Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Earthlings Have Waited Eons For April 15th “The Grand Event’? Great Chaos? In Two Weeks?

Earthlings Have Waited Eons For April 15th “The Grand Event’? Great Chaos? In Two Weeks?

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Earthlings Have Waited Eons For April 15th “The Grand Event’? Great Chaos? In Two Weeks?

Monday, March 31, 2014 17:55
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Earthlings Have Waited Eons For April 15th “The Grand Event’? Great Chaos? In Two Weeks?

For the event of the magnanimous proportions, shall strip mankind of all their EGO, shall strip mankind of all their knowledge of eons past.  For all shall be stripped away, and only the raw, true, nature remain. 

Dear world, please read this message… are we given a very significant message for a very significant event that will cause all egos to dissolve?  Great chaos?  In two weeks?  This channeled message from Archangel Metatron through Anna Merkaba (reposted below), may just be the ‘heads up’ for that ‘unknown’ event that many have been preparing for, for a long long time… no it’s not about ‘prepping’… it’s about getting real with one’s connection with the Universe, rather than being false about one’s disconnection… earthlings have dreamt that at some point, in time, humans would rise up again… have faith and know that something may shake you to the core, but the purpose is not to destroy you, the purpose is to dissolve the ego, which isn’t you… it’s the illusiary you. I hope many more earth angels are reborn during this time. 

As I have suggested before…it could be earthquakes… fall in economic system, apparent new changes in physicality, maybe even ET visitation… perhaps all at the same time!  



Be good to each other. 

Be the calm for others who may be extremely challenged.

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Read more of Archangel Metatron’s messages… see if he knows his stu...


Grand Event – The Beginning – April 15th Blood Moon – Pleiades


On April 15th a magnanimous event shall unfold before earthlings. An event of such proportions that the world has not seen eons past. The event that shall be known in recorded history as that which has come and that which has gone and that which has returned and that which has risen from the ashes of the past into the newly formed UNITY of the ones to come.

For the event of the magnanimous proportions, shall strip mankind of all their EGO, shall strip mankind of all their knowledge of eons past.  For all shall be stripped away, and only the raw, true, nature remain. The stripping away of the veil of the illusionary world that they have found themselves to be a part of. And the truth of their kind be revealed to them yet again.

Therein within the hearts of so many lays the code to the eternal understanding of time, the eternal understanding of all that is, all that was and all that ever will be. The codexes imprinted therein shall activate on the date in question and continue to rapidly unfold throughout your known world, and the worlds around you. Baring the fruitful commencement of the events that are to follow, the earthlings shall face the history that they have not been exposed to prior.

The earthlings shall bear fruit of all that has been laid before them, by those who have come and gone. And as such, the events that are to unfold will touch many a heart, will unraveled many a truth, from within the layers of the sub atomic particles within the psyche of their being and the civilization as a whole.

Many upon many shall awaken and open their eyes as if for the first time, seeing the world anew, many upon many shall bear witness to the magnanimous events occurring in the skies and within their own vessels, for the vessel of time and space, the vessels of the human understanding of time shall be transformed once and for all. That which was hidden shall become known and open the doors to the eternal understanding of that which they are!

For the events unfurling themselves before you have been misunderstood by humanity. For the stories that have been foretold have been put through the EGO selves of the beholder, for the truth that is to be unfolded and revealed to humanity is not the Armageddon of the world. For the word Armageddon has indeed been misunderstood by humanity. For the idea of Armageddon truly is the BEGINNING of times, and the shedding of the old, and welcoming of the new!

For indeed the revelations of the history of mankind shall cause the Armageddon of the know world, the know world within the hearts of so many, for upon the awakening of themselves to their true selves and facing thereof, much will become crystal clear, much will become, known, and there shall no longer be a shadow to hide behind, for each and every single one shall face their own self, their own EGO, their own fears and apprehensions, their own reality.

For each one shall see the bright light of the source, and their own divine selves. For each one shall take heed of their actions, for each one shall be faced with that which they have indeed experienced prior, and asked to release and cleanse from their palate.

All of this shall occur in a split moment of time, for the energies that shall pore onto earth at the time of the second moon shall be grand, for the first moon that ye shall see in the nightly skies, the first moon that ye shell lay eyes upon shall swirl the energies,  the beautiful energies of creation, for the energies of actions shall be delivered into the earth’s fields of glory.

