Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers



When I think things can't get any more exciting, they do! Again and again, day by day! For years I have expected, or rather known, that there would be a "coming together" of all of those warriors and light workers who have traveled their own solitary paths, holding the faith and preparing themselves for "when the time was right." I have 'known' that in this 'coming together' that the sum of the whole would far exceed the sum of its parts and the power and energy of this coming together would create a force to be reckoned with.

This 'coming together' has begun in earnest; like a long over due family reunion, each arrival adding his/her piece of the puzzle into the pot, confident in the knowledge that not only have they brought something of value to the table, but, that they have arrived home, a greatly improved being for having survived and prevailed in their missions. The reality here far exceeds any 'knowing' that I have had of this event. This 'coming together' has just begun and already the sum of the whole far exceeds the sum of all of the parts and the pieces to the puzzle are creating a most wonderful picture of what we can expect in 2010. Hold on to your hats will do you no good, so just let your hair down and enjoy the ride. Seek truth, follow your heart and let your light shine for our future is very bright indeed!

Blessings and Happy Holidays,
The Trustee

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Comment by JIM4HOPE on December 19, 2009 at 2:03pm
We owe a lot to the internet It truly has been a tool that has allowed the world to comunicate in a way that has never been done before and the cool part is the dark cabal has a army of disinformationist posting bad info out there to obsorb but the truth completely destroys this army when both sides to a issue are posted
Comment by Besimi on December 19, 2009 at 3:34am
:) Cool. thnx J.Namaste.

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