Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

EH CANADA!!! WHOOOOOTTTT>....calgary rocks. Thats what this is abooot ~!!

CALGARY — Greenpeace protesters struck at the heart of Canada’s energy capital Tuesday (Aug 3, 2010) morning by unfurling a banner from the Calgary Tower.

Three members of the environmental group took the elevator up and then rappelled down the Calgary landmark, hanging a huge banner that says, “Separate Oil and State.”

“While oil may run your car, it shouldn’t run your government. Canada is not a petro-state and Big Oil should not be calling the shots
and governments should not be ignoring the environmental destruction of
the toxic tar sands,” said Greenpeace campaigner Melina

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Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 7, 2010 at 1:07am
thanks simone :o) and thats a good idea for goya!

Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 5, 2010 at 4:46pm
usually thats the way it is unfortunately vaddix.. people just dont care about things that actually matter... as long as they are entertained they don't care...and when they do care..well see exhibit reply that i got.

.and yes the guy replying is my "loving" uncle.. lmao
Comment by Vaddix on August 5, 2010 at 3:02pm
Fucking hate facebook. I constantly post things that i think will help if people knew about them, but alas the only one who writes back to me is my biological father.
How can a post about somebodies disgusting burrito garner more attention than serious world problems. Its fucking nuts, and only serve to prove to me that the majority of humans are fucking stupid.
Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 5, 2010 at 1:31pm
I love getting all your responses..because on facebook i posted the same thing..and got quite the reaction only on the negative polar opposite side of

**Glenn Fullerton: I guess no more cars or quads or motorbikes or dune buggies or any gas powered vechile for your family

**Me:id love to have ulterior power ones....your a pretty smart fellow..why don't you get on that ;o) hehe... but seriously.. that would be a dream come true

**Sheena Blouin with out oil companys Dennis woulden't have a job.

**Me:he's a very smart guy if we wernt killing our planet im sure he wouldnt be un-employed.. we still need energy( creating a need for different jobs) the point is we don't have to kill the planet to do it.

**Glenn Fullerton Who says we are killing the planet .... Ok you believe in things happen for a reason .. well today we need oil and gas but sometime in the future we will become less Dependant on it and things will change but lets not force change before it needs to happen... so tell me what date will the planet die ... the planet will never die ... the humans living on it may but the planet it will take care of her self .....

**Me:Well I am not able to predict the future... But I do not agree that we have to continue on this path ... My personal opinion is that I do not agree with it

**Glenn Fullerton So what is your alternative solution to the path we are on that we can implement ... We all have the right to opinions but those are just words what are the result orientated actions behind them ... sorry I am just a bit passionate about this ... just as much as you... however we can agree to disagree

**Me:well..there are physicists out there right now like one i follow, He is working on that very answer for you.. there are loads of options that people with the power and $ wont will take a huge toll on their power and paycheck ....... such as free energy.yes i know..your not going to agree with that because its not mainstream enough for the general public..but i think with the motivation of people who want change..(some don't .. i know.. most dont) ..if you feel that you'd like to you could look up Nassim Haramein...he is specifically in this conversation whom i am referring to..but i do feel like we will not agree on this and...that is perfectly ok..i respect you for your opinions.. being passionate is awesome.

**Me:I also invite you to join his monthly conference call in which he could answer more in-depth himself..--on the phone.if your interested let me know any i will send you the info

after this he hasn't written back yet.. but ill update if he does.. not good at debating..lmao
Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 4, 2010 at 12:40am
ive got the hot tub and the laser pointers.. um..paTricia..i think the elk dropping store was shut down.. Canadian Food Inspection Agency found mouse poo in their elk poo...heheh
Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 4, 2010 at 12:15am
definitely :)
Comment by Tetragrammaton on August 4, 2010 at 12:11am
I'll bring the moose piss beer! ;) Nonya's favorite.
Comment by Tetragrammaton on August 4, 2010 at 12:06am
Awe... i want to join in the fun! Party in Canada??

hehehe... :) <3
Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 4, 2010 at 12:04am
4 u and me paTrica...and all the other girlz...this is my other favorite expression..i used to have it on a hoodie..lmao

Comment by ૐ Daisy ૐ on August 3, 2010 at 11:56pm
hells yes paTricia!!!

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