Much shall unfold before you. Much of the human understanding shall be changed. For only the love, the unconditional love of the universal proportions shall rein on this planet. Love and understanding, love and eternal bliss, for the time has come to put down the weapons of self destruction and open the hearts to the new energies, the new consciousness to descend into your own vessels and for your souls to ascend to the creator, to ascend into a new understanding. The understanding of oneness, the understanding of manifestations, the understating of your own supremacy and the powers therein. To understand  that indeed you are a part of the great composition that is the universe. To understand that you are indeed NOT alone. For you are always surrounded, for you are always supported by the source and all that is.

einsteinAnd so, as the hearts of so many shall open, the hearts of so many shall embrace the new world, and a such, and thus, it is of utmost importance for ALL of YOU – The Ground Crew, to remain in balance, remain in balance dear children of light, for the road ahead is turbulent indeed. Remain in balance for the light that you bring forth into this world is emanating tri fold. For you are as a prism that is transporting the light into the known world. For you are that which has brought into this universe the new knowledge and understanding of self. The new knowledge and understanding of that which has come and that which shalldownload be. For the mathematical equation of Pi, and E=MC2 shall play a very important role in the days to come. For that which does not exists to the human mind, shall indeed be revealed. For the humanity shall once and for all see with their very own eyes, that indeed it is so, that they are not alone, they are not alone it the galaxy, that they are not alone in the universe, they are not alone.

The wonder of life, shall unfold before all children of their creator selves. The wonder of the beautiful creation you call Mother GAIA. For indeed it is so. And a such, many questions shall arise, and many shall cry to the heavens for explanation, for their ideals and their understanding of self, shall vanish, and all shall be erased, for they will stand in awe and wonder and trepidation, stripped completely naked to the core of their hearts. And only the beautiful melody of truth shall ring in their ears.

And when such an event occurs, know that much chaos shall unfold, and as such, you shall be the ones to embrace the lost souls, you shall be ones to show them the way, you shall be the ones to honor and protect them, to respect that which they are going through and assist them in further rediscovery of themselves and their link to the universe en large.

For that which they shall see, for that which they shall hear, for that which they shall sense, will frighten them to the core. For most it shall be occur in private, in the privacy of their chambers, for some it shall occur in the open fields of their imaginations. For others it shall occur in the vast cosmic alliances and yet for the rest it shall be  revealed and brought through the television screens, through the computer screens, through all the media of your known world. And so. And thus, the preparation is near, the preparations of the galactic history that will open the gate and unfold a new plan for the new millennium, a new plan for humanity a new plan for all that is.

Stay in the light dearly beloveds, stay in the light knowing that we are standing by you. Know that you are loved beyond measure by the universe, by the source and all that is. Understand that you are the ones in command, that you are the ones that have taken it upon yourselves to walk foot in foot and hand in hand with humanity. Know that you are, the guardians of earthlings, for you are their guides, you are their way showers, you are their support team. Understand that although the road will be lengthy it will be a fruitful one indeed!

That is all that we have for you now. We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


Click the link to read Anna’s personal message

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Comment by Besimi on April 6, 2014 at 1:45am

Moving into Creation in TRUTH Author: Karen Dover

The New Earth energies continue to increase and expand and many of you may feel as if you are in a holding pattern.

During the Beyond the Looking Glass radio show last night it became evident that many of you are in deep frustration around how you can create in a world that you have detached fully from.

The old 3D earth will try at all moments of all moments to try to persuade you that your “work” in the old 3D earth reality is not finished.

It may attempt this in various ways and all are designed to contain and suppress you and keep you within the VOID. The void being the point of creation for it is pure energy, but you MUST interact with said energy, sitting in the void “waiting” will see you wait and wait and no movement.

I used the analogy last night of a child that is given some LEGO bricks, in order to make anything out of said bricks the child has to interact with the actual LEGO bricks.

The child having the choice of imagining all sorts of creations it can build with the bricks but unless it physically interacts with said bricks the creations remain within the mind.

It is to be noted and acknowledged that the old 3D earth reality kept you within the mind for a reason, this is to prevent your movement into your heart space to contain and suppress your human life EXPERIENCE.

I highlight experience for life within the old 3D earth created reality is a thought process.

At all moments of all moments you are taught to imagine and then to further imagine, at no point are you supported in the manifestation of your imagining and this is deliberate for the old 3D earth is a CREATED CONSTRUCT.

In order for this construct to survive it NEEDS your emotional reactions which are frequencies, everything within the old 3D earth created reality is set to negative polarisation.

This means that everything, even that which appears to support is constructed in a way to trigger lower dimensional frequencies.

This is not TRUTH and is not supported in the UNIVERSE of 3 which is TRUTH and is a naturally positive polarisation. This means simply that the universe is supportive by its very nature.

Remember within the old 3D earth constructed reality ALL universal frequencies are distorted.

