Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Divine Unions Complete, Our Dreams Become Reality

Divine Unions Complete, Our Dreams Become Reality
By Ramona Lappin
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All remaining black magic, spells, curses, hexes, karmic connections, and all interference patterns that have been trying to prevent Divine Unions from happening, have been fully cleared and dissolved now!! Allow this to fully lift from your and the Collective field.

This is allowing for DIVINE JUSTICE to be served now & all part of our Global and Cosmic Debt Forgiveness!

As Forgiveness sets everyONE FREE!

This process is much interconnected with, and supported by, the re-unification of the Original Twinflames and 13 Original Tribes. As they come to reconciliation and UNIFY again AS ONE TRIBE, our Cosmic Re-Union fully unfolds, as it is the macro of the micro playing out, reflected through our own inner Monadic merging and integration process, UNIFYing ALL of our multi-dimensional aspects INTO ONE CONSCIOUSNESS body.

Divine inner Unions have now completed for the Forerunners, as they have freed themselves of all black magic spells, interference patterns and karmic connections that were trying to prevent them from happening and completing. All that has kept them separate and fragmented, unable to open....+

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