Saviors Of Earth

The Unification Epicenter of True Lightworkers

Divine Love Trance-Ends All Illusions By Ramona Lappin

Divine Love Trance-Ends All Illusions
By Ramona Lappin

Divine Love is Healing all of our remaining wounds and traumas now. Most importantly the wound of feeling separate from ONE another and God-Source, our original wound.

If we wish to unify, to come to Divine Union Within and One another, we have to unify ALL aspects of The One, of us, WITHIN US. EveryOne and everything can help us do this.

Whenever we feel triggered we are given an opportunity to integrate that aspect that has stirred judgement/ opinion/ anger/ frustration/ rejection/ resistance etc within us. It is pointing us towards a fractal of the collective consciousness that we are always atOne with, yet that we are feeling separate from and that still requires integration, which could be seen as a healing, yet it is as simple as a change in perception. After all, it isn’t time that heals but us viewing things differently, from a higher Consciousness perspective and insight. As we deepen into ever greater levels of....+@
Divine Love Trance-Ends All Illusions

Seeking truth to be Free!

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