon the outcome. If the above organizations win, then eventual total subservience for the masses, and if the good boys of the world win, then freedom and independence from the systems that chain you all into effective slavery.
Some of those named above, in the past, succeeded in part, some failed, but to go back into history is futile because most people are only interested in the present times and have no interest in looking backwards.
This, to a point, is understandable, but I sincerely do wish that the people of the world start to realize that the present world we live in is making the very same mistakes, over and over again, as our ancestors did, and that we should be looking back to realize those mistakes so that we can move forward ensuring that we and the next generations do not make those same mistakes again.
One of the problems this world has, and it is probably the most serious problem of them all, is the destructive, greedy, devious, and well entrenched tentacles around the world of the unlawful part of the CIA, the Federal Reserve, The US Treasury, The BIS, MI6, the Federal Reserve and many other Central Banks and all the International Commercial Banks, plus various secret societies all acting in unison with each other. What appears to be legitimate organizations are in fact an criminal organization far bigger that the international Mafia. This factor coupled with the unlawful actions of Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and former President Mitterand involving the Mitterand Protocols has led us all to the situation this world finds itself in today.
In fact, it is a great pity that someone doesn’t enact / apply the Laws of Treason against all the above and then, like the Chinese do, put them all up against a wall and shoot them. That would rid this world of at least 1 billion people, yes, 1 billion people. A huge number and one that is reasonably accurate. Those are the numbers involved with this criminal group operating all over the world, and operating in their own interests not the interests of the people at large, whereby they all operate under the “You can’t touch us” attitude and some even under Full Diplomatic Immunity and Protection issued and provided by other organizations within this criminal group.
I remember approximately 2 years back when V. Putin of Russia publicly stated, quote “The Americans have built an uncontrollable monster”. How accurate his statement was and how relevant it is today, but let me add one word to that being “destructive” because their aim is to destroy and ultimately control the whole world. The problem is that the American (and the UK City of London is in there as well) people do not even realize what their own country, or better still the Politicians / CIA / MI6 of their country have been doing over many years, and that is a highly unfortunately situation, because neither are they aware of how much America, and Britain to a point, as a country, with its Government, is hated around the world, yet they still continue doing what they always have done, screwing the world for everything possible and believing it is the right and honest thing to do, irrespective of the detrimental affects that are attributed to these actions.
I will admit that it is not just America and the UK. It is in fact America as the lead country with the UK, and several other aligned countries, plus the International Banks, Central Banks, and the other Financial Institutions, secret societies, and criminal organizations such as the Yakusa and Mafia. Neither is it generally the people of those countries, as it applies to the Government and Intelligence agencies of those countries. They are totally “Out of Control” and have very little opposition because people will not stand up and be counted. The people prefer to keep themselves to themselves and just get on with their own lives whatever that entails.
Some people refer to this group of crooks as the NWO, or the elite, or illumini, or Khazars. It doesn’t matter what they are referred to as they are in fact one group holding the world to ransom and will continue to do so until the people of the world become totally and utterly subservient to them. Unfortunately, people just can not see it, but more to the point they don’t want to see it.
America, which is a major part of the system surrounding the OITC, has continually denied and blocked the OITC from achieving what it should and is duty bound to do and achieve. At the same time this criminal group are the ones who are stealing and unlawfully using the assets of the Collateral Accounts for their own purposes and to finance their covert operations, etc.
The latest scenario of implementing the arrest of Dr Dam and then continuously attacking David Sale as the main instigator of fraud and forgery, is the blatant attempt to take over the OITC and the Collateral Accounts by whatever means so that they can financially support their power base. One of their ideas is to give the people what the people need most ……. Money……. which will keep the people very happy and content for a few more decades without any opposition, or diminished / minimum opposition, whilst the criminal group continue with their plans for total subservience of the world’s populous.
Unfortunately they are having a very hard time because the OITC and all persons engaged by the OITC are not just going to put their hands up and surrender, even if it means the eventual loss of life. We are in fact fighting this fight for all the people of the world, whereby never have so few done so much for so many around the world.
To ensure that the public know very little about what is really happening and the least amount is publicized, the CIA and their band of cohorts, deliberately implement distractions, just like the 9/11 scenario which resulted in more and more restrictions on peoples freedoms and rights.
The latest is the uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East, all concocted to distract people’s minds away from the real purpose of their mission.
Yes, these people will even sacrifice some of their own such as Mubarak and the Sheik of Bahrain, as well as going after others who have always opposed them such as Ghadaffi; just to achieve their aims. Therefore just think how valuable you / we, as ordinary people, are to them. You / we have no value at all and in their minds and ideology you / we are all useless mouths to feed, but still many are just too dumb to realize it.