What you emit in frequency you attract, remaining within negative polarisation will see you attract only that which is lower dimensional in nature for this is the frequency you are taught to anchor in the old 3D earth reality.

Many of you are sitting at this moment unsure of what is unfolding and allowing the old 3D earth to teach you that you do not “deserve” an abundant life on this planet.

Again I discussed manifestation on the radio show, it is entirely possible to manifest an abundance of “lack”, this is what you are taught to manifest within the old 3D earth reality for your energy signature is kept deliberately low.

By heightening your energy signature you will attract more supportive experiences but it is vital you focus on more than just raising your frequency for the universe is trying to gift you that which you wish to EXPERIENCE.

The discussion on the radio show moved to the difference between “need” and “want” but both are constructs of the old 3D earth created reality and you are taught to only focus on “need” and to try to solve the “puzzle” that is then presented in relation to said “want” or “need”. Remember there is no puzzle, there JUST IS.

I remind you gently you are here to have a human life EXPERIENCE, so placing your dreams and creation within the paradigm of EXPERIENCE may help you shift out of the teachings in relation to “need” and “want” as they are in TRUTH irrelevant.

You need simply connect into your heart space and FEEL what you wish to experience and then allow your heart to guide you in the steps required to manifest this need.

This process is not complex but as you have been taught to anchor “complex” and “puzzle solving” within the old 3D earth created reality you may find your human logical mind tries to filter this out, with “it cant be this simple” popping up regularly, IT IS this simple for ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE.

How to work with this is covered in more detail within the Birthing the New Earth Book which is now available. “LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”

Kx Source:

Views: 11

Comment by Besimi on April 6, 2014 at 1:13am

Jim Self: Planetary Update – April 2014... important, I think... ~J

Jim Self: Planetary Update – April 2014 . . . important, I think . ...

Published on Apr 1, 2014

Every month, Jim Self “takes the pulse” of the energies currently affecting us and the planet.

Free eBook – The Shift — What it is… Why it’s Happening… How it’s Going to Affect You and The Mastering of Alchemy by Jim Self…

Mastering Alchemy (sign up for our monthly newsletter and receive an invitation to Jim’s free webinar series)…

Mastering Alchemy Facebook Page…

Views: 40

Comment by Besimi on April 6, 2014 at 1:04am

pineal gland

Is it possible that you literally have a third eye that connects you to spiritual dimensions?  The pineal gland is something that is spoken of the in the New Age community as being the intuition organ and the connection point between body and spirit, but very few people realize that the pineal gland is in fact a literal eye.

The pineal gland is a pea-sized gland in the exact geometric center of the brain and comes from the root word “pinea” which is Latin for “pinecone”.  Pinecone symbolism appears all over the ancient world from the Sumerian, Greek, and  Roman traditions, to the Vatican’s “Court of the Pine Cone” and staff of the Pope.

It is highly reverenced to be of high psychic and spiritual significance, and bindis are often word in Hindu culture as a way of signifying the pineal gland’s importance with spiritual wakefulness.  Why are so many ancient cultures obsessed with pineal gland symbolism?  The answer may be found when biophysical analysis is done of the pineal glands interior.

“Under the skin in the skull of a lizard lies a light-responsive “third eye” which is the evolutionary equivalent of the bone-encased, hormone-secreting pineal gland in the human brain.  The human pineal is denied access to light directly, but like the lizard’s “third eye,” it shows enhanced release of its hormone, melatonin, during the night. The challenge is to understand the mechanisms which regulate the synthesis and release of melatonin.  The pineal gland is the ‘mind’s eye.’  Dissected, the reptile’s pineal looks much like an eye, with the same shape and tissue.” – Dr. Cheryl Craft, Ph.D.,  Chair of the Department of Cell and Neurobiology, University of Southern California.

What’s fascinating is that the interior of the pineal gland actually has retinal tissue composed of rods and cones (photoreceptors) inside its interior lining just like the eye, and is even wired into the visual cortex in the brain. “The photoreceptors of the retina strongly resemble the cells of the pineal gland”. Dr. David Klein, Science Daily.  It even has vitreous fluid in it like an eye does.

An article in Science News stated the following:

“The retina and the pineal gland are the organs primarily responsible for the body’s recognition and sophisticated processing of external light. Until recently these two organs in mammals seemed to have little else in common and were consequently studied by separate groups of scientists. But a new alliance of researchers is now exploring striking similarities that are speeding research efforts in both fields. Their findings suggest that the pineal gland was the evolutionary precursor to the modern eye.  While it turned out that the retinal rhythm is independent of the pineal gland, once the groups of scientists began working together they discovered surprising similarities between the two organs, including the presence of photoreceptors.”

