Drinking in the Sweetness of Divine LoveArchangel GabrielThrough Shanta Gabrielhttps://rayviolet.blogspot.com/2022/07/drinking-in-sweetness-of-divine-love.htmlAsk to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love
This is one of my favorite Gabriel Messages. It describes the beautiful experience of receiving Divine Light and allowing the power of Divine Intelligence and Love to permeate your energy system.
When we are willing to ask for the blessing of Divine Light, our hearts can become an open vessel to receive. This willingness is a huge step in our evolution, especially when life seems so difficult to understand in these fast-changing times.
When I was in a dark time a number of years ago, one of my teachers told me that confusion was a great gift because it leads to Clarity. That was difficult to hear, but when I allowed myself to just be willing to receive, it felt like doors in my mind opened to the awareness that was lurking behind the clouds of confusion.
The next step is to give ourselves the space and time we need to allow this experience into our being. Creating a Sacred Space in our home is a brilliant activity for our spiritual practice, as it creates a container to hold all your deepest, heartfelt intentions. This space becomes a sanctuary for me when I need to remember what I truly want to experience in my life...+
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