Many readers will think I am joking and some will probably think I am just another “Nutcase”. Think again, yes, think again, and this time seriously because the Armageddon both financially and physically of this world is just around the corner.
If you don’t realize it by now, you probably never will and then it will be too late for you and many others.
Amongst all of this is the latest attempt to take over the World’s Wealth. Yes there is a World’s Wealth and it amounts to hundreds of Quinrillions of USD in value, but you probably will not even believe that factor, but be assured it is real, as real as I am writing this article, and it is under the independent control of the OITC / Dr R Dam as International Treasury Controller.
Now that Dr Dam has been arrested without charge, and held, first in Prison and now under House Arrest, the CIA and their criminal cohorts believed that it was easy, or going to be easy, to take it all away and control it themselves. Unfortunately for them, that scenario was not, and is not the case.
To give you a real example of their pre-planning and strategy, during 2009 / 2010 the following parties arranged some so-called international agreements, executed by them all, being:-
The IMF,
The World Bank,
The United Nations,
The International Court of Justice,
The International Criminal Court,
The Bank of International Settlements,
The Federal Reserve Board,
The International Finance Corporation (Part of the World Bank),
The Financial Action Task Force,
The US Department of the Treasury.
These agreements were with a person referred to as Anthony Santiago Martin (otherwise known under Code Name:- King David or Spiritual Wonder Boy), who was the heir to Ferdinand Marcos, former President of the Philippines and Legal Holder of assets of the Collateral Accounts held in the Philippines and many other countries of the World.
Similar agreements have been entered into in respect of the assets of the Collateral Accounts held in Indonesia and other countries, again executed by the very same parties.
The above referenced agreements are all illegal and unenforceable because the Anthony Santiago Martin who executed these agreements with the aforementioned parties is not the original Anthony Santiago Martin nominated by Ferdinand Marcos as his heir.
The real Anthony Santiago Martin died in the early 1990’s (I believe 1993 or possibly 1994 without referring back to old records), the imposter Anthony Santiago Martin appeared on the scene in 1998, and is far younger than the real one whereby he (The Imposter) would have been approximately 6 / 7 years old at the time that it is claimed Marcos nominated him.
The imposter Anthony Santiago Martin holds no authority whatsoever to sign any agreements with anyone as he is a total fake / imposter and certainly wouldn’t have got past the guards at the security entrances to Malacanang Palace in Manila.
We have met this person and so have some of our teams working in the Philippines. He doesn’t know of what he speaks, he is ignorant, he will do anything for money, he is living in poverty in Bulacan, Philippines, and admits that he never even met Ferdinand Marcos.
This person is also known to some long term friends of ours who are Filipino and also live close to the imposter Anthony Santiago Martin. He has always been a ‘drop out’ from society and is known by the local people as “Chicko the Cheat”, yet the aforementioned organizations get him to sign International Agreements, and probably pay him some money for doing it, portraying, or purporting that he is the real Anthony Santiago Martin.
He is not the real Anthony Santiago Martin, he is a total imposter. That factor is also confirmed by a person known to us who was very close the Ferdinand Marcos and who personally knew the original and genuine Anthony Santiago Martin.
The above just shows the extent that this criminal group, in conjunction with the rogue CIA community, will go to, to achieve their aims irrespective of the damage and possibly total loss to the people of this planet. Yes, this is criminal activity of the highest order but as the ICJ and International Criminal Court are all part of the very same criminal group, where can the people go to get fair and justifiable justice?
Furthermore, the death of Anthony Santiago Martin was another factor in the appointment of Dr Dam as International Treasury Controller so that all these assets could be controlled, managed and administered by an independent person rather than by any one country or group of countries, who would and as has happened many times in the past, as seen and experienced with the Trilateral Trilleniun Tripartite Gold Commission (America, UK, and France); use these assets for their own purpose and ideology to the detriment of all other countries and the people of this world of ours.
There are 744 names of Central Banks, International and National Commercial Banks, and other institutions such as the Federal Reserve Board, the IMF, the World Bank, who, by interpretation of these agreements take control of all the assets of the Collateral Accounts.
That one particular agreement relating to the Philippines, was dated 1st October 2009, some 14 months prior to the arrest of Dr Dam on 18th December 2010. How convenient for them to ensure that Dr Dam was taken out of the way a little later or made incapacitated as soon as practically possible after the execution of these unlawful and unenforceable agreements.