Furthermore, a study published in Experimental Eye Research revealed that “Although the mammalian pineal gland is considered to be only indirectly photosensitive, the presence of proteins in the pineal gland which are morally involved in phototrasduction (light sensing) in the retina, raises the possibility that direct photic events may occur in the mammalian pineal gland”.

I think it’s a funny coincidence that the organ that has for thousands of years been called a 3rd eye actually has all of the components needed for a functioning eye.  It is possible that when ancient traditions spoke of a “third eye” that they knew what they were talking about? On top of all of this, the pineal gland is also thought to secrete a chemical known as DMT, which has the nickname of “The Spirit Molecule”.  DMT is believed to be release during dreaming, during spiritual and mystical experiences, and during the time of death.  It a chemical compound that, when ingested, has the most powerful hallucinogenic effects out of any other drug.  The molecule that is speculated to give us all spiritual experience just so happens to be housed in the pineal gland.

French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) emphasized the pineal gland in his writings, calling it the seat of the soul and “The part of the body in which the soul directly exercises its functions.” He contended that this was centre at which the soul and body interacted, and where we receive our messages from the Divine.  Even Jesus says in Matthew 6-22: “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.”, so the idea of there being a spiritual eye is no new idea.

This is not proof that the pineal gland is a spiritual eye seeing into other dimensions, but it is proof that it has the biological potential to be an actual eye.  So now we have a solid scientific evidence to establish that the pineal gland is in fact a third eye, and we can now begin to speculate why it evolved and if it serves any purpose of spiritual significance.

For example, a lot of people who have had out-of-body experiences report a silver cord linking their astral body back to their physical body located either in between the eyes or at the back of the head where the pineal gland would be.  Could it be that our astral body, which exists in our physical body yet has access to higher dimensions, receives literal information from psychic and spiritual realms in the form of photons and images, which then get fired down the silver cord into the visual cortex of the brain where the pineal gland receives this information?  Is the pineal gland a little television for worlds unseen to the biological eye?  With the scientific proof that this gland can function like an eye, we now have these avenues open for speculation.

Unfortunately, the pineal gland can become calcified from heavy metals and fluoride which can restrict its biological function as a producer of melatonin (which regulates sleep cycles) and may also inhibit and psychic or spiritual function it may have.  Here is a video on how to decalcify your pineal gland:



Most are highlighted in the article.

Thanks to David Wilcock’s “The Source Field Investigations

- See more at:

Views: 27

Comment by Besimi on April 4, 2014 at 1:51am

Planet Alert April 2014. . . My, this is an interesting read!!!

This Mahala reading is from Jean Hayne's site...

Planet Alert April 2014. . . My, this is an interesting read!!!

By Admin on behalf of Mahala April 1st, 2014

April is here! What do you suppose will happen with this major cardinal cross that is in our heavens right now? It has already been triggered. We had a huge mud slide in OSO, WA on March 22 shortly after the Sun went into the sign of Aries. OSO is north of Seattle. The news said it was one of the largest natural disaster we have had in our state because of all the people who died in the slide. The official total is 24 but there are 30 people still missing.

The West Coast is still under stress and will be until Saturn moves out of Scorpio in December of 2014. When planets are in either Taurus or Scorpio events happen on the coast. The 6.9 quake that happened last month off the coast of California was another example of the Scorpio energy. Scorpio is a water sign and the quake was in the water. The mud slide was caused by lots of rain in the slide area. From April 20 to May 20 the sun will be in Taurus and this means there could be more Earth changes along the coast.

There have been other major events that have happened recently like the huge oil spill off the coast of Texas. That was another water event that also included oil. Texas is also ruled by Scorpio although it is by latitude instead of longitude. The West Coast is by longitude. Scorpio also rules the Middle East along with Russia, and Mars is over the Ukraine right now.

Vladimir Putin’s sun is on 13 degrees Libra and during the exact cross on April 22, the planet Mars will be on top of his sun. The planet Mars is very powerful, and it can cause a person to become very angry. Pluto, which will be square his sun on 13 degrees Capricorn will give him the desire for more power.  In fact, as the sun goes through Aries it will be opposing his Libra planets. Right now (March 29th) Mars is on top of his Mercury, and this gives him the desire to communicate his ideas and he just called president Obama to discuss ongoing events.  We will see what manifests from that call.

Obama also visited the Pope a few days ago. What did they discuss in their visit? Could it have been something to do with the Vatican Bank? That Bank is run by the Jesuits and they have controlled the world for a long time.

