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Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID Jab Death Count ‘Is Worse Than a War’

Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID Jab Death Count ‘Is Worse Than a War’


Posted April 11, 2022



Epidemiologist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough warned that the total deaths resulting from the COVID injection could be higher than the fallout from some wars.

Speaking at the OPTIMIST (Offering Preventive Therapeutic Interventional Medicines ... Bahamas COVID-19 Town Hall last week, McCullough explained how new scientific papers are coming out showing the U.S. death count from the jabs could be much higher than the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) has documented.

“[A paper] concluded that the upper bound of a confidence interval for death could be as high as 187,000 Americans losing their life after vaccination. It could be that bad,” McCullough said.

Citing the VAERS data, McCullough explained how severe adverse reactions originated in many parts and organs of the human body where the COVID vaccine particles were found.

“I can tell you looking at this VAERS report with 12,000 Americans who have died, voluntarily after taking an injection the COVID-19 vaccine is worse than a war. It’s worse than most wars,” he said, adding that “86% of the time the report is made by a doctor, a nurse, or a healthcare professional who thinks the vaccine caused the problem.”


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