I point out here that those agreements were not executed by the Hierarchy who appointed Dr Dam, the legal heir and owner of the assets, nor were they executed by Dr. Dam which adds to the invalidity and unenforceable factor surrounding these agreements. There are no legal grounds for these agreements whatsoever; whereby fabrication of documents and use of an imposter to steal the property of the Collateral Accounts from the people of the world, is a serious criminal act.
In fact none of the parties, referred to above, to those agreements hold any rights, legal or otherwise, to execute such agreements let alone enter into, or discuss such agreements as these assets are not under their control, will never be allowed under their control, and must never come under their control. I say this because these are the very parties that have prevented these assets from being utilized correctly ever since the Bretton Woods agreement of 1945 and the very parties who have personally gained from the illegal and unlawful use of these assets ever since the early 1900’s.
Their aim is NOT for the betterment or benefits of the people of the world, but for their own power base to bring the people under control and subservience.
This is the claimed NWO at work, devious work and destructive work that will ultimately lead to the subservience of the people of the world.
We also understand that the aforementioned parties are now attempting to work with the Dragon Families so that they also gain control over the assets held under the Collateral Accounts by the Dragon Family, within China, Taiwan and Japan, otherwise known as the Dragon Funds.
What people do not realize and were not supposed to realize was that Ferdinand Marcos was the most powerful man in the world at the time, along with President Soekarno.
The Western Nations, who are all part of this criminal group, resented this and wanted all those assets that were held in the Philippines, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Japan, Switzerland, and many other countries that, at that time, were under the control of Ferdinand Marcos; come what may, and they were going to get them whatever happened.
Both Marcos and Soekarno had to go, and they did go by force within an orchestrated toppling of them by the CIA. Both were made to look like Crooks and Dictators to their own people. Even the families and Wives of these two former Presidents, betrayed them, especially Imelda Marcos who executed an agreement with the CIA and became loosely associated with them in these criminal acts.
Under the United Nations Charter which all members are supposed to comply with, no one country shall enter upon the soil of another Sovereign country without being invited. Furthermore, no one country shall at any time implement or create an act of war against another Sovereign country, irrespective of whether it is necessary or not, without a United Nations approval and mandate.
So much for the United Nations and enforcing their own rules, but understandable when they are also a part of this criminal group.
Marcos was no fool and he knew exactly what the Americans and their criminal cohorts were doing. The Global Agreement was one significant factor introduced by Ferdinand Marcos to assist each and every country to become totally financially independent from the chains of colonialism and the control of the colonial masters. The Global Agreement includes the word “Reluctantly” in several places which refers to the reluctance of some of the signature parties to that agreement to accept not only the content, and the purpose / intent of the agreement, but also to execute same.
The Philippines, like several other countries around the world, and contrary to what is publicly displayed, is not a free country irrespective of its independence in 1946. It is still controlled by the Americans and many Governmental Financial Accounts are still held by the US Treasury. Germany is no different, it is still controlled by the allied nations and Angela Merkel is just a puppet of the Allied Nations. Japan is very much the same, as are many other countries, but the public are programmed to believe they are a free country. These countries have not been free ever since WW II, and never will be unless the people find out the truth and do something about it.
Further to the Neil Keenan situation, it has recently come to our notice from our own good boy contacts within the CIA, and other Intelligence organization that this criminal group intends, at the first available opportunity, to appoint conman, crook, devious, indebted person Neil Keenan as Chairman of the OITC as soon as they have control over the OITC. This can never be achieved legally as it is only the hierarchy who can appoint and bestow the powers, as they did with Dr Dam.
The only way Keenan can be appointed a Chairman is for a parallel organization to be established by this criminal group; with a very similar name, so that people are deceived into believing it is the real OITC. This could be likened to the “Ghosting” that I have referred to in previous articles. We are watching very carefully on this issue.
Based upon my previous article and other previous articles, the aforementioned parties must be totally out of their mind to even consider Neil Keenan in the slightest way for the position of a Chairman, but I suppose that “Birds of a Feather Flock together”, so they will try anything to aim their aims.
However, I really do believe that such thoughts / proposals just show the type of characters of the parties that are involved with this, yet again, fraudulent and unlawful activity that will, and is designed to take away this wealth from being utilized for the benefit of the people of the world.
I will quote an old saying here, quote “He who has the Gold controls the world” and by virtue of that saying it is very easy, even for the simplest of people on this planet to understand just exactly what these criminal parties are up to, even if the simplest of persons can not understand the overall plan / strategy of this criminal group.
I reiterate here that these agreements executed by the person who purports to be Anthony Santiago Martine and the 10 signatories of the aforementioned organizations are totally illegal, unenforceable, fraudulent and not worth the paper they are written on. However, these aforementioned parties intend to use them to their favour and to achieve their aims of total world control / domination, if and when the opportunity arises.