As the sun moves through Aries it will continue triggering the planets in the cardinal cross. On April 8th Mars will be at its closest point to Earth. If you have clear skies at that time you might want to look for that planet. Mars is a very beautiful planet. When a planet is close to Earth it is always very powerful.

Did you know that it says in the Bible that when you see the sign of the son of man in the heavens you will know the time for redemption has arrived? What is the sign of the son of man? Isn’t it a cross? Well look what will be in the heavens on Easter this year, the cross.  And Easter is the celebration of the risen Christ, representing ascension.

Then we will have a total lunar eclipse on April 15th, which is the beginning of the celebration of Passover. This full moon is called a blood moon because the moon will turn red.  We start the Holy week of Easter on April 13th which is Palm Sunday. Then we have the last supper on Thursday April 17th Good Friday on April 18th and Easter on April 20. Passover is very important to the Jewish people and Easter is very important to the Christian people. Some people celebrate Passover for 7 days and some for 8. This means that Passover lasts from April 15 to April 22/23 and there will be a perfect cross in the heavens on April 22.  Uranus will be on 13 degrees Aries, Jupiter 13 degrees Cancer, Mars 13 degrees Libra, and Pluto 13 degrees Capricorn. The moon will trigger this cross on Easter.

Now, let’s talk about the number 13. This is of course the number of the Christ or the Goddess. It is the number of birth, death, and transformation. The April 15th full moon is called the moon of the Christ. Thirteen is the number that rules the United States which was born on July 4, 1776 when the sun was on 13 degrees Cancer.  The star Sirius (Isis) is on 13/14 degrees Cancer. The dollar bill of the United States has the number 13 all over it, and the USA started with 13 states. Jupiter will be on 13 degrees Cancer over Washington the cardinal cross. I remember when Greg Braden said that when we reached 13 hertz and 0 magnetics we would be at the time of the change. We are there.

Mona, a friend of mine, channeled for me the other night and this is what was said “The time-lines have been very chaotic for a long time and just recently they started coming together. They started folding in on themselves the first part of March and this put us in a time warp. It can become peaceful as the time-lines come together if humanity becomes a collective in their thoughts. If that happens, the time-line can counter-act a possible war although war can also be the stimulus to move us into a higher frequency because then people will finally say ‘No more war.’

“Four time-lines are coming together to create a wave that will pull these time-lines into one. This is what has caused the Earth to shift. The solar system will also experience this time-line shift. It will all come together as one. The energy moves in different directions, and then it goes into one. When the time-lines all come together as one this will be called zero magnetics. This will destroy the possibility of war because we will be on a higher frequency and won’t be part of any war. This will be like Divine intervention.  A cosmic wave will take place during Passover. Think in a higher-format. NO FEAR! This time is most crucial and is favorable for a shift in consciousness. No one can stop this change. Let the change occur so peace can reign. This will be a new start for the whole human race.”

It looks like we are about to move into the higher frequency Earth very soon. I don’t know just how this will all work out. I guess time will tell. I do know that this cardinal cross is a real turning point for humanity. It will be the time we move into Unity consciousness and become like one, individual but all part of the whole. I am really excited about this possibility. This is what I have been expecting to happen for many years. I will be very happy to be living on the higher frequency Earth with all the possibilities that will become available to us.

The cardinal cross is the turning point, although the energy from that cross will last for a long time. A lunar eclipse alone is usually in effect for at least six months. We also have a solar eclipse on April 28th. This month will be very powerful so keep your seat belts on as we move through this energy. Chances are there will be one event after another so keep calm as these events happen. Because Washington D.C. is on 13 degrees Cancer I think that something major will happen there at this time. Hopefully it is not a war with Russia. At that time Jupiter will be over Washington D.C.  and Pluto will be over Moscow. This could cause a clash of wills and who knows what might happen. (I just heard that North and South Korea are at their war games again.)

Or it could work out in an entirely different way. Look at what happened to MH 370. Does anyone really know what happened to that plane? There are many theories. Some say the plane was hijacked, others say the pilot or co-polite caused the plane to go down. Others say the plane went into a time warp or had magnetic interference, and still others say they have found the remains of the plane in the Indian Ocean. As far as I know, no one has recovered any parts from the plane yet. Maybe the plane is hiding out on some remote island for various reasons. Something seems very fishy about that whole event.

Check out this video about the Axis shift-I found it very interesting.

Anyway, control your anger as we move through this energy, live in love and be kind to each other. We need to become as one so the time-line can counter-act any war that might occur. Become peaceful within and express your love because love is all there is. And that is how it is.   HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!        So Be It!

I send my love and blessings to everyone!

*****Mahala Gayle*****

Views: 40

Comment by Besimi on April 2, 2014 at 5:44pm

The Light at the End of the tunnel is not an oncoming train        

I will take the blame for that bit of humor - it seemed like the appropriate           time for a bit of levity ... For time is the subject of this final chapter           - that this is not the time of the final days.

I am writing these words in 1995 - the next 5 years will provide an           interesting study in societal paranoia ... If you have been listening           to the future-view of some fundamentalists - you would be expecting           a near future of global-total war, death everywhere, pain everywhere,           not a time to wish someone, "have a happy day!"

Actually, the real source of future-fear is within your grasp - it           is your ten fingers. The fact that you/we have ten fingers, is the reason           humans think in digital/decimal terms.

Have you ever observed how we categorize historical/social events           by decades. We speak of the '80s, the decade of the Yuppies etc. etc.           ? Broader categories are used to designate society/history by each century           ... Common sense tells us that life patterns do not stop/start with           the neatness of decimal counts - but, we still do it. We do it on every           level. The fixation is most noticeable in our attitude toward the simple,           inanimate, odometer. Even while driving in hectic traffic, we sense           a need to share our concentration with the magic moment of emerging           zeroes as a millennium of miles approaches.

Since the days of high antiquity, our ten fingers have made humans           uniquely decimal-oriented creatures. We create a fictitious life-span           odometer to our lives, and concentrate on watching 40 appear as if it           were somehow, literally more critical than 39 or 41 ... I remember the           almost superstitious rituals that my friends merged with my 50th birthday           - the excess of "over-the-hill" gifts and party decorations           .

This primal decimal-thought pattern evolved into a true fixation with           the addition of the Judeo-Christian prophecies ... Thus, modern humans           are beginning to focus on the apocalypse-odometer - watching the ever           approaching moment when those zeroes click over to that ultimate future-fear           number of 2000.

Humanity once had a healthy balance to future-fear. In the 30s &           40s, humanity held a high future-hope for 2000 becoming the Utopia-era           created by advanced technology and science. Decade by decade the utopia           hope has faded away. Now, I honestly believe that hope has replaced           utopia with images of wastelands. The belief in science and technology           has been replaced with blame - and yet, science/technology are just           inanimate tools ... There is still plenty of time to learn to use those           tools correctly - as the first photographs of this planet taken by astronauts,           awakened a planetary perception, a world-view of ecology - I believe,           an even more evolved perception, a Universe-view of life, will be achieved           once existence of our cosmic visitors becomes accepted and understood.         

However, we should not ignore the psychic-effect of hundreds of millions           of people fixating on the mental image of an oncoming apocalypse - and           that has all the dangerous negative psychic momentum of a runaway freight           train ... Then, we have another freight train of negativity oncoming           from another direction - the increasing misinformation and fear campaigns           in regard to contact with cosmic visitors.

The powers-that-be that derive their power from maintaining status           quo are seriously determined to prevent such contact happening on a           positive level ... They have not hidden and covered-up previous evidence           to prevent public panic. Polls and studies have shown that the "public"           has no fear of contact - at this point, the misinformation and fear           campaign has had minimal effect. The real fear has always been within           the souls of those who benefit from maintaining status quo ... History           is repeating itself - from the time the big odometer had just turned           over to 1600. The great Polish astronomer, Nicolas Koppernigk (Copernicus)           had managed to complete his work, and thus die peacefully - but, by           1600, all of his research and writings had been banned. And, as the           odometer clicked over, the astronomer Giordano Bruno was executed for           heresy - and Galileo was beginning to feel the heavy hand of official           pressure on his research, the pressure increased with each decade, severely           limiting his work - all in a determined attempt to delay the future           ... Death and the manipulation of truth was the methodology in 1600,           and now with the approach of 2000, history is repeating itself - first,           an attempt to maintain the belief that the earth was the center of,           and total reason for the universe - now an attempt maintain a belief           that humanity was the total reason for the universe.

In the introduction of this book I referenced a "cosmic Deadline"           - it is a deadline linked to the cosmic odometer - the purpose is to           turn a potential chaos of negativity into a very positive factor ...           A means to evolve humanity's natural decimal fixation into a state of           positive openness for the future. No matter how you translate and relate           to the ancient prophecies - or, just how you well you relate to the           front page news - it is obvious that we are in entry point of major           change. At the same time, there is ample evidence that today's society           is weary of change. Those two factors certainly sound like an incoming           problem - however, remember that as the odometer clicks over to 2000,           there will be an expectation, even an acceptance of, major change. Even           the apocalypse watchers will need some manner of major change - to replace           the intense sense of anti-climax that will happen when they awake to           a future with no Armageddon ... You and I have less than three years           to gather all of the Stargate information - and share the fact that:           Yes, we do have cosmic neighbors, they have helped humankind in the           past, and though contact with us is one aspect of a major, incoming           change - the end and the beginning of an era - the change will be positive.         