God help all of us if ever they should succeed, but they have to overcome a very large barrier with those who still remain with the OITC, and that is not going to be easy for them to overcome, unless they eliminate from this earth, every single one of us, which in reality will be far too obvious to be any form of choice for them.
Whilst all this under-the-table and unlawful activity is going on, which the public must never know about as far as the criminal group is concerned; there is a need to cause distractions, hence why you have the situations in the North of Africa and the Middle East at this moment in time. I suspect more will follow during the course of 2011 and possibly 2012, so everyone should be aware of this and take note because these parties are not going to stop, until forced to stop. Wait and watch what they do inside America, which, once again will cost many lives and scare the people of America which will allow for the introduction of even more control. It’s coming and it is not far away, so be warned because the next disaster will be far bigger than 9/11.
We are all aware of the 9/11 situation and the number of lives lost in that scenario. Then there is Iraq and Afghanistan / Pakistan where 100’s of thousands of lives have been lost. Remember all the lies and deceit spewed out by George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Tony Blair, that surrounded these two issues, but still they walk free.
Then there are the incidences between N. Korea and S. Korea with the provocation of the joint Military exercises, and the possible false claims in respect of the attack on the S Korean Naval ship. Then there is Georgia and other Caucus countries. The list goes on and on, whereby America always appear to be, and actually are, the main protagonist.
America is also in such debt that even the good American people are now suffering in the extreme. The same applies to the U.K, plus, the other countries of the world are just about fed up to the teeth with the attitude of America, and certainly will not tolerate much more from them. Several countries are now going it alone, especially with their currencies.
The aforementioned parties need the assets of the Collateral Accounts and they will go to all lengths to get them unless they are stopped dead in their tracks.
The Italian / Swiss border incidents 2009 and 2010 were strictly relative to the unlawful utilization of Certificates and Bonds of the Collateral Accounts for an on behalf of the American Corporate Government, Federal Reserve, US Treasury and others, and all this was admitted by Neil Keenan in various emails we now have possession of. Trillions of Dollars would have been involved if those Certificates and Bonds had finally been used as the collateral for a Trade Program. I have stated before that this is the incident that was the "Straw that broke the Camel's back" and this criminal group just do not like it at all.
Don’t ever believe that things just happen in this world, because they don’t. These things are planned well in advance and anyone, whether person, country or organization, that gets in their way, they are, or have been, eliminated, and will continue to be eliminated no matter whether it is their own people or the general public.
Dr Dam appears to be their latest victim, but they must keep him incapacitated rather than dead because whilst he is temporarily incapacitated there is no need to officially appoint a replacement. If he was dead, the hierarchy would need to appoint an immediate official replacement thus creating a barrier to these criminal groups.
What people do not seem to realize, or comprehend, at the moment is the fact that we are fast heading for a WW III, instigated, yes you’ve got it, by the very parties I have named above. That is one way they will achieve their aims over the people. We are already in an International Monetary War which is denied by the constant talk of the economies are getting better, unemployment is down, corporate investment is up, and so on, but look at who is making the latter, yes, the Rothschilds both directly and indirectly through companies they actually own.
Figures can be falsified and very often are, as well as talk being what you are supposed to hear and not the truth.
These are madmen, greedy people, destructive people, devious people who will tell you what you want to know not what the real situation is. They will ensure that the real truth is hidden from you at all times. They will do what they have to do to gain that total control over the assets of the Collateral Accounts and the subservience of the people of the world.
The complete opposite to this is the OITC which is full of very sane and dedicated people, determined people, honest and loyal people (Having now got rid of the CIA crooks that had previously infiltrated the OITC), attempting to assist the people of the world for a better and brighter future and you all need to start realizing that fact very fast before it is too late because once enchained by subservience there is no escape only death.
Take heed of what is written above because you will never hear the truth via any other source. Get the truth, as the old adage goes, “Straight from the Horses Mouth”, because it is the difference between your own, and future generations, flourishing future, or total enchainment, subservience, and debt, to the few.
Many of the readers are very good at writing to the community sites and having a good old moan. That is fine but certainly not sufficient for the crisis we are in and the worse scenario that is yet to come. Get off your butts and do something about it collectively. Don’t leave everything to others.
God Bless all the good people of this earth
David P. Crayford
I don't need to battle for the Wealth of the World ...
I Have the Wealth of the World Within Me ...
So I spread My Light around the World and Each will Know the Time is come to Change :))) and to leave duality ... your pain is my pain my strenght is your strenght ... '' Love is the Answer''
Namaste dear soul Lumiq Thank you
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