If you and I manage to properly share the above message - we can not           only avoid public-apocalypse-panic - for one beautiful moment, change           will be effected at the very moment when the public will be prepared           for it.

Yes, there will be a continuing level of extremes in weather and other           natural calamities - not to mention all those new viruses. Most of which,           we have brought on ourselves, with our lack of environmental values.           To be frank, the one factor I can truly trust our visitors on, is their           concern for major levels of negative energy - which such things as global           war would create - if such would start, I believe they would find a           means to stop it. Yes, there seems to be an increasing level of anger/frustration           - but Andweka perceives that as a double Y backlash against the ending           of the double Y era ... Yes, there are all sorts of prophecies related           to a cleansing, a purification - and would you not agree that current           society could do with a little housecleaning? ... Yes, this is an ending,           but it is also a new beginning - and also a returning - to an era that           all ancient societies remembered as "a golden age" ... Not           an era with streets of gold, as some materialistic cultures envision           - but an age of light, love, and peace - that is the essence of the           final outcome the truly ancient prophecies referred to. After the cleansing,           a new/old and cosmic idea of how life should be...

Nothing ... is so powerful as an idea whose time has come.

- Victor Hugo

Views: 7

Comment by Besimi on April 2, 2014 at 5:42pm

We Are Spiritual Beings Dressed In Bio-Body Suits -  Our Thoughts Are Powerful Enough To Change Physical Reality -  Professor Says - There are scientists who think we have unlimited powers of which we are unaware of.

It is possible to expand traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention to such a degree that we can change what we define as "physical reality"?

Professor William A. Tiller is someone many people would describe as a scientist ahead of his time.

His ideas and theories are intriguing, though-provoking and challenging to the orthodox scientific community. He invites people on a journey beyond traditional science.

Among many things, Professor Tiller is convinced that we can evolve our mind and emotions to such an extent that we actually influence our daily lives in physical reality.

In other words, he suggests that our thoughts can change reality.

He also has a different view on the human body and the nature of consciousness.

Professor Tiller sees humans as spirits dressed in bio-body suits and we enormous powers of which we are unaware. According to Tiller, consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering dense matter.


We have the power to change physcial reality with our thoughts.

William Tiller is a fellow to the American Academy for the Advancement of Science, professor emeritus of Stanford University's Department of Materials Science.

He spent 34 years in academia after nine years as an advisory physicist with the Westinghouse Research Laboratories. He has published over 250 conventional scientific papers, and several patents. In parallel, for over thirty years, he has been avocationally pursuing serious experimental and theoretical study of the field of psychoenergetics which will very likely become an integral part of "tomorrow's" physics.

His work and theories can be studied on his website that contains several whitepapers and interesting videos.

Professor Tiller does not say that classical science is wrong, but he feels it's too limited in its perspective.

For example, our understanding of consciousness limited because our present paradigm that it is all tied to space-time.

"You cannot use space-time as a reference frame for consciousness. You have to expand the reference frames so that you can begin to see what it means and how it interacts with coarse physical reality, "Professor Tiller says.

"To me, consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering dense matter.

How this looks to me is as follows. If we are active in life and doing things-doing things at physical levels, at emotional levels, at mental levels, and at spiritual levels-in so doing, we build infrastructure into this bio body suit of ours at the various levels of being.

When there is infrastructure, new infrastructure, what appears to happen is that spirit enters from a high domain.

A hypothesis: it appears to need infrastructure to attach to, "Professor Tiller explains.

In order to be able to explore our full powers, we must first understand who and what we are. To Professor Tiller we are more than just flesh and blood beings.

"We are all spirits having a physical experience as we ride the river of life together.

Our spiritual parents dressed us in these bio-body suits and put us in this playpen that we call a universe in order to grow in coherence, develop our gifts of intentionality, and become what we intended to become-co-creators with our spiritual parents. I think that is the path we are on.


Consciousness is a byproduct of spirit entering dense matter - Professor Tiller says

This playpen (the Universe) is a classroom where we learn to express our free will, to make choices, to accept the consequences of those choices which participate in the co-creation of our near and far future, and to heal the collateral damage created from those choices.

We are the product of our process and we are built internally and externally by our thoughts, attitudes and actions in this simulator (playpen). We are essentially indestructible in this simulator at a soul level but not at the biobodysuit level but the learning continues via nature's re-embodiment mechanism. We thus come to learn that our present science is very limited in its description of nature and in its current RF for studying nature, "Professor Tiller says.

Professor Tiller makes clear that everyone can with simply means successfully develop his or her powers. In order to influence our physical reality, we must first find a purpose with our life.

"You have to give it meaning in your life. You have to be willing to suspend judgment, go forward, work with it-and see what happens. Be an open-minded individual and learn as much as you can about it and develop yourself inside. Learn meditative techniques. Learn to become inner self-managed and you will find there are other universes within yourself to be explored.

In his book, Psychoenergetic Science Professor Tiller explores the evolution of science and a new variable that changes the way we see reality, consciousness and the world we live in.


"The foundation for psychoenergetics really began in the Soviet Union. People who wanted to do work in that area had to make it seem and sound scientific rather than theological in order to actually have the freedom to pursue it. So, psycho- is, of course, of the psyche, and energy is the energetics. So basically, it dealt with energies of living humans, and therefore made it palatable to their Soviet masters. There were manifestations of great human abilities: levitation, mind reading, precognition, healing, etc., etc., so, " Professor Tiller says.

Psychoenergetic Science involves the expansion of traditional science to include human consciousness and human intention as capable of significantly affecting both the properties of materials (non-living and living) and what we call "physical reality."

Professor Tiller's theories are mind-bolding and he is undoubtedly a scientist who thinks outside the box. Is the world ready for such controversial ideas or is Professor Tiller a scientist ahead of his time?

Professor Tiller's research reminds us of what Buddha said. "All that we are is a result of what we have thought."


Read more:

Views: 16

Comment by Besimi on April 2, 2014 at 4:00am

~The Co Creation of The New Earth Has Begun~ Follow the Signs

Amazing Awakening Sessions - Follow the Signs

~The Co Creation of The New Earth Has Begun~

Attention All Wavers and You Know who You are, ITS THE Moment!

You can Contact Mother God, The Earth Allies and The First Ground Crew Team For More Information. We also Have an Entourage of Beings Now working with us to work with you, such as The Elohim, Kryon, St Germain, and Archangel Michael.

In these Sessions we will be giving you information for the next steps and We will be assisting you in Preparing and giving you the tools to Walk Home into 5th Dimensional Frequencies to Begin Living and Being Love Everywhere Present.

We will Represent the New Paradigm and be the Examples of Living Love On Planet Earth=Heart. The Co Creation of Heaven On Earth Has Begun! Be Present and Follow the Signs Home, You will Be guided.

MotherGod and The First Contact Ground Crew Team  hosts

Awakening Sessions for anybody who requests one.

Participating in an Awakening Session will accelerate your process in achieving full consciousness and bring you more into the Oneness Energy. You will experience a greater connection to Your Family and feel the LOVE even more than you do now.

Donations are requested to pay the energy exchange forward but are not required for these sessions.


Through these Sessions, We Can Assist You In Multi-Dimensional Ways. Here are just a few things we offer in our sessions: Balancing Vibrational Frequencies, Assistance through the Ascension Process, Clearing Blocks, Inner Balance, and Chakra Alignments. WE Assist in connecting you with your Angelic Teams and helping you remember your Part of the Divine Mission. WE assist you into Full Consciousness, Heaven Consciousness, Connection to The God Within, Conscious Awareness, Joy and Happiness. We will Also Assist you In Being Present in the Moment of Now, so that you can get to the Experience of the Magic Of Creation. Each Session is Based on the Uniqueness of the individual, since each being is Unique. We are Highly Trained in Human Consciousness, and give you tools to help yourself and others.

With the Highest Love, Honor and Respect! We Love YOU

Currently All Wavers are Making their way to The Unity Grid to Begin the Co~ Creation of the New Earth

We Are Truly All ONE and Will Be Co Creating The New Earth In Absolute LOVE! The New Paradigm Begins!

Here We GO!

Contact Us At this Email

Website for More Information First Contact Ground Crew Team

Views: 24

Comment by Besimi on April 2, 2014 at 3:58am

David has frequently referenced this Classic American Sci-Fi Movie from John Carpenter...released in 1988. I tried to post this under videos, but Youtube disabled The Full-Length movie for "Copyright Infringement"...and this link did not work when I tried to import it here to ET's.ning under Videos!...So here is this classic movie, (which I have never seen in entirety, myself)...It's claimed by David that this movie was entirely a Correct Prophecy of what We are Now All Facing, Planet wide.

P.S.,...If Any of You Out there is Successfully able to Import this Movie into Videos...Be My Guest!!!...And a Happy "April-Fools' Day!"...and Blessings to All!!!

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